Grammarly vs Jasper: Which Writing Software Is Better?

Grammarly vs Jasper – Which writing tool is worth investing your time and money in? Let’s find out!

Grammarly and Jasper are staples in the copywriting and content-writing communities. But if you could only choose one, which should you pick?

Grammarly is a writing assistant, designed to help anyone edit their work and write confidently. Jasper is an AI writer that generates content for writers, marketers, and business owners. They each support different use cases.

Below, I’ll compare Grammarly vs Jasper by looking at their standout features and unique selling points. After reading this article, you’ll know what tool suits you best based on your writing needs.

Product NameAvailabilityPricingUse For Features
GrammarlyMac, iOS, Windows, Android, and Grammarly desktop app users.$29.95 per month, $59.95 every three months, or $139 per year.Those who’re looking for a writing assistant and plagiarism checker in one.Tone recognition, team analytics, and vocabulary enhancement.Try Now
JasperMac, iOS, Windows, and Android users.Starter Plan costs $49 per month andBoss Mode costs $99 per month.Writers and businesses looking to produce copy from scratch with little effort.50+ templates, compatibility with 26 languages, and Grammarly integration.Try Now
Best AI writing assistant
From $12 Per Month

We tested dozens of grammar checkers, and Grammarly is the best tool on the market today. It'll help you write and edit your work much faster. Grammarly provides a powerful AI writing assistant and plagiarism checker.

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What Are Grammarly and Jasper?

Grammarly and Jasper are two very different tools that are equally as important for writers. In a nutshell, Grammarly is a grammar checker, and Jasper is an AI writing tool.

Grammarly is a grammar checker and plagiarism checker. It helps you write and edit quickly and easily. You can copy and paste your work into the web, desktop, or mobile app, and Grammarly’s AI will spot mistakes. Read our Grammarly review to learn more.

On the flip side, Jasper is an AI writer and art generator that creates blog posts, marketing copy, catchy headlines, and AI-generated images.

What Grammarly and Jasper Have In Common

Grammarly checks your writing for errors while Jasper produces content. So you’d think that there are no similarities between these platforms.

However, when I started using Jasper a few months ago, the first thing I noticed was how easy it is to use. It reminded me of the Grammarly interface because the interactive tutorial showed me everything I needed. I was up and running within 15 minutes.

After testing countless writing and marketing tools, I feel like Grammarly and Jasper are among the few that integrate into your work process easily. Most platforms have learning curves, and the tutorials are incomplete, so you have to do research yourself.

Grammarly Vs. Jasper: The Differences

Grammarly will help you save time editing and improve the quality of your work, while Jasper produces content from scratch, helping you overcome writer’s block.

Before I used Grammarly, I thought my articles were error-free, but when I published them, many readers commented about the apparent writing issues. This is because our brains don’t read individual words. Instead, they’ll fill in the blanks and fix mistakes without us even realizing it.

So I signed up for a Grammarly account and immediately noticed the difference. The AI spotted errors that I would overlook even after several revisions.

But what’s all the hype around Jasper? In a nutshell, Jasper is an AI writer that produces various types of content, such as:

  • Blog introductions
  • Business names
  • Email subject lines
  • Ad headlines
  • Short stories 

If you’re in a creative rut and struggling to get ideas, generate an output with Jasper. It won’t be ready to publish just yet, but it’ll get your creative juices flowing.

What’s Better About Grammarly

Here are a few benefits of using Grammarly that stood out to me:

  • Grammarly is more accurate
  • Grammarly has generous word limitations

Grammarly Is More Accurate

Grammarly is one of the most accurate writing assistants I’ve tried. It spots issues most tools don’t, like structure, style, readability, writing voice, and plagiarism problems.

On the other hand, while AI writing has significantly improved over the last few years, it’s still prone to mistakes.

Grammarly Has Generous Word Limitations

The issue with Jasper is that if you don’t use all your words this month, you’ll lose them. Jasper won’t carry your words over to the next month. 

I’d like Jasper to change this because if business is slow, I want to save up words so I can use them when business is booming again. 

Luckily, I can scan as much work as I want using Grammarly because the word limits are quite generous. You can scan up to 300 documents or 150,000 words within a 30 day timeframe. You’re also limited to 50,000 words or 100 documents within 24 hours, however, most users rarely reach this limit.

What’s Better About Jasper?

As detailed in our Jasper review, this aI writing too also offers a host of benefits that’ll empower content creators:

  • Jasper is available in multiple languages
  • Jasper generates quality writing 

Jasper Is Available In Multiple Languages

Grammarly’s main drawback is that it’s only available in English. So if you’re writing in other languages, I suggest avoiding it and opting for a grammar checker like Microsoft Editor, as it’ll check your work in languages such as:

  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Dutch

To learn more about Microsoft Editor, read our detailed Grammarly vs Microsoft comparison.

Jasper Generates Quality Writing

I find that Jasper is better for anyone looking to create compelling writing from scratch. Jasper has templates for visual art, landing pages, YouTube video scripts, headlines, and more! 

So, for example, if you sell an online course but you’re struggling to generate marketing copy, type a short description of your course into Jasper and it’ll produce outputs.

Grammarly vs Jasper
If you sell an online course, but you’re struggling to generate marketing copy, type a short description of your course into Jasper and it’ll produce outputs

Take a look at this output. I wouldn’t say it’s perfect, but after some edits, it’ll attract the attention of anyone looking to get better at writing.

Or, if you’re writing a product description, select the product description template on your Jasper dashboard, enter a short description of the item you’re selling, and Jasper will provide suggestions such as this.

Jasper’s product description template
Jasper will provide suggestions if you’re writing a product description enter a short description of the item you’re selling

I also like that Jasper creates content for video creators. So if you’re recording a video and you don’t know how to title it, use Jasper’s video title template. Just tell Jasper what your video is about and the keyword you want to rank for and Jasper will come up with eye-catching headlines.

Jasper’s video title template
Jasper will come up with eye-catching headlines if you’re recording a video and you don’t know how to title it

Who Should Get Grammarly (And Why)?

Grammarly is writing assistant software designed to help users create better articles, marketing ads, and novels. 

For example, when you paste your work into Grammarly, the AI will check for basic writing errors, readability, and style problems. This is why I believe Grammarly can benefit the lives of:

  • Writers 
  • Authors
  • Blogger


Grammarly is a must for every writer because it’ll streamline your writing and editing process. Before using Grammarly, I always found spelling and grammar errors in my content, even though I spent hours proofreading.

Grammarly for writers
Grammarly is a must for every writer because it’ll streamline your writing and editing process

Now, I can paste my copy into the web app, which will spot most of my mistakes. Sure, it’s not perfect, and I still have to go through my work thoroughly, but it’s a good start. From here, I can focus on readability and style issues.


Most authors will send a first draft to their editors, who will spend most of their time fixing minor mistakes such as typos and overused words. This takes emphasis away from plot holes and character inconsistencies.

So run your first draft through a writing assistant tool like Grammarly. It’ll fix most fundamental errors, giving your editors more time to flag advanced problems.


Grammarly improved my blog posts by spotting overused words. For example, at the beginning of my career, I always started sentences with “You can,” but I never noticed it.

When I pasted my content into Grammarly, they told me to spice up the way I begin sentences. After I became aware of these overused words, I added some variety to my work.

Who Should Get Jasper (And Why)?

Jasper is an AI writer and content generator. When you paste a short product description into Jasper, the AI will generate an output for various content formats like articles, social media posts, cold emails, and visual art.

So if you fall into any one of the following professions, I’d suggest giving Jasper a shot:

  • Marketers who need support creating content
  • Small business owners who dislike writing
  • Writers looking to produce images for articles


Jasper can help online marketers several different ways, It’s particularly useful for those who struggle with copywriting. It offers templates for different types of marketing messages, such as:

Jasper for Marketers
Jasper can help online marketers to create different types of marketing messages

It won’t be perfect, and you’ll have to make revisions, but it’s an excellent way to brainstorm ad ideas.

Small Business Owners

Hiring a good copywriter is expensive. So if you’re a small business owner and can’t afford to pay copywriters to write ads, opt for Jasper. 

The Starter Plan only costs $49 per month, and you can produce up to 35,000 words. Compare this to the hundreds, if not thousands of dollars you’ll spend on copywriters.

It also writes in 26 languages including Spanish, French, Portuguese, Japanese, and German. So it doesn’t matter if you’re running international ad campaigns, Jasper has you covered.

Content Creators Who Need Images For Articles

Although Jasper is known for being an AI writer, it’s also introducing an art image feature, allowing you to create custom artwork of almost anything you can imagine.

Jasper for content creators who need images for articles
Jasper is also introducing an art image feature

This is useful for writers because you can create images for articles and social media ads within seconds.

The way it works is straightforward: Sign up for an account, and once you’re on the dashboard, click the “Art” icon. Write a short description of the picture you want, and Jasper uses its AI design skills to generate unique artwork.

My Testing Criteria

When comparing Grammarly and Jasper, I used these criteria to decide which is best for writers:

  • Ease of use
  • Accuracy
  • Pricing
  • Features

Grammarly and Jasper comfortably meet these criteria except for affordable pricing. They are super easy to use, accurate and offer endless features. However, they are costly, especially as a freelancer or small business owner.

Why You Can Trust Me

Over the last four years, I’ve used and tested almost every writing tool, from AI writers to grammar editors and SEO optimization software. I don’t use the majority of these tools anymore, but Grammarly and Jasper stuck with me.

Grammarly and Jasper are must-have tools for writers, as one accurately checks your work for errors, and the other helps you overcome writer’s block within a few seconds.

Final Thoughts On Grammarly Vs. Jasper

In short, Grammarly helps you check your writing for errors while Jasper produces quality content from scratch. This is why I suggest signing up for both; they streamline different parts of the writing process.

But if you can only sign up for one and you find that editing is your weakness, opt for Grammarly. If you can comfortably spot writing errors. If you need help writing content for your site or business, Jasper is a useful if pricey AI content generation tool.


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