101+ Palindrome Words, Sentences, And Phrases To Check Out

Do you want to have a little fun with the English language? Check out these fun palindrome words.

In English, several words are spelled the same, backward and forward. These fun little words are called palindromes. Though palindrome words don’t impact English grammar, they are pretty fun to play around with. If you use them well, you can even make complete sentences that are palindromes.

So have some fun with your English writing, and study these common palindromes.

What Are Palindrome Words?

Palindrome words sentences and phrases
“Palindrome” comes from the Greek “palindromes,” meaning “running back again”

The word palindrome comes from the Greek word palindromes, which means “running back again.” The word further breaks down into “palin”, which means back, again, and dramein, which means running. This origin makes sense since these words read the same backward and forward. Regardless of where the word came from, if you find a word that has the same spelling from front to back and vice versa.

Palindrome Words List

When you become comfortable with palindromes, you can have a lot of fun with wordplay creating sentences and riddles that incorporate some of these. Without further ado, here is a list of palindrome words.

  1. Abba
  2. Aibohphobia
  3. Bib
  4. Bob
  5. Civic
  6. Deified
  7. Detartrated
  8. Dewed
  9. Eve
  10. Hannah
  11. Kayak
  12. Level
  13. Madam
  14. Malayalam
  15. Minim
  16. Mom
  17. Murdrum
  18. Noon
  19. Nun
  20. Otto
  21. Peep
  22. Pop
  23. Racecar
  24. Radar
  25. Redder
  26. Refer
  27. Repaper
  28. Rotator
  29. Rotavator
  30. Sagas
  31. Sis
  32. Solos
  33. Stats
  34. Tattarrattat
  35. Tenet
  36. Wow
  37. Aha
  38. Ava
  39. Dad
  40. Did
  41. Eke
  42. Ewe
  43. Eye
  44. Gag
  45. Gig
  46. Pip
  47. Pup
  48. Reviver
  49. Sees
  50. Sexes
  51. Succus
  52. Deed
  53. Adda
  54. Ada
  55. Ama
  56. Ana
  57. Lil
  58. Tit
  59. Tot
  60. Tut
  61. Mum
  62. Dud
  63. Tat
  64. Waw
  65. Yay
  66. Pap
  67. Did

Palindrome Sentences and Phrases

Not only can a palindrome show up as a single word, but if you’re careful, you can create a full sentence or a phrase that is a palindrome. Here are some examples:

68. Taco cat

69. Never odd or even

70. Madam, I’m Adam

71. Mr. Owl ate my metal worm.

72. Was it a car or a cat I saw?

73. Murder for a jar of red rum.

74. Go hang a salami, I’m a lasagna hog.

75. Do geese see God?

76. Evil olive

77. Amore, Roma

78. A man, a plan, a canal: Panama

79. My gym

80. No lemon, no melon

81. Top spot

82. Sit on a potato pan, Otis!

83. Ah. Satan sees Natasha.

84. Cigar? Toss it in a can. It is so tragic.

85. Did Hannah See bees? Hanna did.

86. You, banana boy!

87. Borrow, or rob?

88. Eva, can I see bees in a cave?

89. Poor Dan is in a droop.

90. Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo.

91. Step on no pets.

92. Able was I ere I saw Elba.

93. Sir, I demand, I am a maid named Iris.

94. We panic in a pew.

95. Won’t lovers revolt now?

96. Don’t nod.

97. Ma has a ham.

98. Was it Eliot’s toilet I saw?

99. Egad! No bondage?

100. Drab as a fool, aloof as a bard.

101. Won’t lovers revolt now?

A Final Word on Palindrome Words

Palindromes are fun words to play with. Palindromic phrases are often humorous in their near-nonsense but their interesting use of words and letters. If you want to make your writing more interesting or give yourself an upper hand at riddles, then study these palindrome examples. Having some palindrome words in your back pocket will prepare you for your next trivia night or writing challenge.

Want more lists like this one? Check out our guide to transition words for essays.

If you need help with English grammar, using a grammar checker like Grammarly is a good idea. It provides context behind grammar errors like errant clauses! If you’d like to do that, claim our Grammarly coupon.

FAQs About Palindrome Words

What is the longest palindrome?  

Coined by James Joyce in his 1922 Ulysses, this palindrome gives the imitation of a knock on the door. The Oxford English Dictionary says that the onomatopoeic word is the longest English language palindrome. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the longest palindrome in the world is saippuakivikauppias, a Finnish word that means a dealer in lye or a soapstone vendor.

What is a fear of palindromes called?

The fear of palindromes is the word Aibohphobia, which is, surprisingly, a palindrome itself.
