44 Best Websites to Get Paid to Write a Blog Post 2024

You can get paid to write a blog post if you know where to submit them. Check out our list of the best places to get paid to write blog posts in 2024.

Content drives the internet, which is mostly found on blogs. In order to continue earning income, blogs often rely on guest posts to gain traffic. Guest writers can provide in-depth, high-quality writing to the blog, and the blog owner pays them for that content. The influencer or blog owner then uses their web design and content marketing knowledge to drive the blog’s traffic. People looking for how to get paid to write articles can take advantage of this market.

Writing blog posts can be an excellent way to make money online. Some people use it as a side hustle, while others turn blogging into a full-time income. You only need writing skills, a PayPal account, and a few sites to write for to get started. This list will help you find places to get paid to write blog posts so you can start your income-generating writing work.

How To Make Money Writing Blog Posts in 2024

1. Funds for Writers

Funds for Writers
Funds for Writers web page

Funds for Writers allows freelance bloggers to submit posts between 550 and 650 words on money writing. The site pays $75 for unpublished, original blogs. The site particularly likes step-by-step how-to-type articles. In addition, it has a section of grants for writers that can help you fund your freelance career. This site has won multiple awards for the services it provides to writers.

2. A Fine Parent

A Fine Parent
A Fine Parent web page

A Fine Parent accepts parenting blogs from freelance writers from time to time, though when their editing queue gets full, they will occasionally stop taking submissions. If you have some practical tips about parenting, you can join the successful bloggers on this site. Personal stories are also accepted. Pay is $75 for accepted articles of 1,500 to 3,000 words. Though this is low pay, if you have parenting experience, these should be fast to write.

3. Carve Magazine

Carve Magazine
Carve Magazine web page

Carve Magazine looks for bloggers who can write fiction stories. They pay $100 for stories they accept. This can be a great way to move from blogging and copywriting into fiction writing without sitting down and writing an entire book. The site also occasionally accepts poetry and non-fiction blog posts, but fiction is the primary focus. They have been published since 2001, so this is an established page.

4. WordCandy

WordCandy web page

WordCandy pays 7 cents per word to its freelance writers and bloggers. WordCandy prefers writers with WordPress experience. These freelance positions also can move into full-time work, depending on the writer’s success. WordCandy prefers writers with WordPress experience. To write for Word Candy, you must fill out an application. If you are accepted, you can start writing and earning.

5. RankPay

RankPay web page

If you’ve been writing online for any length of time, you probably already know about SEO content and social media marketing. If so, you can blog for RankPay, which pays $50 a piece. RankPay is a digital marketing and SEO firm, but they need content to fill out their blog content. This site wants unique and actionable content and over 1,000 words. They pay $50 apiece.

6. Listverse

Listverse web page

Listicle-style articles are highly popular, and Listverse will pay writers to create them. You will need to ensure the topic is not already covered on the blog, but a feature article on this site will pay $100. Get creative, and make a list-themed blog to post on the page. The most popular blogs are those on offbeat topics that haven’t already been covered, and you’ll have a better chance of getting accepted if you find something unique to write on.

7. Money Crashers

Money Crashers
Money Crashers web page

If you can write about money, you can write for Money Crashers. They have an undisclosed base rate. They pay for articles on topics like debt, credit, retirement planning, and investing. Bloggers must apply to write for them; if accepted, they can write a freelance contract. The site requires some certification or expertise in the financial topic you wish to write about, but it could be a good opportunity if you have some finance experience.

8. Make a Living Writing

Make a Living Writing
Make a Living Writing web page.

If you’ve learned how to make a living writing, then write for Make a Living Writing. They pay $75 to $150 for articles on all things freelancing, from blogging to fiction writing. If your guest post teaches people how to monetize their writing skills, then the blog site will likely pay you for the piece. If you have been freelancing for a long time, you likely have some knowledge to tap into for this blog.

9. Reader’s Digest

Reader’s Digest
Reader’s Digest web page

Reader’s Digest is still around and is now an online magazine instead as well as a print magazine. Imagine a freelance writing job that pays $1 a word – if you want to get paid to write short stories, send your personal story to Reader’s Digest, that’s exactly what you will get paid for. This well-known magazine pays $100 for personal, inspirational stories of 100 words or less for their website.

10. Upwork

Upwork web page

Upwork does not take paid bloggers, but it is a job board that regularly has freelance writing jobs, including blogging. If you are looking for a particular niche area to write in, this can be a great place to find a blog owner looking for a writer. They also have an affiliate program that you can use to make money on your own blog site through affiliate links.

11. Doctor of Credit

Doctor of Credit
Doctor of Credit web page

Doctor of Credit accepts blogs on financial topics. This blog is particularly interested in writing on credit cards and scores and free ways to make money. Some personal finance topics are also available, and the site pays $50 per post of over 600 words. You will have to write on spec piece and pay is not guaranteed for your article, so submit a good sample.

12. Money Pantry

Money Pantry
Money Pantry web page

Another site that pays for articles on money, Money Pantry, has a higher rate. You’ll receive up to $150 for articles on earning or saving money. You could turn them into cash here if you have great couponing ideas. The site prefers articles in the 1,000 to 2,000-word count range.

13. We Are Teachers

We Are Teachers
We Are Teachers web page

If you’re a teacher, you can potentially write blogs for We Are Teachers. This blog is specifically looking for inspiring stories from real-life teachers. They also accept practical advice pieces and listicles. They will pay $100 for 500 to 700 word articles for their blog. Grab your funny stories from the classroom, type them up, and get paid! 

14. Motherly

Motherly web page

If you can write on parenting topics, you may be able to get paid for your blog posts on Motherly. This blog requires two free blog posts before you start getting paid, but then they pay $50 per piece. If you are willing to write two for free and have a lot of ideas on mothering topics, this could be a lucrative side gig. 

15. Serious Eats at Medium

Serious Eats at Medium
Serious Eats web page

Medium is an online publishing platform where anyone can post, so it’s an ideal way for a beginning blogger to create a portfolio of published work. Serious Eats is a members-only section of Medium dedicated to all things food. Personal essays, food history write-ups, and articles about food science and technique are always in demand. Bloggers submit articles of 800-2000 words. If chosen for publication, contributors earn $100 via PayPal per article.

16. Copyhackers

Copyhackers web page

Copyhackers lets you write articles about copywriting and blogging. They require writers to submit a topic, and they claim to accept about 1 in 30 pitches. They pay quite well for accepted posts, between $300 and $1,000, so it is worthwhile to consider pitching here. Make sure you have an attention-grabbing headline for your pitch, as this is something they indicate is important to their publication. 

17. Travel + Leisure

Travel + Leisure
Travel + Leisure web page

Travel + Leisure is one of the best-known names in travel. They publish articles on destinations all around the world, with a focus on exotic or lesser-known destinations. This online magazine takes article pitches on all things related to travel. This blog is looking for pieces with a fresh take on travel. You must pitch your idea before writing, but you could earn up to $1 per word if the pitch is accepted.

18. Guideposts

Guideposts web page

Guideposts accept pieces that talk about people who have reached a specific goal. The pay is around $250 for pieces of around 1,500 words. Be sure to read the website to get a feel for the type of story they accept. Remember that this is a Christian magazine, so you must write with a religious audience in mind.

19. IncomeDiary

IncomeDiary web page

Suppose you want to get paid to write about web hosting, website design, SEO, content creation, digital marketing, or working as an entrepreneur. In that case, you may be able to submit it to IncomeDiary. This site pays between $150 and $300 for accepted blogs, and they require you to submit a pitch. You can also subscribe to the site to learn about paid options when they become available. 

20. Medium

Medium web page

If you want to make money blogging on your topics, check out Medium. This platform is free to join and allows you to write on any topic you want. While this isn’t a high-paying site, it does give you a chance to make something writing on what you like. This could be particularly useful for new writers looking to build a portfolio of published work.

21. Site Point

Site Point
Site Point web page

Site Point is a website that creates content for website developers. If you can write on tech topics like HTML, Sass, CSS, and developer tools, you can make $150 per article. Tutorials, which have a demo or a download link to more information, pay $200 apiece. This is a valuable site if you have the proper knowledge, but you must apply to be one of their writers.

22. PXL Eyes

PXL Eyes
PXL Eyes web page

If you can write on photography or graphics, you might be able to blog for PXL Eyes. This site discusses art and graphics, and they pay up to $200 for tutorials once they are published. You can also link to your blog or personal website to gain traffic to that as well. Combine your art knowledge with your writing knowledge to make income here.

23. Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean
Digital Ocean web page

Digital Ocean is packed with tutorials about open-source software, such as Linux, and programming and coding tutorials. They pay up to $200 per published blog post and focus primarily on tutorials. If you know how to write on these topics, you can make a good amount through this platform.

24. Elite Personal Finance

Elite Personal Finance
Elite Personal Finance web page

Elite Personal Finance is a trustworthy resource for topics related to finance. You can write about business, how to make money online, how to save money, and similar topics for this site. They pay $300 per post of 1,000 words or more. They have a large content budget, which increases the chances of publishing a high-quality blog post.

25. Women on Writing

Women on Writing
Women on Writing web page

Women on Writing is a long-standing blog focusing on getting paid to write. If you’re a freelance writer, you’re already qualified to write for this site. They regularly publish themes and topics they want people to write on, and you can submit a query to write on that topic. If accepted, you will receive between $50 and $150 for your piece on publication.

26. Cracked

Cracked web page

Cracked pays up to $200 for articles. You will need to get a grasp of their writing style, which is humorous with quite a bit of sarcasm. This site is unique in that they pay more for publishing additional articles, so the more you write for them, the higher your pay range will be. In addition, you’ll get $50 if you end up as one of their monthly featured articles.

27. B Michelle Pippin

B Michelle Pippin
B Michelle Pippin web page

B Michelle Pippin has a site dedicated to women who run small businesses. They focus on helping them make profits in their businesses. If you are an expert in your field or business or can write on career-related topics, you can earn between $50 and $150 for your article. Send a query first to get started.

28. International Living

International Living
International Living web page

International Living is an online publication encouraging people to chase their dream life overseas. They love how-to blog posts, listicles, itineraries, and pieces on travel tips and hacks. They pay 10 cents per word, and they also pay for video features. You will have to pitch your idea to the site before writing.

29. Long Reads

Long Reads
Long Reads web page

Long Reads takes personal essays, blog posts, interviews, and research-based writing. This site has been around since 2009, which means it’s an established, trusted site. You can earn from $250 to over $500 per piece, but this one does require you to pitch your idea before writing. Pieces written in a storytelling style are best for this site.

30. Writer’s Weekly

Writer's Weekly
Writers Weekly web page

Writer’s Weekly takes pieces on writing for corporations and book marketing ideas. They pay $60 for original articles of 600 words or more. You must submit a query and follow their writer’s guidelines to get paid on this site. You can also publish reprints of articles you have previously published. The site pays $30 for those.

31. Bible Advocate

Bible Advocate
Bible Advocate web page

Bible Advocate is a bog that writes on Christian topics. They also accept posts on how to write good articles. This is not a high-paying site, with $25 per page or $20 for poems and filler pieces, but if this is a topic of interest to you, it can be a fun place to write.

32. Communication Arts

Communication Arts
Communication Arts web page

Communication Arts is an online magazine about photography, advertising, and illustrations. They also take editorial pieces on social issues facing the communication arts world. They do not publish their pay rate but claim to have a competitive rate.

33. Fiverr

Fiverr web page

On Fiverr, buyers and sellers of different services can find one another. Countless online businesses post their freelance writing and content marketing needs on Fiverr. The pay is usually marginal, and the competition can be fierce, but if you are brand new to writing blogs, Fiverr is an excellent place to find your first writing gigs and make money blogging. At the same time, you develop a portfolio of work.

34. Craigslist

Craigslist web page

Craigslist might seem so 20 years ago, but it isn’t just a place to sell your boat or find a dining room table. Mainly if you live in a big city, Craigslist can offer beginners a way to find writing gigs from small businesses and entrepreneurs who need help from a professional writer. These gigs can be pretty lucrative because small businesses often need assistance with various writing tasks, from blogging to FAQs and case studies for their websites. Be on the lookout for scams, and don’t share personal information.

35. Writer Access

Writer Access
Writer Access web page

Once you’ve published a few posts through sites like ListVerse or Upwork, you can graduate to platforms that match freelance writers with companies that need their content marketing expertise. When applying for Writer Access, you’ll submit samples and complete a writing assessment.

Once accepted, WriterAccess will match you with businesses that need your digital marketing skills, and they will handle all of your billing in exchange for a small percentage of your earnings. This site also has many tools, tutorials, and online courses to help you grow your writing skills. WriterAccess pays based on skill level and expertise, and earnings are distributed bi-monthly through PayPal.

36. ProBlogger

Pro Blogger
ProBlogger web page

ProBlogger offers informative articles, tutorials, and forums for freelance writers who want to create and make money from their blogs. For writers, a personal blog functions as an online portfolio and can generate revenue. Patience is key because monetizing a new blog takes time and hard work.

Consider purchasing a unique domain name from a web hosting company to get started. Then, build your blog on a blogging site like WordPress using their helpful plugins and web design templates. Drive traffic by optimizing your site for search engines and promoting it on social media. 

Once you have established subscribers, you can join affiliate marketing programs with Amazon or Google Adsense. Affiliate programs can be a lucrative side hustle that generates a steady passive income. Additionally, many people make money blogging by offering their products, such as apps, ebooks, courses, and printable goods. ProBlogger also posts job listings from companies looking to hire bloggers. You will need to create an account to apply for writing gigs.

37. Freelance Writing

Freelace Writing
Freelance Writing web page

Freelance Writing has been pairing writers with companies who need their talents for nearly 25 years. As a result, they offer a wide variety of blogging opportunities for beginners and experts. What shines about this site is the advanced search tool. You can get specific with your search terms and narrow blog topics to only those that interest you. An essential part of developing a successful online writing career is choosing a niche that suits your knowledge and skills. Being able to search for jobs that are specific to your niche can be a real time saver.

38. Contently

Contently web page

This site differs from other freelance writing platforms because members do not pitch writing jobs directly. Instead, the Contently team scours writers’ portfolios and matches them with appropriate clients. This means you’ll need an existing portfolio of blog posts to showcase your skillset, so it’s not ideal for beginners. The upside is that once you have some experience, you can negotiate your rates and make a living writing for an impressive client list.

39. Constant Content

Constant Content
Constant Content web page

Constant Content is considered a “mixed marketplace,” meaning writers look for clients, while clients look for writers who fit their content marketing needs. Once you’ve built a portfolio, Constant Content can help you develop relationships with high-profile clients and make money blogging. Another benefit of Constant Content is that they will purchase high-quality articles directly from writers.

40. Layout

Layout web page

Layout is an online publication discussing the latest tech trends, entrepreneurship, design, coding, and more! They are looking for writers who can write articles in the style of tutorials, guides & best practices, and opinion/think pieces. Pitches can be submitted to the editor by email at [email protected]. More information on stylistic guidelines can be found on their website.

41. Indeni Ltd

Indeni Ltd
Indeni web page

Indeni is an excellent website if you want to be paid to write blog articles on technical topics. This website looks for writers with experience in AWS, Azure, or Terraform for collaboration purposes. Writing for a site like Indeni can be a great way to build your portfolio of published work as a freelance writer. They pay $25 for an article outline and $75 for the final content. 

42. Income Diary

Income Diary
Income Diary web page

Income Diary is an online publication that shares information about making money online. They are actively looking for expert writers with SEO knowledge to write articles about creating websites, driving traffic, content creation, entrepreneurship, or any other tips and tricks for making money online. They pay between $150 – $300 per article depending on the length of the piece and writing quality.

43. Desert USA

Desert USA
Desert USA logo

Desert USA is a regional publication that features content on travel, wildlife, geology, desert lore, and history related to the North American Desert regions. Desert USA asks for a passionate and strong emphasis on natural and cultural history in all writing. Writers are paid $50 per article accepted by the publication. Accepted articles will be published on the Desert USA website.

44. SFWA

SFWA logo

SWFA (Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America) is an organization of published authors and industry leaders in science fiction, fantasy, and related genres. The SWFA is open to pitches from writers on original article topics that might be of interest to sci-fi creators. The ideal article length is between 800 – 1000 words and will be paid at a rate of $0.01 per word.

FAQs On How to Get Paid to Write A Blog Post

What are the requirements for a blog writer?

To work as a blog writer, you must have strong writing skills. The ability to work on publication platforms like WordPress is also helpful. Pitching ideas to companies and being able to write in-depth on a particular topic is also helpful.

How can I make $100 on my blog?

Having paid advertisements on your blog is one of the best ways to make money. You can connect to Google AdSense or use affiliate links on your blog to earn. Once you monetize your blog, use search engine optimization techniques to bring traffic to it and start earning.

Are there other sites that will pay to write a blog?

Absolutely. Niche sites pay for guest posts on numerous blog topics. If you’ve got a particular area of expertise, there’s a site that will pay you for guest blogging. Digital Ocean, Fodor’s travel blog, and On Parenting always look for submissions and contributors. Marketing your writing skills on social media platforms like LinkedIn can also help you find local businesses that want to hire a professional blogger.

Can I get paid to write blogs?

Yes! Freelance blog writers are paid either per article or by word. Beginners might earn only a cent or two, while experienced writers fetch up to a dollar or more per word. New bloggers who focus on creating quality content and keeping clients happy will soon be able to command higher pay and work from home full-time as freelance writers.

Looking for more? Check out our tips on blogging for writers!
