12 Best Editorial Writing Topics With Examples (2024)

Editorial content writing aims to inform or educate readers. Discover relevant editorial writing topics you can use, plus examples to help you in writing.

Editorials let writers share their points of view on different topics. It’s an opinion piece where you must research and find relevant facts that establish your credibility and demonstrate your writing skills. You might use editorial writing as a journalist; in that case, these best journalism tips will get you started! Keep reading to see our editorial writing topics to launch your career.

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What Type of Writing is an Editorial?

Editorial writing topics
Editorial writing is focused on entertaining, educating, or informing readers

Editorial content writing is the opposite of content made to sell products. Instead, this type of writing is focused on entertaining, educating, or informing readers. It’s all to attract them to want to know your business further. With consistency, you improve your engagement and lay the foundation for a target audience loyal to your content.

What is an Editorial Opinion Piece?

Opinion pieces, as their name suggests, are articles published in periodicals, magazines, and newspapers presenting the writers’ opinions on a specific topic. These pieces can be signed or unassigned by the writer and are produced to offer readers a wide range of views about the subject. Below are interesting editorial topics you can use.

1. Science and Health

Editorials about science and health are usually selected by professionals who want to share their reviews or opinions on a specific subject in their specialized field. They help the readers understand natural phenomena, new products or technology related to science, research studies or methods, and claims made by fellow professionals, companies, or organizations.

Some examples are:

2. Environmental Challenges

Editorial writers for this topic must know how these challenges work and affect society. These environmental issues coax the readers to take the problems tackled in these pieces more seriously as they identify threats to humans and our ecosystems with reliable research and data.

Some examples are:

  • The Positive Impacts of Reuse, Reduce, Recycle
  • How Oil Spills Destroy Bodies of Water
  • Should We Decrease Companies’ Carbon Credits?

3. Social Media and Social Networking

Social media and social networking
Research regarding the social media consequences has yet to be thoroughly scoured

Because social networking sites only became prevalent post-2004, research regarding their adverse consequences has yet to be thoroughly scoured. Additionally, brainstorming about editorials on social media is easier for the younger generations since they’ve been exposed to it for longer and have first-hand experience with its effects.

Some examples are:

4. Devices and Technology

Editorials on technology often link devices and their influence on a group, usually students or employees who operate these devices in their daily activities. Pieces about this topic delve into the contributions and drawbacks of technology regarding convenience, innovation, and well-being.

Some examples are:

5. Finances and the Economy

Finances and the economy are always relevant subjects, and topics linked to them never run out. Therefore, many editorial pieces are prompted by constant analysis of economic trends, issues, and practices within a county, country, and globally. Editorial articles also explain how ripple effects affect an individual’s wealth.

Some examples are:

If you’re writing for your school newspaper, see these excellent examples of newspaper headlines.

6. Sports and Entertainment

This topic highlights lifestyle, media updates, and game news reports. Sports can also focus on a coach, team, or player’s profile, where the editorial writer comments and analyzes their style and gameplay. It can also brush other sports subjects, such as the Iran football team who refused to sing their national anthem amidst the Mahsa Amini protests.

Some examples are:

7. Significant Past Events

Middle and high school students find this topic more manageable to discuss since the information they need is already available. The editorial writer can examine a subject they relate with, like their ethnicity or personal experiences, to make the piece more compelling. They can also probe extreme historical events and reflect on their ongoing effects on current times.

Some examples are:

8. Social Issues

An unsigned editorial relays a newspaper’s stand on a social issue in a professional setting. The piece scrutinizes the social problems and shares most of the editorial board’s opinion on such matters. These social issues depend on various factors, such as pending cases, laws, and politics, that impact many people in a society.

Some examples are:

9. Controversial Topics

Controversial topics are subjects that rouse arguments and stir clashing groups who disapprove of another’s mindset. These themes spark debate among opposing parties with strong views, biases, or prejudices.

An editorial reveals both of the parties’ viewpoints and remains objective. It presents facts pertinent to the topic, such as why a partaker dramatically insists on or resists changes or if any participants are open to negotiations.

Some examples are:

10. Current Events

Journalists and other professional writers must keep up to speed to tackle current events and deliver fresh news. Readers are encouraged to read the most recent stories that pique their interest. Editorials that use current events intend to attract attention and keep the audience up-to-date on the latest affairs worldwide.

Some examples are:

  • The Victory of New Government Candidates
  • The Russian and Ukrainian War
  • Are You a Victim of Voter Fraud?

Here’s a tip, when there’s little happening in your field, check out these newspaper column ideas to be inspired on what to write next.

11. “Future Of” Editorials

A good editorial knows how to keep its readers curious by opening a discussion regarding thought-provoking issues and posing possibilities. These editorials aim to educate and persuade readers to do something in support of or against the topic with facts and data.

Some examples are:

12. Versus Editorials

Versus editorials compare and contrast two conflicting themes or ideas and expound on why they are opposed. If you’re wondering, an op-ed is not the same as an editorial. An op-ed is usually placed opposite the editorial and written by an individual not affiliated with the editorial team or the newspaper. Some examples of this are:

FAQs About Editorial Writing Topics

What are some essential rules for writing an editorial?

Editorials are not meant to advertise anything. They are pieces that state the writer’s objective opinion based on evidence and in-depth research. An editorial must analyze the topic with supporting facts from unbiased sources and either inform, persuade, criticize, or praise. It should also be entertaining to read.

What is the difference between an editorial and a blog post?

The main difference between blogs and editorials is their reliance on facts and research. If blogs let writers share their personal beliefs, editorials offer expert opinions. Additionally, blogs adopt a casual tone and avoid jargon, whereas editorials have a more professional style to convince readers of the pieces’ credibility.
