Work With an Email Marketing Consultant

Email marketing is a frustrating grind for small business owners. That’s unless you know what emails to write, when to send them, and how to turn leads into customers and clients. As an experienced email marketing consultant, I can solve all these problems. 

I run a daily newsletter with over 25,000 email subscribers. I’ve also worked with businesses of all sizes on award-winning email marketing campaigns for lists with hundreds of thousands of subscribers.

I’ll critique your current email campaigns and content. I’ll provide recommendations based on your business goals. You can order an affordable 60-minute call, or we can also discuss an email campaign review.

Work With an Email Marketing Consultant

Email Marketing Delivers an ROI of Up to $40 For Every $1 Spent

Email marketing is also a great way of reaching customers without relying on social media algorithms or spending thousands on ads. But many small business owners need to pay more attention to the power of email.

Let’s face it. Creating compelling email content is time-consuming and challenging. Keeping your email list up-to-date and properly segmented feels like a never-ending task. Low open rates mean carefully crafted messages go unread, buried in crowded inboxes. 

And that’s before factoring in issues like deliverability – will your emails even reach the inbox? It’s no wonder small business owners don’t have time or energy for email marketing.

Addressing these pain points head-on can turn email into your most powerful marketing tool. You’ll earn more money by writing and sending well-crafted content to a clean, segmented list. No more guessing if your emails are effective – you’ll have the data to prove it.

Need Help With Your Email Marketing?

Do you sometimes feel like growing an email list is slow and painful? Or perhaps you’re struggling to send emails to customers and clients regularly? 

Email marketing should deliver a return on investment for your business. But it’s easy to waste hours each week growing a list and writing emails that don’t attract the right clients or customers, let alone convert. 

I built my business around email and helped other B2B companies do the same. I can help you improve your email marketing content and reach your ideal audience. Together, we’ll create an email marketing plan that delivers results for your business.

Email marketing review 📧

Get a review of your existing lead magnets and content so you can figure out what to change.

Save hours each month 🕥

Order a critique of existing pieces of email campaigns so you can figure out what’s working based on best practices.

Pick the right email marketing platform 🔧

Discover the best email marketing platform for your brand or business.

Find email content ideas fast 💡

Learn how to research email newsletter content ideas that attract the right types of subscribers, clients, and customers.

Write emails subscribers love ✏️

Get help with email copywriting. Then, send emails subscribers love opening, reading, and clicking on.

Craft conversion-friendly sales emails 📧

Discover how to improve engagement and sales if you’re already running an email newsletter.

Don’t waste content you’ve invested in 🗑️

Discover how to improve existing content into ever-green assets for your email campaign.

Repurpose your greatest hits 🧠

Get a simple system to build a library of emails you can send daily, weekly, or monthly to your subscribers. Turn leads into customers and clients.

Wondering about AI content? 🤖

Get a primer on what you should and shouldn’t do when using tools like ChatGPT to create email content.

Maximize your email marketing ROI 😊

If you’re serious about email marketing, find out what emails to write each week and what to do once you press send. Then, track what generates sales.

Need an email marketing content calendar 📆 ?

Using examples and best practices, learn the surprisingly easy way to build an email content calendar. Everyone on your team or your company can use it.

Email marketing competitor analysis 🙌

I can compare your email account to other profiles and brands and explain what’s working.

Set The Right Email Marketing Goals 🎯

Discover how to set clear KPIs for your email content and what you must do each week to achieve them.


Email Marketing Content Strategy

We’ll create a simple email plan you and your team can easily implement monthly. It’ll save you time and money.

Email Marketing Content Strategy
Email Account Optimization

Email Account Optimization

I’ll review your email account and content, providing clear next steps about what to change and update so you can sell more products and services.


Email Marketing for Business

We’ll create a library of email content that reaches and converts your ideal clients and customers. This library will help you attract leads naturally.

Email Marketing for Business
Email Campaign Management

Email Campaign Management

I can handle everything, including crafting email content, optimizing send times, managing email lists, and analyzing metrics. No more worrying about low open rates or deliverability issues. My approach to email campaign management ensures you can reach the right audience, driving engagement and boosting your ROI. 

My name is Bryan Collins

I’ve over a decade of experience creating content for businesses, working as a content strategist, technology journalist, and website publisher. I built my email list up to 25,000 followers. I run a popular daily newsletter with over 25,000 readers. As an email marketing specialist, I also helped an FTSE-100 company manage its email marketing campaigns.

On our discovery call, I’ll review your current email marketing content. I’ll provide clear next steps for improving your email campaign. You’ll get a content plan you can use immediately.

Do you have questions about working with an email marketing consultant?

We can discuss a custom package and explore your email content goals. Read about Become a Writer Today or find me on LinkedIn.

Bryan Collins, content strategist


What does an email marketing consultant do?

An email marketing consultant develops strategies to improve your email campaigns, increase open rates, and boost conversions. They analyze your current email performance, design targeted campaigns, and provide actionable insights to optimize your email marketing campaigns.

How much do email marketing consultants charge?

Email marketing consultants charge between $100 to $200 per hour. Project-based rates can range from $1,000 to $10,000, depending on the scope and complexity of the work.

What does an email marketing specialist do?

An email marketing specialist creates, manages, and analyzes email campaigns. They design emails, segment lists, personalize content, and track campaign performance to ensure your email campaigns reach and engage your target audience.

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Got Questions About Our Content Strategy Services?

We can discuss a custom package and explore your content goals. Read about Become a Writer Today or find us on social media.


Address: Miley House, Main Street, Naas, Co. Kildare. Ireland.