Articles About Art: Top 5 Examples and 7 Prompts

Art showcases human creativity and is a visual presentation of our emotions and imaginations. See our top articles about art examples and prompts to guide you.

I remember wanting to take an art degree when I was fresh out of high school. It made sense to me since I was the “art kid” who was always asked to make theater posters and teachers’ day cards. However, my mom talked me out, saying that there were no real jobs available for art students after graduation and that it can be tough when you begin to feel a lack of creativity

So I took a business course, accounting and business management, to be exact. But guess what I do for a living? I’m a writer and digital artist. I often joke about it with mom, saying that I wasted five years of my life on a business degree I didn’t even get to use. 

My passion for art brought me to my current position. I didn’t have formal training, but I learned through sheer determination and constant practice. What is it about art that attracts humans to be creative and dedicated? Below are our top picks for articles about art you can read to motivate you to write about this subject.

5 Article Examples

Research in Art and Design: A Common Ground Between Science and Creative Practice by Maria Joao João Durão and Maria Constança Vasconcelos

“Research in art and design is at the forefront of debate, when art and design schools try to cope with new challenges in society. This polemical issue has been much discussed in several fora, in search of a definition what could be named a ‘disciplinary research culture.” 

Art’s importance is proven by its integration into universities and research centers. To understand why there’s a lack of research culture in arts and design, Durão and Vasconcelos delve into it via creative practice. The paper shares specific questions the researchers want to answer, such as if there is additional knowledge that can be derived from art, specifically, how color and space perception can be studied with art and science. 

After highlighting previous research papers relevant to their study, the pair explains how they used a natural environment to conduct their analysis instead of laboratory space to preserve real-world context. In the conclusion, they reiterate their belief that different fact-finding traditions are beneficial in arts research, such as how original conceptualizations of paintings test new concepts.

2. What Is Art For? By John Armstrong

“To say that art is therapeutic is not to suggest that it shares therapy’s methods but rather its underlying ambition: to help us to cope better with existence. “

Armstrong starts his article by stating that art is good for people, but Western culture hasn’t explicitly given it a purpose. Throughout the piece, he shares why art is therapeutic and how its effects significantly impact humans. 

He establishes this premise by providing cases and artworks where art rouses a refined state of mind. He offers historical information, valuable presentations, and innovations in realistic representations by prominent artists and other experts as reasons why humans need art. 

3. The Art of Wearing Works of Art by Jacquelyne Germain

“For collectors and shoppers who dare wear works of art, the lines between clothing and accessories and alluring paintings and sculptures are blurred. The human form becomes a canvas that individuals can adorn in wearable crafts and designs.”

Germain reports on the Craft2Wear 2022 event and offers the readers the specifics of the show. These include information such as the occasion’s theme and where and when it will be held. She also identifies the artisans and businesses participating in the show and what their artworks entail.

4. Appropriation! When Art (Very Closely) Inspires Other Art by Tori Campbell

“With the bold intention of repurposing existing and often iconic artistic imagery, those who create appropriation art borrow or copy in order to reframe it and make it their own.”

At the beginning of the piece, Campbell defines appropriation art to give the readers a basis of what to expect from her article and mentions that this category intentionally copies iconic compositions. She identifies some appropriation art, describing how each came about. The author also attempts to explain the artists’ thought processes and methods in using existing artwork by others and making it their own via little changes to the original pieces. 

5. Cultural Misrepresentation of the East in Nicholas Roerich’s Art by Arundhati Kalyan

“Only when artists step out of the last ravages of Western dominance and fully embrace Eastern identities with all their imperfections and differences can art become truly authentic, natural, and global.”

Kalyan deliberates on Nicholas Roerich’s art process as a Russian painter trying to embody “Shambhala” in his artwork through Eastern lands and traditions. She argues that although Roerich’s art style can be considered unique, it doesn’t remove the fact that he distorted Eastern cultures and religions to fit his musings. 

She demonstrates this distortion by analyzing his paintings, sharing other researchers’ comments and findings, and explaining how cultural misrepresentation makes Roerich’s work a Western version of Asia and its people. She calls for artists’ awareness to avoid misrepresentation in their works and hopes to have creators who produce art that genuinely depicts distinct cultures.

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7 Prompts for Articles About Art

1. Art in Different Periods

Art in different periods

Art is often used as an umbrella term housing everything humans do in the name of creativity. In your article, discuss the main differences and similarities of arts from different eras, then relay how major historical events and other influences impacted the art from these periods.

For instance, Renaissance art leans towards realism, focusing on proportion and harmony. Contemporary art is a product of multiple philosophies, usually triggered by politics, wars, and other significant societal movements.

2. Art and Its Effect on Humans

Examine the direct connection between art and human emotions by looking for studies explaining these effects. Dive into what makes art indispensable, such as how it improves the quality of life and provides a healthy medium to let go of negative feelings and ensure that these impacts correlate with scientific research. You can also share your experience involving art and how it helps you manage your emotions, especially if you’re an artist. 

3. Is Appropriation Art Legitimate Art?

Although appropriation art isn’t considered plagiarism, there’s an ongoing debate about whether this category should be regarded as legitimate art. In your article, discuss appropriation art and how it generally influences the artistic scope. 

Then, share various studies or cases that exhibit different views on whether appropriation art should be held in the same regard as the art pieces they borrowed. Share your opinion on the matter and include thought-provoking statements your audience can ponder over. 

4. The Most Influential Art of All Time

For this prompt, set a standard for picking the most influential artists to include in your article. You can reach out to art experts’ and ask what the most important art is for them, including their justification for their decisions. For example, cubism is an influential art movement that has a far-reaching effect on other types, such as purism and abstract art.

5. Origins of Art

Art has a rich history that stretches back to cave paintings. Even before the invention of paper, humans were already expressing themselves via art creation. In your article, look at the history of art, talk about its initial goals, and present how it survived to be the art we know today. 

For instance, primitive men were believed to produce art in relation to religion, rituals for successful hunting, or to document their daily lives. 

6. Art Degrees and Jobs

Art degrees and jobs
In your article, discuss the possible art careers and include tips on excelling in these industries

Some have the presumption that having an art degree is a waste of time. Because art isn’t generally as lucrative as studying law or medicine, there’s a notion that those who take this degree only do so for passion. However, art degrees can still land people well-paying jobs. Discuss these possible art careers and include tips on excelling in these industries.

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