Sudowrite Review: Is It Worth The Hype?

Sudowrite Review

Sudowrite Review: The Bottom Line

Sudowrite is a generative AI application that’s meant to help authors overcome writer’s block and write more engaging stories. I’ve been using it for several months, and I love how it describes my stories in more detail. In short, if you’re an author looking to utilize AI to write better stories, then Sudowrite is worth it. However, if you’re a blogger or copywriter and need something to help with content creation, then ChatGPT is a more practical option for you.


  • Sudowrite writes in several languages, including French, Spanish, and Dutch.
  • The AI gets better over time as you provide feedback.
  • You can create characters, plot twists, storylines, and more!
  • The AI can give you beta-reader feedback on your writing.
  • It has a Chrome extension so that you can work inside Google Docs.


  • It sometimes doesn’t stay on track with the original story.
  • Sudowrite doesn’t have a built-in plagiarism checker.

Discover our Sudowrite review covering everything you need to know about this AI writer for authors.

Does this sound familiar: You’re writing a book, everything is going well, but you suddenly run out of ideas. You’re stuck and don’t know how to take your story further. So you end up with countless unfinished stories in your Google Docs or Microsoft Word dashboard. What if there was an AI that could analyze your novel and suggest ways to continue your story?

Sudowrite can do this and much more. Sudowrite is an AI writer built around authors. I’ve been using it for several months, and it has helped me write more engaging and descriptive stories. So if you want to utilize AI writing to help complete your next book, this Sudowrite review is for you. Below, I’ll test and review Sudowrite so you can understand if it’s a good AI writer for you.

What Is Sudowrite?

Sudowrite is generative software tailored to the needs of authors. Think ChatGPT but for authors. Founded by Amit Gupta in 2020, Sudowrite’s goal is to help authors worldwide beat creative ruts. It uses AI to expand upon plot points and take stories further.

So, for example, if you’re writing a novel and suddenly get stuck, you don’t have to sit in front of your screen for hours brainstorming. Simply paste your novel into Sudowrite, and the AI will come up with several ways you can move forward.

Sudowrite Pricing

Sudowrite has a free trial that allows you to play around with and get used to the AI without paying a monthly subscription. After this trial, you’ll have to sign up for one of the three pricing plans:

  • The student plan costs $10 per month
  • The professional plan costs $25 per month
  • The max plan costs $100 per month
Sudowrite pricing
Sudowrite has a free trial that allows you to play around with and get used to the AI without paying a monthly subscription

All three plans offer the same features: story generation, brainstorming, outlining, rewriting, and novel feedback. The only difference is the number of words you get every month. The student plan has 30,000 words, the professional plan offers 90,000 words, and the max plan provides 300,000 words.

If you’re just starting, I’d recommend the hobby plan. It’s affordable, and 30,000 monthly words is a good number. As you brainstorm and outline your novel and find you need more words, you can always upgrade to the professional or even max plan.

Who Is Sudowrite For?

I’ve been testing and using Sudowrite for several months now, and I feel like the features are tailored to the needs of authors. For example, you can:

  • Expand plot points
  • Outline your novel
  • Get writing feedback
  • Build characters and storylines
  • Rewrite entire paragraphs 

So, if you’re writing and you get stuck, you can paste a few paragraphs of your book into Sudowrite and have the AI take your story further. The best part is that the outputs aren’t fluff; Sudowrite has creative ideas that hook your audience.

Who is Sudowrite for?
If you’re writing and you get stuck, you can paste a few paragraphs of your book into Sudowrite and have the AI take your story further

Or, let’s say you’re trying to create a plot twist, but you don’t know how to go. You could head to the twist feature on your Sudowrite dashboard, paste your story, and the AI will produce potential plot twists.

Twist feature
Head to the twist feature on your Sudowrite dashboard, paste your story, and the AI will produce potential plot twists

Sudowrite’s ability to come up with characters also caught my eye. This helps in the beginning stages of writing a book, where you’re still building your story. All you have to do is paste a couple of characters that you’ve already created, and Sudowrite will use them as inspiration to create more.

Sudowrite can come up with new characters
You can paste a couple of characters that you’ve already created, and Sudowrite will use them as inspiration to create more

How Does Sudowrite Work?

If you want Sudowrite to help you write your next book, head to and sign up for a free trial. You can sign up with your Google, Facebook, or Gmail account, and Sudowrite will take you directly to your dashboard.

How does Sudowrite work?
If you want Sudowrite to help you write your next book, head to and sign up for a free trial

Let’s say you’re stuck and want Sudowrite to expand your plot point. All you have to do is paste a couple of chapters into the Sudowrite dashboard and select the write feature in the upper left-hand corner.

Sudowrite dashboard
Sudowrite can help you expand your plot point

After a few seconds, Sudowrite will generate potential ways your story can unfold. Scroll through these outputs and choose the one that you like best.

Sudowrite expanded plot output sample
Sudowrite will generate potential ways your story can unfold

Or, if you feel like your novel doesn’t read that well, you can paste your work into Sudowrite and choose the rewrite icon. The AI will rewrite your work so it’s easier and more engaging to read.

Sudowrite rewrite feature
If you feel like your novel doesn’t read that well, you can paste your work into Sudowrite and choose the rewrite icon

The Describe Function

What I like the most about Sudowrite is its described function. What this does is it uses the five senses to describe your scene in more detail. This is perfect if you’re struggling with a creative rut and you can’t seem to go into the specifics of a scene.

For instance, if you’re writing a scene where your main character walks into the jungle, three assassins are trying to kill him. You could type something like, “The warrior, bruised from previous injuries, limped into the Amazon rainforest, map in hand, searching for the treasure. But what he didn’t know was that he had company.”

With this starting point, the Sudowrite AI will add more content that goes into more detail. Maybe your main character’s right eye is swollen shut. He has leeches on his back, but he doesn’t care. Or, he walks slower and slower as his injuries catch up to him. In the screenshot below, I pasted my story into the dashboard, which is what the Sudowrite AI suggested.

The describe function
The describe function uses the five senses to describe your scene in more detail

As you can see, these outputs aren’t just filler words meant to help you meet a word count. It’s descriptive and paints a vivid picture in your reader’s head.

The Expand Function

But if you want Sudowrite to create text with minimal input, the expand writing feature in the top left-hand corner is for you. When you select this option, you’ll see three icons pop up:

  1. Auto 
  2. Guided
  3. Tone

As the name suggests, the auto feature will autocomplete your writing in a way it thinks will engage your audience best. In the example below, you can see how Sudowrite completes my jungle scene.

The expand function
The auto feature will autocomplete your writing in a way it thinks will engage your audience best

With the guided option, Sudowrite will present ways your story could evolve. You can choose the one you like best, and Sudowrite will write a few hundred words that take your story forward. 

Using the jungle scene example above, the AI will give me choices like “The protagonist discovers the treasure” or “The protagonist comes across a group of natives who offer their help.” 

Guided option
With the guided option, Sudowrite will present ways your story could evolve

If you choose the one where he finds the treasure, Sudowrite will create multiple outputs you can choose from.

Multiple outputs using the guided function
If you choose the one where he finds the treasure, Sudowrite will create multiple outputs you can choose from

The last option allows you to change the tone of your novel. You can choose between upbeat, romantic, conflictive, authoritative, sensual, or ominous. But remember that it won’t change your writing from first-person to third-person or vice versa.

AI Brainstorming

The hardest part about writing a novel is coming up with ideas and piecing them together. Sudowrite understands this, so it came up with its brainstorming feature. It allows you to brainstorm:

  • Dialogue
  • Characters
  • Worldbuilding
  • Plot points
  • Names
  • Places
  • Objects
AI brainstorming
Sudowrite came up with its brainstorming feature

To get started, select what you want to brainstorm and enter a description of what you’re looking for. For example, if you’re writing a climate change novel, you can tell Sudowrite to give you a list of potential ways an ecosystem can be destroyed.

Brainstorm dashboard
To get started, select what you want to brainstorm and enter a description of what you’re looking for

Once you click start, the AI will give you many potential ideas, and you can train it by clicking the thumbs-up or down buttons. This way, it knows which ideas you like and can tailor future responses.

Areas For Improvement

However, not everything about Sudowrite is perfect. Here are a few drawbacks to consider before signing up:

  • Sudowrite is impractical for bloggers, marketers, and businesses
  • Sudowrite doesn’t offer a plagiarism checker 

Sudowrite Is Impractical For Bloggers, Marketers, And Businesses

Sudowrite’s main strength is also a weakness. Sudowrite is targeted at the needs of authors, editors, and anyone involved with writing and publishing novels. However, it isn’t the most practical application for bloggers, copywriters, and other businesses.

I’m not saying that Sudowrite can’t write blog introductions, social media posts, and ads, but there are AI writing tools tailored around this type of writing. So if you mainly write for the web, Sudowrite might not be the best option. Instead, I’d recommend an AI writer tailored to blog writing and copywriting. ChatGPT is your best bet because it produces quality writing; you can sign up for free. Read my ChatGPT vs. Grammarly review here.

Sudowrite Doesn’t Offer A Plagiarism Checker

I also noticed that Sudowrite doesn’t have a plagiarism checker. Sometimes the outputs can trigger plagiarism and originality scanners, so you always have to double-check Sudowrite outputs.

This is inconvenient and can get expensive in the long run because you’ll have to sign up for a separate plagiarism tool like Copyscape or Grammarly. This is why I’d like Sudowrite to provide users with plagiarism-checking features.

Sudowrite Review Criteria

When I bought and tested Sudowrite to see if its a good AI writer and who it could benefit, I used this set of testing criteria:

Ease of use: The first thing I analyzed was the simplicity of Sudowrite’s dashboard. Nobody wants to go through a steep learning curve before using an AI writer.

Quality of outputs: Next, I asked Sudowrite to produce potential storylines for my short stories. I analyzed these outputs and compared their quality to other AI writers.

Affordability: Even if you’re a new author on a budget, Sudowrite should help you produce engaging stories without being unaffordable. This is why I factored in the pricing plan when reviewing Sudowrite.

Additional features: The last thing I reviewed was additional features, such as browser extensions and writing feedback.

Why You Can Trust Me

I’ve written short stories and web content for the last five years. Even with all this experience, I always get stuck when I have to build a fictional world, create characters, and get creative. Fortunately, I learned about Sudowrite several months ago, and I’ve been using it every day since signing up. It has helped me finish my short stories instead of quitting when I’m stuck. 

I also noticed that my stories are now more engaging and descriptive thanks to Sudowrite’s describe function. I look forward to writing because I don’t always have to deal with annoying writer’s block.
