Grammarly vs Outwrite: Which Writing Assistant Is Best?

Grammarly vs Outwrite – Which proofreader is worth investing your time and money in? Let’s find out!

When I started my career as a freelance writer, I felt incredibly frustrated and anxious because whenever I’d post an article, readers would point out mistakes I missed. These mistakes were mainly spelling and readability issues and it made me feel insecure about my writing.

I’d read and watch several articles and videos covering how to improve my writing and editing skills. Even though I implemented all these tips, something felt missing. One day, before watching a video, I found a Grammarly ad and decided to give it a shot.

Grammarly spotted most of my errors and gave advice on how to improve. This led to the majority of my development as a writer. However, I recently discovered a tool called Outwrite. After using it for a few months, it caught readability issues that Grammarly didn’t.

So which writing assistant is better, Grammarly or Outwrite? 

Product NameAvailabilityPricingUse For Features 
GrammarlyGoogle Docs, Grammarly desktop and mobile app, Microsoft Word, and browser extension.$29.95 per month, $59.95 every three months, or $139 per year.Professionals looking for a writing assistant that’ll clean up their work.Writer feedback, integration features, and discounted team plans.Try Now
OutwriteGoogle Docs, Microsoft Word, and browser extension.$25.95 per month, $44.85 every three months, or $95.52 per year.Those looking for a writing assistant that focuses on style and readability.Advanced sentence rewrites, eloquence suggestions, and a plagiarism checker.Try Now
Best Grammar Checker
Also Great
$30 per month
$79 per year
Best Grammar Checker
Also Great

My Testing Criteria

Grammarly vs Outwrite

When creating this Outwrite and Grammarly review, I tested each tool and looked at areas where it’s most helpful for freelance writers. These are the criteria I used:

  • Use cases
  • Ease of use
  • Accuracy
  • Pricing
  • Additional features
  • Flexibility

Accuracy is by far the most critical factor. Without accuracy, your writing is left full of grammatical, spelling, and clarity issues.  After using Grammarly and Outwrite to check my content, I feel like they are the most accurate proofreaders available.

When it comes to flexibility, both tools are equally powerful. Grammarly and Outwrite contain plagiarism checkers, Chrome extensions, and they are compatible with platforms like WordPress, Firefox, Outlook, and Safari.

The last requirement is affordability. Both proofreading tools are super affordable. I’ve been using Grammarly since I started out as a freelancer making no money, and I could afford the premium version. Outwrite is even cheaper, which is a plus.

Why Trust Us?

When I started out as a freelance writer, I barely understood basic grammar and sentence structure. My articles were unreadable, so I tried my best to learn from blog posts, books, and online videos.

However, I discovered Grammarly and decided to give it a shot. It corrected most of my mistakes and educated me on how to improve. They even sent emails every week showing my most common errors, which are missing commas.

I discovered Grammarly and it corrected most of my mistakes and educated me on how to improve

Critical feedback during the early stages of my writing career is what allowed me to advance. I also rely on Outwrite to check for style and readability problems. It provides useful additional features like:

  • Sentence rewrites
  • Paraphrase tool
  • Eloquence suggestions

These features help me improve the readability of my work, ensuring that my audience is hooked and engaged throughout the entire blog post or email newsletter.

Who Is Grammarly For?

Although Grammarly and Outwrite seem like similar writing tools, they each specialize in different writing suggestions. Outwrite focuses on style and readability while Grammarly emphasizes grammar checking. This makes Grammarly a helpful tool for:

  1. Small businesses and website publishers
  2. Universities
  3. Busy professionals

1. Small Businesses And Website Publishers

With Grammarly Business, your entire team can create content that’s engaging and easy to understand. So if you’re a website publisher, you won’t have to buy a membership for every single team member.

The Grammarly Business plan hosts up to 149 members. However, if your team is larger, you can work out a customized plan with Grammarly by contacting their sales department.

If you own a small business, then all your employees can access advanced functionality features like automated grammar checks and tone detection.

2. Universities And Teachers

If you’re a teacher and want your students to score higher marks when writing essays, consider using Grammarly for Education. 

Grammarly for Education is designed for universities and other educational institutions. It helps your students make fewer grammar mistakes, avoid passive voice, and check for plagiarism. 

Using Grammarly for Education saves you, as a teacher, a lot of time since you won’t have to check students’ work for plagiarism. 

3. Salespersons And Marketers

If you’re in sales or marketing, your writing influences customers to stay with your client’s brand. This means your copy must be concise and engaging. You’ll rely on emails to answer customer’s questions or overcome objections. But one small mistake can make you look unprofessional.

With Grammarly’s advanced integration features, you can simply install the browser extension and all you have to do is type your email and Grammarly makes suggestions automatically. This way, you don’t have to paste your writing into Grammarly every time.

It gives you peace of mind knowing that there are no errors in your work and you can focus on closing.

Who Is Outwrite For?

Outwrite, previously named GradeProof, is an advanced spell checker that uses algorithms and machine learning to recommend suggestions that’ll improve the fluency and clarity of your writing.

Founded by Nick Hough and Craig Sketchley in 2015, Outwrite’s goal is to fix grammatical errors and create compelling writing.

With over one million users in 211 different countries, Outwrite helps students, writers, and teams optimize their content production by following key grammar rules.

Outwrite is a practical option for:

  1. Freelance writers
  2. Authors
  3. Business owners and website publishers

1. Freelance Writers And Bloggers

Making mistakes as a freelance writer is embarrassing since your work is seen by thousands, if not millions of people. However, it’s almost impossible not to make a mistake because you’ll be in a flow state when writing, and it’s difficult to catch every error.

This is where Outwrite can make your life a lot easier. Although it won’t catch every mistake, it cleans up your content before publishing.

2. Authors

Writing a novel takes ample amounts of discipline and mental strength. You’ll need to plan out your book, develop an engaging storyline, create characters, and spend time writing and editing.

This takes a lot of time, and although these tools can’t replace a professional editor, they can find and correct many mistakes. Now, your editor won’t have to spend much time fixing minor errors and can focus on more essential corrections.

Outwrite is especially helpful for authors since it’ll restructure your sentences, so it reads more clearer. If you feel like a sentence doesn’t read well, simply double-click on it, select your writing goals, for example, do you want to increase fluency or word count, and Outwrite rewrites it for you.

3. Business Owners And Website Publishers

Checking for plagiarism is essential as a business owner. If search engines detect that your post or website contains a lot of plagiarism, then your search results will suffer.

If you’re a business owner who employs a few content writers, then the Outwrite plagiarism feature can help you check for duplicate content. 

With Outwrite’s plagiarism tool, you can scan your work in the web app or use the plugin for Google Docs, Microsoft Word, or Chrome. This saves a lot of time since you won’t have to copy-paste your content every time you need to check for duplicate content.

Now that we understand who these tools are for, let’s look at how they compare against one another.

Ease Of Use

A practical writing assistant should be easy to use and have advanced integration features that allow you to check your work while creating content.

But how do they compare against one another? If you want Grammarly to check your content for errors or plagiarism, head over to, and you’ll be able to paste your writing. 

If you don’t feel like pasting your work into Grammarly every time, then download the browser extension. It makes suggestions while you’re typing in Google Docs, Microsoft Word, or Gmail. For me, this is a significant benefit because if I’m busy, I don’t have the time to copy-paste an email into Grammarly to check for errors. 

Grammarly also offers a desktop and mobile app available for Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android users.

With Outwrite, the user interface is similar. Head over to, and once you’re signed in, paste your content. You’ll see that Outwrite marks spelling errors in red, grammatical errors in green, and style and structural problems in blue and purple.

Outwrite also provides an add-on for Google Chrome, allowing you to edit work on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook or while sending an email. 

Outwrite also provides an add-on for Google Chrome

Winner: Tie


Accuracy is the most essential trait when investing in a writing assistant. After using Grammarly and Outwrite to check blog posts, I’d say both tools are accurate but in different ways.

Our Grammarly review found this is one of the best grammar checkers, but it mainly focuses on finding spelling and grammatical errors, while Outwrite emphasizes style and readability.

For example, when I posted this article about the best Masterclass courses in Grammarly, it found 14 errors but no style and readability problems. 

Grammarly is one of the best grammar checkers, but it mainly focuses on finding spelling and grammatical errors

When I pasted it into Outwrite, it only found one spelling error but 42 style errors and 11 structural issues. 

When I pasted it into Outwrite, it only found one spelling error but 42 style errors and 11 structural issues

This shows how accurate both Grammarly and Outwrite are but in different ways.

Winner: Tie


Pricing is an essential factor to look at when choosing a writing assistant. If you’re starting out in freelance writing, you’ll want a tool that doesn’t break the bank.

Grammarly and Outwrite are both affordable. I’ve been using Grammarly’s paid version since I was a beginner, barely making money, and it wasn’t expensive.

But Outwrite is also affordable. With Outwrite, you can sign up for a free plan, and get access to free grammar checks. If you decide to invest in the Pro Plan, you’ll have three payment options:

  1. A monthly plan of $24.95 per month
  2. A quarterly plan costing $44.85 every three months
  3. An annual plan of $95.52 per year

This paid plan provides access to style improvements, 50 plagiarism checks per month, structural suggestions, and sentence rewriting.

With Outwrite, you can sign up for a free plan, and get access to free grammar checks

With Grammarly Premium, you also get three payment plans:

  1. A monthly plan costing $29.95 per month
  2. A quarterly plan costing $59.95 every three months
  3. An annual plan of $139 per year

If you decide to sign up for this premium plan, you’ll access an unlimited plagiarism checker, integration features, and tone detection.

Both platforms are evenly priced, but Outwrite is a few dollars cheaper, making it a more affordable proofreading software for new freelance writers and students.

Winner: Outwrite


Grammarly provides over 400 advanced grammar checks. These checks include:

  • Tone detection
  • Mobile synonyms
  • AI writing assistant

If you’re sending an email to your boss and you don’t want it to sound harsh, then Grammarly helps you adjust your tone. Grammarly can tell if your message sounds serious, friendly, or formal by analyzing phrasing, adverbs, and word choice in real-time.

Another feature on Grammarly that helps me in day-to-day life is its mobile synonyms. If you’re typing on your phone, then you’re probably on the go. Maybe you’re going to work or school. This means sloppy texts that sound redundant and boring. 

But Grammarly uses Thesaurus to suggest synonyms that’ll make your writing more engaging. If you want to see a synonym for a specific word, simply pause after you type it, and a list of synonyms will appear.

Last, a feature that helped me create better blog posts was Grammarly’s AI readability analysis. Just because a piece of content doesn’t contain errors doesn’t mean it reads well. With this readability analysis, Grammarly shows you how to make your writing easier to read.

But Outwrite also provides practical features. Some of these include:

  • Style improvement suggestions
  • An advanced plagiarism checker
  • Grade level detection

Writing for different websites and clients requires different writing styles. If you’re writing for a law firm, you’ll need to adopt a more formal writing approach. But if you’re writing about video games, you’ll want to write in a casual and friendly tone. By using Outwrite’s style suggestions, you can fine tune your writing voice.

With Outwrite’s plagiarism checker, you can check up to fifty documents per month. This can be limiting if you’re a teacher and you’re checking your student’s work for plagiarism, but for freelancers and business owners, this is more than enough.

One of my favorite Outwrite features is its grade level detection. It shows the complexity and accessibility of your writing so your target audience can easily read your content. 

For example, if Outwrite says your writing is for 11th graders but you’re trying to write in a tone that’s understandable for 8th graders, then you’ll need to simplify your writing.

Winner: Grammarly

Areas Of Improvement

Although I like using both online grammar checkers, they can improve in a few key areas. These areas include:

  • Grammarly tends to lag when pasting long walls of text
  • Outwrite’s plagiarism checker is limited
  • Grammarly only works in English
  • Outwrite’s free plan only checks for grammatical mistakes

Grammarly Tends To Lag When Pasting Long Walls Of Text

If you’re an author and you want to paste your entire novel into Grammarly, then expect it to lag. Compared to LanguageTool and Hemingway, Grammarly tends to lag more.

This can be inconvenient, and you’ll need to copy-paste one or two chapters at a time. I’d like to see Grammarly improve the processing time of larger files.

Outwrite’s Plagiarism Checker Is Limited

Outwrite’s plagiarism checker is quite limited compared to Grammarly since you can only do fifty plagiarism checks per month. If you’re a teacher and you’re checking hundreds of students’ work for plagiarism, then this is limiting.

Grammarly Only Works In The English Language

If you’re writing blogs in another language, you can’t check them using Grammarly since it doesn’t work in other languages. However, Grammarly employs a large team of talented developers, and I’m sure they’ll accommodate more languages in the future.

Outwrite’s Free Plan Is Limited

Compared to free plans offered by ProWritingAid, Whitesmoke, and Ginger, Outwrite’s free plan is limited since it only checks for spelling and grammar errors.

If you decide to sign up for Outwrite’s free plan, you can get a feel for the platform, but you’ll miss out on critical features like style suggestions, plagiarism checker, sentence rewriting, and email support. I’d like to see Outwrite offer a few more features to their free plan users.

Pros Of Grammarly
  • The desktop app makes editing super convenient
  • It automatically saves your work
  • Grammarly is constantly releasing new features
Cons Of Grammarly
  • Grammarly only works in English
  • It tends to lag after you paste long walls of text
  • Grammarly isn’t perfect
Pros Of Outwrite
  • Its style and readability suggestions are the best
  • It’ll rewrite sentences for you
  • Outwrite offers discounted plans for teams
Cons Of Outwrite
  • Outwrite isn’t the best at catching spelling and grammatical errors
  • The plagiarism tool only allows for fifty checks per month
  • Outwrite’s free version is limited

Final Word On Grammarly vs Outwrite

Grammarly and Outwrite are helpful tools for freelance writers, students, business owners, and authors. It’s some of the most accurate writing assistants on the market. Grammarly is mainly for grammatical and spelling errors, while Outwrite focuses on readability and style.

In short, use Grammarly if you’re looking for a tool that allows you to set writing goals and run unlimited plagiarism checks. Use Outwrite if you’re looking for an affordable paraphraser that rewrites sentences for you to improve style and readability.
