15 Top Freelance Job Ideas for Writers

Are you dreaming of quitting your day job to freelance? We’ve compiled a list of the best freelance job ideas for writers so you can hit the ground running.

Have you ever thought about freelancing but have no idea where to start? We’ve compiled the top freelance job ideas for writers to get you started. 

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay for writers is over $60,000 a year — and that means some writers are making far more. Recent statistics revealed that a quarter of all freelancers who started their own business left a job to do it. More than 60% of them made more money as a freelancer than they did at their previous job. 

Writers are in high demand. Content is all around us, and it takes someone with the skillset and proficiency to nail copy. Small businesses need search engine optimization, user experience experts, and graphic designers, and there are a ton of entries for high-quality writing work. For more, check out these freelance writing websites.

What Is A Freelancer?

Top freelance ideas for writers

Working as a freelancer means that you’re an independent contractor. In other words, you are your own boss and can do freelance work for as many clients as you’d like.

You can also do freelance work as a side hustle. Working part-time allows you to build your freelancing business while still working for a regular company. Learn more in our guide on where to find easy part-time jobs

The best way to make money freelance writing is by treating it like a business. You need to understand all the different aspects of running your freelance business, like finding potential clients, cultivating new clients, and managing deadlines. You can take an online course or several to help you learn the skillset.

There are many different types of freelancers and current statistics say that freelancers will make up over half of the US workforce by 2027. Some areas that freelancers work in include copywriting, SEO writing, blogging, graphic design, data entry, transcription, and web development.

Writers Work

Writers Work contains freelance writing opportunities for writers who want to start their career

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How To Get Started A Freelance Writer

Freelance Job ideas for Writers
It’s not easy to become a freelance writer, but being self-employed is worth the hard work

There are several ways to create a career as a freelance writer. The best method for success is by specializing. Some writers will choose an industry where they have professional experience and make that their niche. For example, a nutritionist becoming a food and health writer.

Some writers will also choose a specific type of content to stick to, like journalism or blog writing. There are full-time jobs available for writers, but a freelance career offers some security in the fact that clients can be replaced and you have multiple streams of income.

Here are some of the freelance job ideas that are perfect for writers.

1. Blog Writing 

Some writers specialize in blog writing and may even be knowledgeable in specific industries. A blog writer can make money by monetizing their own blog from ads, sponsored posts, and affiliate links. 

Writers can also create content for business blogs, agencies, and website owners.

2. Article Writing or Direct Submissions 

Freelancers who specialize in article writing can make money in a few ways. First, you might ghostwrite articles for clients, which tends to pay more than content with a by-line.

You might also write articles for regular clients with your name on them. Both these kinds of arrangements might be on a project-by-project basis or as a long-running column. 

Lastly, you might submit queries and articles directly to publications. If the editor accepts the pitch, you will complete the article for the agreed-upon fee. Straight publication tends to pay a higher rate than some other forms of freelance writing, but it’s also a long process that often doesn’t pay until publication.

3. Case Studies and White Papers 

Case studies and white papers are specialty areas of writing that are more complex than blog and social media writing. Both case studies and white papers rely heavily on research and will require you to have some professional expertise. 

They pay well and tend to be more time-intensive to write.

4. Social Media Posts

Some writers specialize in social media posts. 

Social media writers must familiarize themselves with the algorithms and type of content that does well on each platform. Then they tailor their approach accordingly. For example, you can post long-form content on Facebook and LinkedIn, but you will have to create shorter posts for X, formally Twitter. You might be asked to create videos for TikTok or Instagram, too.  

Social media managers may also use their own social media to promote affiliates and earn revenue as influencers.

5. Ad Copy 

Ad copy falls under the copywriting umbrella. Ad copy is a detailed intricate field of writing. The word count is low but every word counts. 

Only the best of the best get far in this field as companies will be keeping a close eye on their metrics to ensure the ad gets the results they want. You should study this field deeply before diving in.

6. Scriptwriting 

Most writers know that writing for the page and writing for audio or view are different arts. If this is something you excel at, scriptwriting is the job for you.

Scriptwriting is currently highly sought because many businesses are turning to video content for their marketing channels. You might be hired for a one-off project or on a casual basis for clients with a rigid, and long-term, video schedule. 

7. Email Campaign Writing

As an email campaign writer, you will work closely with your client’s marketing team. Your role will mostly entail writing compelling copy that leads to conversions. Occasionally you might also be asked to pen a newsletter that issues company announcements.

This field can be extremely competitive as companies will want tangible results, like an increase in sales. 

8. Grant Writing

Grant writing is a highly specialized field but is also one of the best-paying writing gigs for freelancers. Because of this, it’s one that you need to be well-versed in because the business’s funding depends on the success of the work.

Your role can entail more than writing. You may be asked to search for grant opportunities, compile fiscal data, and of course, create and submit a proposal for your client that secures their funding. 

9. SEO Writing

SEO writing is one of the best ways to find clients as a freelance writer.

SEO writing is exceptionally important for website owners because, without a good SEO strategy, their website won’t reach customers. It covers landing pages, blog posts, and cornerstone content. Often, sales pages and other campaign collateral will need SEO writing, as well. 

As an SEO writer, you will need a familiarize yourself with search engine optimization best practices. A track record of high-ranking content, which can be from your own blog will take you far. 

10. Copywriting 

If you’re a persuasive person, copywriting is the perfect gig for you. In a nutshell, copywriting entails writing words that sell for clients or businesses. 

Copywriters act as the voice of a brand by breaking down what the company does in a way that intrigues customers. You might be tasked with writing landing pages, emails, product descriptions, and more. Our guide explains how to become a copywriter.

11. eBooks

eBook writers can create content about almost anything, but the most successful will have a niche interest. For example, you also have fitness credentials which makes you an ideal candidate for writing an exercise guide.

eBook writers are typically hired on a per-project basis. Your clients could be a business that wants to offer a freebie to customers who sign up for their newsletter or they could be learning materials from a course. 

Some eBook writers will only write the words, but others will also be expected to design them. It wouldn’t hurt to brush up on your design skills and familiarize yourself with Canva. Learn more in our Canva review.

12. Resume Writing

Putting together a resume that lands you an interview is no easy task. That’s why so many people are willing to hire resume writers to increase their chances of getting work.

As a resume writer, you will speak to clients about their skills, experience, and the jobs they intend on applying to. You will then create an error-free resume that incorporates keywords from your client’s industry to give them the best chances of success. 

13. Proofreading

Although you might not get to practice your writing chops as much, freelance writers make excellent proofreaders. 

You might find yourself proofreading books or content for a website. The role of a proofreader is very important as they’re usually the last person to look at an edited document before it goes live.

You might have to do a little editing. Since most writers have a keen eye for spelling and grammar (and have experience self-editing copy) this shouldn’t be an issue. 

14. Press Release Writing

If you have an interest in public relations, you will thrive as a press release writer. 

These kinds of freelance roles can be more stable than others as you might find yourself continuously writing press releases for one brand. This could entail new product releases, company news, and occasionally, damage control. There are also content houses that hire writers to create press releases for a wide range of businesses.

Press release writing puts you to the test as you must ensure you’ve compiled all the information necessary for journalists to write a story. Since press releases are also shared publicly, via the news, social media, or directly on the company’s website, you will help maintain the brand’s reputation as a poorly written press release will make a bad impression on customers or the general public. 

15. UX Writing

UX writing is a growing discipline. UX means user experience, this discipline is about ensuring products (including apps, websites, and online products) are easy for users to navigate and understand.

A UX writer’s job is to ensure the copy on these products, known as microcopy, guides users through the process effortlessly. Think forms, call-to-action buttons, and error messages. 

Like ad copy, the word count might be short, but every word matters. You will need some kind of UX qualification and a strong portfolio to enter this industry. 

You might also be interested in our Writers Work review.

How Many Freelance Job Ideas Are Scams?

If you’ve ever thought freelance job ads were scams, you’re not alone. That’s because a lot of them really are scams. There are unscrupulous people everywhere, and the writing industry has no shortage of them.

We’re seeing an influx in “Get Rich Quick” webinars, programs, and eBooks, but there’s no way to tell just how many jobs are scams. As a general rule, if it sounds too good to be true, it is.

Taking courses and updating your knowledge is essential as a freelance writer. Just make sure that you check the credentials for every course and teacher. You should also check the credentials for any writing jobs and companies you apply for.

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