Articles About Racism in Schools: 5 Examples and 6 Writing Prompts

Schools play a critical role in teaching students about racism. See our examples of articles about racism in schools and prompts to write about this topic.

Confronting racism and discrimination is vital to provide everyone with a safe and comfortable environment conducive to learning. However, even if schools address this issue, many still suffer because of it. Racism causes students physical scars, emotional stress, anxiety, and poor mental health, resulting in lower grades, failing classes, and dropping out. Take part and bring attention to this important issue by writing an article about racism in schools.

Examples of Articles About Racism in Schools

1. Fighting Racism in Schools of Public Health by Lisa Wandschneider

“People of colour experience racial microaggression, marginalisation, and even hate crime in academia. Schools of public health are still predominantly white, middle-class settings that reinforce systems of hierarchy and privilege, deeming them resistant to change.”

In this article, Wandschneider describes racism in public health schools and presents Esther Choo’s steps to combat it. She suggests that before taking these steps, it’s vital that the school and staff examine themselves and how they promote racism. She explains that recognizing that no school is protected from racism is essential in implementing anti-racist actions.

Wandschneider focuses on the basic steps that deal with internal structure. It includes schools using their privilege and strictly implementing anti-racism programs. Schools must immediately report and punish someone who commits discriminatory and racist actions. You might be interested in these authors like Toni Morrison.

2. Over Half of Canadian Students See Racial Bullying in Their Schools, Survey Finds by Elizabeth McSheffrey

“Students in schools that have more diverse populations reported learning more about racism in Canada, but also reported witnessing more race-based abuse than schools whose students had similar backgrounds.”

This article reports on the latest survey that aims to answer two critical questions on racism in Canadian schools. First, more students witness racist behavior than those who experience it themselves. Then, the survey shows that 21% of students have learned little to no about racism events and policies in Canada.

McSheffrey discusses that visible minority children are the most likely to experience racial bullying. While the results raise questions and concerns, the researchers describe them as encouraging because they believe education about racism works.

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3. Black Students Experience Trauma From Racist Incidents at School, Experts Say by Isoke Samuel and James Wellemeyer

“While many schools have released statements vowing to change, in some cases, the damage has been done.”

The above article contains black students’ experiences with racism and the consequences of trying to fit in at school. It also includes measures taken by institutions after learning of racist incidents. The results of the pair interviews show that most black students experience being repeatedly called the N-word, being insulted, and not being able to ask for help from school teachers.

Because of these activities, these students feel lethargic and outsiders, stop loving themselves, lose trust and confidence in authorities, and avoid getting the attention of others. However, schools claim and promise to change, increase teacher training, take racism seriously, and respond to it accordingly. On the bright side, after their graduation, the students were able to heal because they found freedom and happiness in their new communities.

4. Racism: Schools Accused of Ignoring or Denying Problems by Kate Morgan

“… The incidents ranged from physical violence to name-calling and subtle prejudice from teachers.”

Morgan reports on various incidents of racism in schools in Wales. It starts with Duke Al experiencing blind racism, Bailey losing a finger due to his mother’s racial and physical abuse, Sudarsan facing microaggression and subtle discrimination, and another 20 new incidents. It’s despite the government’s commitment to creating an anti-racist country and education system.

An expert tells Morgan that teachers and leaders must work together to make sure racists are held accountable. Sudarsan, now a law student, explains that microaggressions and systemic racism must be considered severe problems. Finally, the government promises to investigate all incidents of racism, provide appropriate action, and create a new mandatory anti-racism curriculum for students.

5. Q&A: Racism and Racial Discrimination in Schools by Dominique Russell

“Racism has been a foundational part of Australia since colonisation with historical and contemporary racism continuing to impact Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, including children and youth.”

In this article, Russell writes about Professor Naomi Priest’s key findings and implications for the prevalence of racism and racial discrimination in Australia. It has five questions in total, the importance of Priest’s study, the types of racial discrimination, and promising anti-racist strategies specifically for educators. These procedures include reviewing and ensuring that all anti-racism programs stick to the “do no harm” principle.

Russell also explains the effectiveness and success of SOAR or Speak out against Racism, a multi-level and multi-strategy anti-racism program for primary schools. The final question is about proper and effective ways to address racial discrimination. Professor Priest suggests admitting racism as an urgent issue, reflecting, studying, and planning the next steps. For help editing your articles, we recommend using the best grammar checker. Our round-up profiles these tools and offers discounts. You may also be curious in these articles about being a teacher.

Writing Prompts on Articles About Racism in Schools

1. What’s the Latest News About Racism in Schools?

What's the latest news about racism in schools?
In this prompt, discuss current events of racism in schools

Racism happens everywhere, and we hear a lot about it. Use this prompt to discuss current events of racism in schools, write about its causes, and how it affects the school and its students. You can interview or quote other articles to add more information and write your perspective about the issue. Make sure to include your thoughts on the latest incident, including possible causes and solutions to prevent it from happening again.

2. Correcting Myths About Racism in Schools

Teachers are supposed to help end racism in schools, but unfortunately, they are commonly poorly trained and may even believe in some of the harmful myths of racism. For this article, look for common misconceptions about race and education and explain the truth behind each. Then, present valuable techniques teachers can use to respond to racism and ensure their students’ safety.

For example, there’s a belief that children don’t see race. However, studies show that children can develop racial biases at an early age, so it’s vital that teachers do not dismiss racial differences inside their classrooms. They should tackle racial issues and be open with their students so the children can boost their racial literacy.

3. Is Racism in Schools a Global Problem?

Due to a large number of violence and mental health effects on students, racism is considered a severe school problem. Write an article that describes racism in schools, plus its common causes, then include the latest data on the number of cases of racism in schools around the world. Answer the question prompt and offer the challenges schools face when dealing with racism or the steps they take to counter the problem.

4. The Impact of Racism in Schools on Students

The impact of racism in schools on students
In this prompt, racism and discrimination significantly impact children’s health

UNICEF reports that racism and discrimination significantly impact children’s health, access to a registered birth system, fair justice, and education. In your article, focus on describing what typically happens to students who experience racism in schools and how it affects their well-being.

For example, a student who experiences racism can be bullied physically. Because of that, these students are constantly afraid to go to school to avoid verbal and physical attacks by racist students.

5. How to Stop Racism in Schools

A single person cannot end racism, but when everyone works together, there is more potential for success. Using this prompt, choose a country fighting racism and identify and discuss with your readers the government’s promised programs and laws to end racism in schools. Next, list your solutions that schools and students can do to make their schools less racist.

6. A Future Without Racism in Schools

Encourage your readers to support anti-racism efforts by offering what it means for the academic future of students and the community. You can interview experts and get their opinion on how ending racism can lead to a peaceful society, etc. 

Remember to add reliable data to support the article and demonstrate the importance of ending racism in schools. For example, racism is why many drop out of school. Without it, more students will be able to complete their studies and be productive community members. If you’d like to learn more, in this guide our writer explains how to write an argumentative essay.
