Essays About School Uniforms: Top 5 Examples And Prompts

Uniforms are a hotly-debated topic in schools worldwide; if you are writing essays about school uniforms, get inspired by reading our essay examples and writing prompts. 

School uniforms have been an education emblem for centuries; they are commonplace in primary and secondary school. They are a set of clothing that students attending a particular institution must wear during school hours and are said to encourage discipline, unity, and belonging, among other things.

However, they are a significant point of contention. As time has passed, more and more schools have discontinued their requirements for uniforms, which has sparked a heated debate over their necessity. 

If you want to write essays about school uniforms, look at the examples and writing prompts below to start. 

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1. I believe students should not have to wear uniforms. by Evan

“When wearing uniforms, it is a struggle to be an individual. Teachers are always saying how important it is to just be ourselves and not worry about what others might think. Having a uniform takes that away from us, and this may lead students to try to find other ways to be different. They might begin to act out so they stick out from the crowd.”

In his essay, Evan explains his opposition to school uniform requirements, including the loss of individuality and confidence. He believes that they add too much stress to an already stressful environment and that this unnecessary burden can be alleviated with a dress code. It regulates students’ clothing while still allowing them to choose and will teach them responsibility in choosing what to wear. 

2. Taking a New Look at Uniforms And Their Impact on Schools by James Sterngold

”There is no direct link between uniforms and performance,’ Mr. Flanary said, ‘’but we know there is a link between the school environment and performance. Uniforms might be one way of affecting the environment, but just one.”

Sterngold writes about the introduction of uniforms at a Long Beach school. It leads to higher grades and fewer absences, and disciplinary issues. He also discusses other schools in which uniform policies appear to work in making students “better.” Finally, he notes that the school environment affects a student’s performance. 

3. Uniforms: The Pros and Cons by Grace Chen

“Deciding whether uniforms are right for your child depends upon individual circumstances. If your child has a high need for self-expression and personal comfort in her clothing, then uniforms may create unhealthy resentment and result in negative behaviors from your child.”

In her essay, Chen lists the advantages and disadvantages of uniforms in public schools. They establish a safer learning environment and may reduce gang-related violence, but they restrict comfort and self-expression. Ultimately, she leaves it up to parents to decide whether uniforms are essential, depending on their children’s personalities. 

4. What’s the Point of School Uniform? by Rudolph Carroll

“Imagine having to wear school uniforms everyday. The same dress code every week., the same color pants and shirts every week. Uniforms especially those that have color and style requirements for every part of the outfit are not easy for many parents to afford. Students should be able to have a choice to wear whatever they want.”

Carroll advocates for the banning of school uniforms. He writes that they suppress freedom of expression and force students to wear something they may not find comfortable; they should be able to express themselves and wear whatever they want. 

5. Not wearing the trousers: why do some schools still have sexist uniform rules? by Hadley Freeman

“Doubtless, some people out there will say – some waggishly, others less so – that if girls should be allowed to wear trousers at school then boys should be able to wear dresses. My personal feeling on that is, sure, boys can wear dresses if they want but women’s clothing, from skirts to stilettos, was designed to restrict women’s movement, whereas men’s clothing is all about freedom. ”

Freeman writes about school uniform policies she feels are discriminatory. For example, some schools do not allow girls to wear trousers and impose a standard on their female students. She believes that young children should be able to behave freely, including in their dressing habits. Freeman believes that the world’s standard of femininity has become more open, and the idea that girls must wear skirts is outdated.

Top 5 Prompts on Essays About School Uniforms

1. Should School Uniforms Be A Requirement? 

Essays About School Uniforms: Should school uniforms be a requirement?
You can write about your position on uniforms

Plain and simple, you can write about your position on uniforms; decide whether or not you believe students should be required to wear school uniforms. Your essay should include a clear statement of your position, a rebuttal of the opposing viewpoint, and plenty of details to support your argument- use statistics, anecdotes, and other online sources, as well as your opinions. 

2. How Do School Uniforms Effect Behaviour?

Write about the effects of uniforms on students’ positive or negative behavior within school learning environments. For example, does it make them more disciplined, reserved, confident, outgoing, or cheerful? You must include research in your essay to show a clear connection. Looking for more? Check out these essays about classroom.

3. What’s The History and Purpose of School Uniforms?

For your essay, read about the history of school uniforms and write about their usage. Also include their original purpose/s and how it has changed over time. Then, if you wish, you can add whether these purposes or standards have held up in the present day or not. 

4. Are School Uniform Requirements a Form of Indoctrination? 

For an engaging essay, write about school uniforms and indoctrination. Though it may seem like an exaggeration, some say that school uniform requirements are being used to indoctrinate students from a young age. Where do you stand? 

5. What Are The Advantages of School Uniforms?

From a more objective standpoint, try writing about the benefits of mandatory uniforms in school. Do they instill specific values in students? Or perhaps they contribute to a better school environment, as referenced in the sample essays above. What do you think? Write about the benefits/advantages of uniforms for an exciting essay.

For help with this topic, read our guide explaining what is persuasive writing?

If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips!
