Essays About Classroom: Top 6 Examples and 9 Prompts

Are you writing essays about classroom? Then, take up some great ideas from our carefully curated essay examples and writing prompts list. 

Classrooms are designed to be a place for learning. But beyond being an avenue for sharing and exchanging knowledge, a classroom is where a person’s character is molded, strengths fortified, and weaknesses addressed. More importantly, many children would consider their classrooms as their second homes. Unfortunately for some, with terrorizing teachers, bullying classmates, and deep anxieties over exams or public speaking, being in a classroom is an obnoxious experience.

For your essay about classrooms, find below some essay examples and writing prompts that will make you think deeply and be inspired to write.

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6 Useful Examples About Classroom

1. The Flip Side of Flipped Classrooms by Claire L. Jarvis

“Flipped classrooms are challenging to get right, and they demand a different skill set from instructors accustomed to lecturing.”

Flipped classroom model is a popular learning format wherein students watch lectures at home and engage in classroom discussions and activities when they get to class. Unfortunately, while it works wonders for many, it seems to lose its magic in specific classrooms. You might also be interested in these essays about online class.

2. Germany Is Taking Away Kindergarteners’ Toys To Curb Future Addiction by Sara Zaske

“At a Berlin day-care center, the children packed away all the toys: the cars, the tiny plastic animals, the blocks and Legos, even the board games and most of the art materials. They then stood in the empty classroom and looked at their two instructors.”

A toy-free kindergarten sounds gloomy and harsh for kids, but long-term benefits may be reaped from this practice. It was first conceptualized and experimented on in the 1980s. Findings suggest that doing away with toys in kindergarten prevents addictive behavior and encourages creativity as children are left to deal with boredom. 

3. The Products That Teachers Always Need For Their Classrooms by Griffin Wynne

“While teachers surely use a lot of classic school supplies like writing implements and glue sticks, they also need things like snacks, cleaning products and even personal hygiene supplies on hand to make their kids feel safe.”

If we want to improve the quality of our education, schools must start thinking “outside the pencil box” and re-evaluate the supplies needed in a learning-ready classroom. School teachers list some valuable items to add to the class, such as snacks for those who skipped breakfast and wet wipes for hygiene purposes. 

4. What We Can Learn From Finland’s Successful School Reform by Linda Darling-Hammond

“In a Finnish classroom, it is rare to see a teacher standing at the front of a classroom lecturing students for 50 minutes. Instead, students are likely to determine their own weekly targets with their teachers in specific subject areas and choose the tasks they will work on at their own pace.

Nations are turning to Finland to replicate its remarkable success in education. In just two to three decades, Finland climbed from faring poorly in education to a poster child in educational reforms. The essay looks into significant policy changes in the country, from how it addressed inequalities in access to education to its overhaul of traditional learning approaches in the classroom. 

5. How To Create Inclusive Classroom Spaces For Students With Physical Disabilities by Chris Drew

“Small acts by the classroom teacher to make the classroom a more inclusive space such as rearranging desks, being sensitive to transition requirements and removing clutter can go a long way toward creating a sense of belonging and inclusion in every classroom.”

Ensuring classrooms address challenges and give room for the needs of the handicapped shows how teachers and schools value these children. If classroom design and space are limited, teachers can make a few simple steps to ensure students with disabilities can go around the classroom, participate and collaborate with classmates. You might also be interested in our round-up of the best writing apps for Chromebook.

6. How Google Took Over The Classroom by Natasha Singer

“…Google has helped upend the sales methods companies use to place their products in classrooms. It has enlisted teachers and administrators to promote Google’s products to other schools. It has directly reached out to educators to test its products… And it has outmaneuvered Apple and Microsoft…”

Google is changing the face of education by enabling full technology adoption in classrooms at a low cost. And teachers and school administrators who make a big part of its sales success. But as word-of-mouth among schools launch Google to large-scale success, the issue of data privacy emerges, worrying parents and challenging school values.

9 Interesting Prompts on Essays About Classroom

1. Virtual Classrooms 

Essays About Classrooms: Virtual classrooms
Cite the benefits and challenges you encountered in having virtual classrooms

Virtual classrooms were effective alternatives to help children continue learning and meeting with their teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, amid distance learning, many were yearning for a return to a face-to-face classroom setting. To start, cite the benefits and challenges you encountered in having virtual classrooms. Then, provide policy recommendations you think your school should consider to improve the learning experience in the digital space. 

2. Most Unforgettable Classroom Experience

Whether it be a bad memory where you felt embarrassed or a positive one that helped chart your career path, your unforgettable memory in the classroom could be worth sharing and learning from. Write about it in your essay with as many vivid details and elaborate on what it is about this event that made it part of your core memory. 

3. Analysis of Classroom Management

Take a more profound observation of your teachers’ learning and management techniques. Depending on the activities and structure of the learning program, these techniques could be based on cognitive development and motivation theories. Research deeper and analyze whether these techniques help children achieve high scores in exams or, better yet, positively impact their well-being.    

4. Bullying in Classrooms

It is crucial to detect bullying and act on it as early as possible lest the bullying goes through the roof. However, there is a thin line between teasing for a bit of fun and bullying. So, help your readers differentiate between the two. Then, provide some practical tips to report and stand up to bullying, such as recording bullying incidents for proof.

5. Learning Outside the Classroom

Learning outside the classroom means using other places for immersion, workshops, field trips, or any activity that will expose a student further to a subject matter. Research has also affirmed that out-of-school learning can deepen students’ understanding. For your essay, find out what other benefits out-of-class learning can offer and what the schools’ and teachers’ most significant challenges are in conducting more educational activities beyond the classroom. 

6. Laptops in the Classroom: Pros and Cons

There has been a flurry of debates over the effects of having laptops in classrooms. Some studies cite positive effects such as enhanced learning, retention, and classroom collaboration. While others disagree and even see them as distractions like toys are to kindergarten classrooms. In your essay, lay down research studies showing the advantages and disadvantages of allowing laptops during classroom lectures. Next, based on these studies and your experience, share your viewpoint.

7. Cultural Diversity in the Classroom

Diversity in the classroom encourages creating, sharing, and merging different minds and talents. Cross-cultural dialogues and interaction among students also help them learn about cultures and respect differences. If your classroom is a melting pot of cultures, then this writing prompt is for you. Talk about your experience and how this figures into the diversity trends across classrooms in your country or globally.

8. Increasing Student Engagement in Classrooms

Keeping students engaged in classroom discussions is critical in building their self-esteem, curiosity, and motivation. But engaging students — let alone keeping them awake — is the biggest challenge to teachers. So explore what techniques teachers can use to keep a lively discussion in class and address chronic absenteeism. Also, add what students should do to keep active in the classroom.

9. Cooperative Learning in the Classroom

Cooperative learning requires groups to work together to achieve learning goals together. In your essay, elaborate on cooperative learning and how it differs from individual learning. Enumerate its benefits, such as building leaders, improving oral communication and decision-making skills, and cultivating a sense of community-building through cooperation. 
Before submitting or publishing your essay, make sure you take the time to improve the readability score. Then, if you’re still exploring other topics, check out our round-up of essay topics about education.
