Articles About Gender Inequality: Top 5 Examples And Prompts

Articles about gender inequality tackle severe issues with crucial impact. Read through our guide if you’re looking for examples and prompts on this subject.

I worked with two interns at my first office job. Despite having two other people in the department, I noticed our then-manager only ever requested me to buy her coffee. Even if I were the busiest, she would tell me to stop what I was doing to go to the nearest cafe and get her caffeine fix. It was frustrating, and I eventually asked her about it. She answered that it was part of my job because I was the only girl on the intern team. This is a standout memory of mine when I think of gender inequality.

Gender inequality is part of our society in many ways. Unfortunately, most people don’t think twice about their biases. If you need more resources about the topic, here are essays about gender inequality and articles about gender equality.

Articles About Gender Inequality Examples

1. Gender Inequalities: “Past” Issues and Future Possibilities by Victoria Robinson

“…gendered inequality is visible in both public and private spheres, especially the economic, political, and social aspects… The validity of the arguments that gender inequalities are still entrenched and persist over time, place, and culture will initially be compared to alternative claims that gendered power relations, and thus inequalities, are gradually being eroded. “

Robinson focuses her article on the developments linked to gender issues over recent years. She aims to address these problems and discusses what positive change would mean for the past, present, and future of women’s and men’s lives. The article highlights the global scope of gender inequality and explains why the subject affects specific areas of life, specifically education, violence, and global activism. In her conclusion, Robinson calls for more innovative ways to confront these three global issues.

2. Gender Inequalities in the Workplace: The Effects of Organizational Structures, Processes, Practices, and Decision Makers’ Sexism by Cailin Stamarski and Leanne Son Hing

“Gender inequality in organizations is a complex phenomenon that can be seen in organizational structures, processes, and practices. For women, some of the most harmful gender inequalities are enacted within human resources (HRs) practices.”

Stamarski and Son Hing delve into gender inequality in organizations, pinpointing biases rooted in human resources practices. These unfair treatments are demonstrated through disparity in pay, hiring, promotion, and training. The pair also considers organizational structure’s influence on sexism in the workplace. After going into detail about how these various factors lead to gender inequality, they offer suggestions to mitigate this ongoing discrimination, such as engaging in collective action and taking complaints seriously.

3. What Are the Psychological Effects of Gender Inequality? By N. Simay Gökbayrak, Ph.D. and Jayne Leonard

“Gender inequity has serious and long-lasting consequences for women and other marginalized genders… While counseling can help individuals affected by mental health issues, systemic change is necessary to achieve equity and reduce the burden of mental illness on all oppressed groups.”

After briefly explaining what gender inequality is, this article shares some common examples of how this issue manifests in different aspects of society, such as lower employment rates, expectations of being a caregiver, and gender-based violence. The authors also present significant research as evidence of how gender inequality affects an individual’s mental health. These psychological effects include trauma (anxiety, anger, insomnia, etc.), chronic stress, and eating disorders.

4. Gender Inequality in Household Chores and Work-family Conflict by Javier Cerrato and Eva Cifre

“The fact that the permeability between family and work scopes produces work-family conflict (WFC) is well established… From this perspective, and within a context of a more technological and digitalized society, gender equality at work is a matter of paramount importance, which must start with a gender equality at home.”

The researchers’ goal of this article is to identify if there is a connection between the unmatched distribution of household chores and WFC and thereby link the results to gender inequality. As anticipated, women are more involved with house chores, and they also discovered that women are less likely to expect their male counterparts to help. They also examine the subject’s impact on marital conflicts.

The pair concludes that traditional gender roles still influence family and work relations. Cerrato and Cifre suggest that public and social institutions should design their programs and campaigns and apply the research’s findings to have a fair society.

5. Gender Inequality Affects Everyone by VIC Government

“Gender inequality affects everyone, including men. Stereotypes or ‘rules’ about how women and men, girls and boys should begin in childhood and follow us through to adulthood.”

This article presents various ways gender inequality is displayed, specifically in Victoria. The piece is divided into multiple marginalized groups to make it easier for readers to recognize how this discrimination is expressed. The article enumerates different disparities to call attention to these biases. 

Looking for more? Check out these articles about gender.

6 Prompts for Articles About Gender Inequality

1. The Importance of Gender Inequality Discussions

The importance of gender inequality discussions
In this prompt, tackle an issue such as women being prone to harassment, provide research as evidence, then explain why it happens through gender inequality

Dive into the critical reasons people should be aware of what gender inequality is all about and why there should be more discussions about it. You can talk with professionals about their opinions on the subject and ask why the average person should be concerned with the issues surrounding gender inequality. 

For example, tackle an issue such as women being prone to harassment, provide research as evidence, then explain why it happens through gender inequality. ProWritingAid is one of our top grammar checkers. Find out why in this ProWritingAid review.

2. Movies Showing Gender Inequality

Gender inequality is a serious issue with severe consequences. Write an article discussing the various films that explore the different effects and perspectives of gender inequality. Your report can help others who want to learn about the subject quickly. You can divide your article into two parts: movies for children and adults. 

For instance, Whale Rider (2002) tells the story of a girl who changed her tribe’s tradition of only having boys as the next chiefs in line. It’s perfect for children as it has a straightforward plot and fun cinematography.  

3. Gender Inequality in the Workplace

Although many policies have been put in place to fight gender inequality at work, biases are still deeply-rooted in society. For this prompt, interview people about the work-related biases they’ve experienced. 

Share these situations with your readers to open their eyes to the real-life impacts of this unfair treatment. You can also research and add a section identifying the most gender-equal workplaces and acknowledge how all genders are encouraged to achieve the same success in these locations.

4. Gender Inequality: My Experience

Gender inequality: My experience
In this prompt, identify the different gender inequalities that people seem unaware of in your local area

Consider where you live. Observe and identify the different gender inequalities that people seem unaware of in your local area. This could be a personal experience or a general societal view within your culture. For example, you may be used to your mother taking on most of the housework, or perhaps your brother is discouraged from sharing his sadness and told to “toughen up.”

After recognizing the unjust but normalized conduct you have experienced, point out what makes them problematic. Explain why these common inequalities are expected and recommend ways that, as a society, we can change them.

5. Reasons Why Some Don’t Believe In Gender Inequality

For this prompt, garner different justifications people use to excuse gender inequality. Then, indicate what makes these excuses troublesome. An example could be that men and women both have the same opportunities or that women are more emotional than men, so they think with their feelings more than logic. 

Dispute this belief with research disagreeing with these misconceptions. Your article will help readers recognize if they’re biased and change their minds on these issues. For help editing your articles, we recommend using the best grammar checker. Our round-up profiles these tools and offers discounts. 

6. Facts About Gender Inequality

To convince readers that gender inequality exists and should be taken seriously, collate facts that relay its impacts on different areas of life. For instance, a study found that women are less likely to earn a patent than men because they face more scrutiny. Take time to find statistics and data that show real evidence of inequality.
