Articles About Gender: Top 5 Examples and 5 Prompts

There are many serious issues discussed in articles about gender. Discover our top picks of article examples, plus prompts you can use for your writing.

I find babysitting my nephews these days more exhausting than when I was 13 years old. Not because the children I look after are more energetic but because they have more questions that I find hard to answer, one query that always makes my head spin is, “What is gender?” 

It’s tough to explain something I don’t fully fathom. It becomes frustrating when even after reading through the web, I can’t still thoroughly explain what gender is all about, such as the many gender pronouns I need to be aware of to respect how people identify.

5 Article Examples

1. The Gender System and Interaction by Cecilia L. Ridgeway and Lynn Smith-Lovin

“Although gender is deeply involved in the fundamental organization of interaction, people are many things in interaction in addition to their sex… Beliefs and identities affect the network contacts that men and women seek and, thus, the structural contexts in which they meet.”

The researchers focus on the difference between males and females and how these distinctions lead to inequality justified by society. They note that expected experiences marred this unfairness. In the conclusion section, they ask the readers to have additional readings about other studies’ findings regarding male and female interactions to explain behaviors. They also call attention to unequal status relationships affecting these gendered practices. You can also check out these articles about gender inequality and articles about gender equality.

2. Editorial: Gender Roles in the Future? Theoretical Foundations and Future Research Directions by Alice Eagly and Sabine Sczesny

“The contemporary interest in the psychology of gender reflects its centrality in the understanding of social behavior… In addition, binary gender itself is facing challenge as the two primary sex categories of female and male yield to accommodate multiple gender and sexual identities, including non-binary identities and transgender status.”

Eagly and Sczesny discuss the importance of the study of gender in understanding behavior and creating theories to explain such tendencies. These efforts lead to a better understanding of gender and how it impacts occupation, social identity, and other areas of life. The pair also delves into gender’s part in economics and politics in demonstrating women’s challenges to be at par with the opposing gender, such as the creation of the #MeToo movement. The study further illustrates how someone’s gender influences their goals, like careers and leadership opportunities.

3. Gender Diversity on Corporate Boards Can Improve Organizational Performance by Hanen Khemakhem

“The differences that men and women bring to the table should be embraced and promoted by organizations, not judged or condemned. By welcoming difference, companies could help promote an inclusive environment that encourages women to continue to perform their jobs in their own unique way.”

Hemakhem et al. center their article on why there’s a noticeable gap in the number of women participants compared to men on corporate boards of directors despite diversity disclosure rules. They support the research findings that having female contributors increase organizational performance by listing how women help in board meetings. 

The authors then tackle the hindrances women must jump over, including not being in the “Boy’s Club,” genetics, and social roles. Ultimately, they urge the readers that male and female differences benefit corporate performance and, thus, must be promoted instead of challenged.  

4. Sex and Gender: What Is the Difference? by Emelia Arquilla, DO and Tim Newman

“Labels may help a person understand their identify, but gender identities are not always classifiable in these ways. As people come to perceive their gender identity in new ways, they may find that no single term defines it. Or, they may identify in several ways.”

The writers explain the difference between “sex” and “gender” and why it’s critical to use them properly. The pair also confronts the norms attached to gender that society considers appropriate. The article has many related research, surveys, and relevant articles to assist the readers in further understanding the topic. Other parts of the piece include gender and its relation to health, society, and identity expression.

5. Are Christian Souls Gendered? by Philip Almond

“So, the modern heaven is a secular one in which God, and for that matter souls, play little role. It is no longer one of “embodied” souls but of “spiritual” bodies, enjoying for eternity the best of this world in the next. And, in this vision of the afterlife, we essentially and eternally are gendered in spiritual bodies in a way that reflects our physical bodies in this life, whatever form that may have taken.”

Almond dives into the complicated territory of Christianity, specifically humans’ immortal souls bonded to their male or female bodies. He points out how souls are non-gendered because they are spiritual creations, then how their representation shifted from bible-based to classical Greek-inspired to biology-bound. He explains it via history’s depictions of angels, who are also spiritual beings – from men to women, then finally, both. Ultimately, he tells the readers that the notion of what a man or woman accounts for heavily relies on social constructs.

5 Prompts for Articles About Gender

1. Understanding Gender

Gender is a hot topic, especially in modern times, where many want to express themselves freely. Dedicate your article to explaining why gender is not the same as sex and how broad this subject is in the simplest way possible. Aim to inform when writing your piece and be thorough when doing your research to avoid offending readers that may identify separately from their natal sex. Interview professionals and ask them for advice on what to focus on or steer clear when creating the article. 

2. The Importance of Gender

The importance of gender
In this prompt, share the life journey of an individual who has to deal with limited opportunities and connections because of their gender

Some people don’t care about the serious issues concerning gender because it doesn’t directly affect them. In your article, make it your objective to attract readers’ attention and make them crave more knowledge about the topic. 

For instance, you can share the life journey of an individual who has to deal with limited opportunities and connections because of their gender. Share a compelling story filled with vivid descriptions of their memories to keep your readers engaged and make them feel connected to the individual. This way, they’ll be coaxed to read and try to understand the character’s feelings and thoughts about their circumstances.

3. Gender: Then and Now

Dig up on what a discussion of gender looked like before when society wasn’t as open to it. Then, compare how these discussions changed over time and what precipitated these developments. You can list historical events involving gender and explain the impact of each on today’s society. You can also add what you think the future holds regarding this topic.

4. Gender and Double Standards 

Gender is often attached to demands of equality, and rightfully so. Although there have been improvements, many still can’t change their innate predisposition to have double standards. In your article, discuss why it’s a dangerous way of thinking and how it affects others. A great example of double standards is praising men for having many sexual partners while shaming women with several intimate relationships.

5. Gender Roles and Society: What Should We Keep and What Should We Abolish

Gender roles and society
For this prompt, think of toxic gender roles that should be abandoned and why

Society has imposed gender roles throughout history that are still true today. For this prompt, think of toxic gender roles that should be abandoned and why. In another section, pick roles you think should best stay and the benefits people can get from them. To make your article entertaining, you can interview people about their opinion and thoughts on the matter, their reasons, and what you think of their answers. For help editing your articles, we recommend using the best grammar checker. Our round-up profiles these tools and offers discounts. 
