Articles About Immigration: Top 5 Examples and 7 Prompts

Discover our guide with helpful examples and prompts to write articles about immigration and take on this challenging topic in a compelling piece of writing.

Immigration is a hot topic of discussion worldwide, particularly during times of crisis and war; many people seek to immigrate to safer and more affluent countries. Successful immigration can be a challenging process due to difficulties in obtaining visas and documentation. Each country has rules and regulations regarding immigration to manage the population, job availability, and quality of life for all.

Leading with compassion and kindness is essential when tackling the subject of immigration, as we all seek to live happy and satisfying lives. Take a look at some essays about immigration to understand the real experiences of immigrants from across the globe. To write articles about immigration, consider topics such as refugees, human rights, moral obligations, and quality of life.

Articles About Immigration Example

1. Immigration to the United States: Recent Trends and Future Prospects by Charles Hirschman

“Although there is lingering prejudice and popular fears of immigrants, there is growing evidence that, on balance, immigrants make a positive contribution to the American economy and society. There is little evidence that immigrants have an adverse impact on the wages and employment of native born Americans.”

After noting that the percentage of immigrants today is lower than in the 19th to 20th centuries, the researcher discusses the nature of the post-1965 immigrant wave and citizens’ fear of immigration. Hirschman says that while absorbing more immigrants is beneficial, it also has costs, such as translation services.

Hirschman concludes that while immigrants and their children were very different from native Americans, they could quickly adapt and integrate into the new society. According to him, many become immigrants to give their families good welfare, education, and a better future. Their children excel in school in return.

2. Key Facts About US Immigration Policies and Biden’s Proposed Changes by Jens Manuel Krogstad and Ana Gonzalez-Barrera

“Since President Biden took office in January 2021, his administration has acted on a number of fronts to reverse Trump-era restrictions on immigration to the United States.”

Krogstad and Gonzalez-Barrera delve into President Joe Biden’s plans to improve programs that will benefit millions of immigrants in the country. They explain that due to a significant decrease in the number of accepted refugees caused by the 2020 pandemic, plus the previous administration’s efforts to stop immigrants, President Biden decided to lift the restrictions on COVID and increased the refugee limit to 120,000. The article also includes other proposals for granting and denying immigrants green cards, with President Biden’s plan to give unauthorized immigrants a path to legal status as the biggest yet.

3. The Problem With Immigration Targets: They’re ‘Guesstimates’ Easily Misunderstood by the Public by Jennifer Elrick

“In other words, they are estimates of what Canadian immigration bureaucrats have historically referred to as the country’s ‘absorptive capacity.’”

The article centers around the importance of the Canadian government and its role in explaining immigration targets and absorption capacity to the public. It’s because the public has limited access to factual information, creating public anxiety that leads to the perception that immigrants are threats.

General anxiety is the main factor that fuels political polarization to justify harsh immigration laws, so it’s not surprising that immigrants are also used as scapegoats for political failures to avoid queries. Ultimately, she describes immigration guesstimates as useful for policymaking, but it’s crucial that the public fully understand them first.

4. Discovering the ‘Honeypot’: The Surprising Way Restricting Immigration Can Turn Out To Hurt the Working Poor by Dean Hoi

“…Restricting immigration might at first help low-income workers, over time it hurts those local workers. This is due to what I call the ‘honeypot effect,’ in which wage hikes for poor jobs keep people in poor jobs.”

Hoi aims to examine whether or not reducing low-skilled migration can help raise wages for the general public. To show its severity, he mentions America’s first exclusion in 1882, when Chinese immigrants were blamed for lowering wages and unemployment to justify stopping them from coming to the country. Hoi’s research shows that this was a failed attempt to improve Americans’ quality of life. 

He calls this phenomenon the “honeypot effect,” where workers take low-skilled jobs with no room for education and salary increases. The Honeypot is still around today, and Hoi suggests looking for better and more sustainable plans.

5. US Proposes Hiking Fees for Work-related Immigration Applications to Fund Asylum Program by Camilo Montoya-Galvez

“USCIS said the new proposed rule would fund the expansion of a pilot program the Biden administration launched in June that aims to shorten the review of asylum claims of migrants who recently crossed the southern border from the current years-long average to several months.”

Galvez reports on the changes that will happen if the proposed rule of raising the fees for applying for immigration programs is signed. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) depends on funding from application fees, and this money isn’t enough to support citizenship and humanitarian immigration benefits. Galvez presents changes such as employers paying an additional $600 to sponsor immigrants for permanent US residency or working visas.

Prompts To Write Articles About Immigration

1. Immigration to the US Then vs. Now

According to historians, there were immigrants in the US before the implementation of the Nationality Act of 1965. In your article, write a brief history of immigration and describe the current immigration system, laws, and immigrant population.

Then, tell your readers how the US administration’s approach to immigration has changed throughout history. Here are the best books for American history that you can use in your research.

2. Is a Green Card Holder a US Citizen?

Is a green card holder a us citizen?
In this prompt, describe the process of obtaining a green card and its benefits

Having a green card makes an immigrant a permanent resident of the US, but some question if it makes them a genuine US citizen. In your article, explain what a green card is, including its importance. Describe the process of obtaining a green card and its benefits. Then, identify the similarities and differences between being a green card holder and a US citizen to answer the question prompt in your conclusion.

3. Immigrating to The US

A person can legally immigrate to the US by obtaining a visa. Write an article that contains the entire process of legal immigration to the US, plus the common reasons people do so. Then, compare this with the illegal way, its dangers, and the punishment applied when caught.

4. The Effects of Immigration

Although immigration has economic benefits, it also causes adverse effects such as overcrowding. For this prompt, discuss the positive and negative impacts of immigration on a country’s economic stability and a society’s development. Many sources are available online on this topic, so use key research to back up your arguments and cite your sources correctly.

5. US Immigration Programs

Family-based immigration grants green cards to spouses or immediate family members with US citizenship. Focus your article on the current US immigration programs available. Choose a program such as family-based immigration and provide information to your readers on how to apply for it, who is eligible, the benefits, and its limitations.

6. Misconceptions About Immigrants

Misconceptions about immigrants
In this prompt, use factual data to prove that immigrants are not taking jobs away from Americans, and encourage your readers to challenge these assumptions

Many locals are still opposed to increasing immigration due to misconceptions about immigrants’ impact on the economy and more. To help resolve these misunderstandings, create an article that addresses the misconceptions. For example, some believe that immigrants are taking jobs away from Americans, resulting in lower wages, unemployment, and poverty. Use factual data to prove this statement wrong, and encourage your readers to challenge these assumptions. For help editing your articles, we recommend using the best grammar checker

7. Did the September 11 Bombings Affect Changes in the US Immigration System?

The 9/11 Bombings greatly impacted the world, especially the US. The effects of this terrorist attack are still apparent today, particularly within strict immigration laws. In your article, describe the government’s efforts and changes to the US immigration system to increase national security.
