Articles About Earth: Top 5 Examples and 8 Prompts

Earth is our home planet, full of life and wondrous things. If you want to write articles about Earth, read our guide with examples and prompts to help you.

A curious classmate once asked our teacher, “If the Earth dies, where will we go?” Our teacher answered: “Nowhere.” Earth is the only planet in the universe that knows how to host life. Therefore, letting it wither away means everything in it will perish too.

There needs to be a push for change, focusing on how we can work together to save our planet. This concern about what the future holds leads to many articles and essays about Earth in hopes of reaching a broader audience to spread awareness.

Article About Earth Examples

1. Planet Earth, Explained by Michael Greshko

“Every other solar system planet was named for a Greek or Roman deity, but for at least a thousand years, some cultures have described our world using the Germanic word ‘Earth,’ which means simply ‘the ground.’”

Greshko introduces Earth with fun facts, such as the planet being a definite water source. He describes the layers and features of the planet and its differences from other planets in the solar system.

The article also includes the Earth’s protective fields shielding humans and its atmospheric gasses such as nitrogen, oxygen, and argon. In the end, the writer names our planet “spaceship Earth” because, like a regular spaceship, it helps scientists study other worlds and find other Earths that living beings may be able to inhabit. 

2. What Was Earth’s Biggest Explosion? by Michael Dhar

“From early asteroid bombardment to the development of nuclear weapons, some massive detonations have battered our planet. But Earth’s biggest explosion varies by the scale you’re considering, from human-created to blasts from giant space rocks.”

This article shows how planet Earth has survived dangerous eruptions from ancient to modern times. Dhar details the three classifications of Earth explosions, saying that Tsar Bomba is the largest manufactured explosion in history. As for the biggest terrestrial explosion on Earth, he identifies the 1815 Mount Tambora eruption, where many people and animals died. 

The last classification is explosions from extraterrestrial sources. One is the Tunguska event that caused the dinosaurs’ extinction, disasters such as massive tsunamis, and carved the huge Vredefort crater. Another is the collision of a Mars-sized body and the young Earth that gave birth to the Earth’s satellite – the moon. You might also be interested in these articles about climate change for students.

3. The Earth Had Its Shortest Day in Recorded History by Margaret Osborne

“The Earth’s spin is generally slowing, so a leap second (an extra second every 1.5 years or so) is added to allow it to catch up to the clocks. But now it seems the Earth is spinning quicker.”

Osborne reports that the shortest Earth rotation in history occurred in June 2022, followed by another in July. According to her interviews, this event is unique and tells us something has changed since the 1970s. She talks about the variation in the speed of the Earth’s rotation as the reason for using Universal Time Coordinated and describes its two components.

If these changes continue, they can affect time and require scientists to remove or skip a second. However, some reports say this is likely to happen soon. Additionally, many technology companies oppose the leap second because it will impact their software.

4. Curious Kids: Does the Sky Protect the Earth and if Yes, Then How? By Lucy Carpenter

“But in between our planet’s surface and outer space, there’s the atmosphere. The atmosphere is made up of gasses, which do most of the hard work protecting the Earth as it goes around the sun.”

Carpenter’s article states that it is not the sky that protects the Earth but the planet’s atmosphere. She compares the atmosphere to a giant greenhouse that keeps the Earth from getting too hot or cold and helps animals, plants, and people be stable and survive. Another protector is the ozone layer, the Earth’s natural sunscreen that keeps the sun’s rays nice, warm, and safe on human skin to prevent diseases like skin cancer.

5. Earth Might Be Experiencing 7th Mass Extinction, Not 6th by Jules Bernstein

“Although unclear whether this represents a true ‘mass extinction,’ the percentage of organisms lost is similar to these other events, including the current, ongoing one.”

This article states that before the extinction of the dinosaurs, the Ediacaran creatures first disappeared from the planet. In Bernstein’s research, the Earth lost 80% of these creatures because of changes in the planet’s environment and not because they were moved or eaten by other creatures. 

Although it’s still uncertain why the Earth’s oxygen level dropped during this period, the author believes that changes in the Earth’s atmosphere can harm and destroy any life at any time. Show the intensity of the subject you’re writing about through descriptive words. For instance, here is a list of adjectives that describe war.

Writing Prompts for Articles About Earth

1. The Oceans of the Earth

The oceans of the earth
In this prompt, describe how the phrase The Seven Seas is applied and what it refers to in literature

Although evidence supports that there are oceans on other planets, our home is the only one with stable surface water covering 71% of the Earth. There used to be four named oceans. However, there have been new oceans named through the years. Identify these oceans, their locations, and the origins of their names. You can also tackle phrases linked to the topic, such as The Seven Seas. Describe how the phrase is applied and what it refers to in literature. 

2. What Is the Oldest Sign of Life on Earth?

There are many different answers to this question, making it an exciting topic. When writing this article, reach out to professionals for information and use your article to write their answers about the oldest sign of life on Earth. Make sure to present the information in a way that’s easy to understand for the average reader. 

For example, you can write about the microbes found in rocks and how they assisted in the creation of other living beings. After naming the oldest life forms on Earth and where they were found, discuss the history of life on Earth.

3. The Continuously Spinning Earth

The Earth must remain orbiting around the sun and rotating on its axis, but only a few know why. For this prompt, tell your readers about the Earth’s axis and orbit, what makes the planet spin, the speed of rotation, and why the Earth keeps spinning. You should also describe what will happen if the Earth stops spinning and whether it will be dangerous for the living.

4. Planet Earth and Its Capacity

There are currently 8 billion people on Earth. With the continuously increasing population comes the question of the planet’s capacity to support life. Talk about Earth and its maximum capacity for life, including what will happen if it exceeds its full capacity. Include any efforts by governments or organizations to handle the issues connected to the Earth’s capacity.

5. How Can Humans Protect the Earth?

How can humans protect the earth?
In this prompt, make your piece convincing by presenting the direct effects of human activities and alternative ways that we can do instead to save the planet

Dedicate your article to encouraging humans to protect the Earth and preserve its natural resources so that we have what we need to use today and for future generations. Ensure to make your piece convincing by presenting the direct effects of human activities and alternative ways that we can do instead to save the planet.

6. Is Technology Bad for Planet Earth?

Technology offers many benefits to the human race but also comes with a price. Use this prompt to show the readers what we sacrifice to keep and improve technology. Present evidence of technology destroying the planet and explain how. Afterward, look for programs to prevent technology from further damaging the Earth.

7. Importance of Reusing and Recycling

One of the most famous and influential slogans for saving the planet is “reuse and recycle.” Define what this slogan means and its origin, then explain how it helps protect the Earth. You can also incorporate new ways to reuse and recycle things that harm the planet.

8. All About Earth Day

Earth Day is when people celebrate the Earth and the environment every year. Use this prompt to describe the purpose of this celebration, its history, and which countries participate. Write about past themes of Earth Day and why more people need to take this day seriously. For help editing your articles, we recommend using the best grammar checker. Our round-up profiles these tools and offers discounts.
