Articles About Confidence: Top 5 Examples and 7 Prompts for Your Writing

Confidence offers many benefits that lead to a better life. Discover our top articles about confidence examples, plus helpful writing prompts to inspire you.

I’m not fond of anything that puts me under everyone’s attention, like class recitations or monologues in school plays. I still vividly recall when I had to perform Hamlet’s “To be, or not to be” and how my voice trembled with nervousness. 

Over the years, I learned that having confidence helps my personal growth and is a critical trait I should have. If you want to be more confident in your writing skills, check out our article on how to gain confidence in writing.

Articles About Confidence

1. What Is Self-confidence? (+ 9 Proven Ways To Increase It) by Courtney Ackerman, M.A.

“… There have been thousands of papers published on self-confidence or self-esteem, and many of these papers connect self-confidence with success in life.”

The author of this article states that the movement of improving one’s confidence began in 1969 when a psychologist argued that low self-esteem leads to mental and emotional problems. Ackerman then discusses the differences between self-efficacy, self-esteem, and self-confidence, which Ackerman describes as a person’s trust in their abilities, capacities, beliefs, and judgments that bring them happiness.

Ackerman also discusses the three most popular self-confidence theories and the importance of confidence. These include being free from self-doubt and better well-being and performance. She warns readers about the possible consequences of overconfidence, such as low motivation to achieve goals, and explains the role of fear in building confidence. Finally, the writer provides various steps to improve self-confidence. 

2. Confidence Can Be a Bad Thing – Here’s Why by Stuart Beattie and Tim Woodman

“When confidence is miscalibrated (believing you are better than you really are), it will have a negative effect on subsequent task performance.”

In this article, Stuart and Woodman use different scenarios to prove that overconfidence has disadvantages. Their research reports that while low confidence causes people to disengage or use more complicated methods to complete a task, it improves a person’s performance. On the other hand, overconfidence makes a person work hard to achieve challenging goals, but it also causes them to put in less effort.

It’s because they think they have more than they have. The pair explains that people do it unintentionally and shouldn’t worry because the benefits outweigh its disadvantages. However, they also caution individuals to avoid being unreasonably confident. Check out these articles about gratitude.

3. Confidence – Are We Born With It or Can It Be Nurtured? by IANS

“The more pressure we apply to be confident and self-assured, the more the absence of it shows up. What we resist, persists.”

The author of this article believes that people are naturally confident and have had it since birth. However, it gradually decreases due to the baggage people acquire as they age. It includes fear of rejection and failure where the independent, confident, and outspoken child begins to doubt themselves and shy away from life’s challenges.

Because people think they need confidence to be valued and accepted in society, they work hard to get it. But the article argues that instead of confidence, it only creates conflicts. The writer suggests that people should remove all the limiting beliefs that prevent them from being confident in who they are instead of getting training. Check out these articles about beauty.

4. How To Build Self-confidence by the Mind Tools Content Team

“But it’s not always easy to be confident in yourself, particularly if you’re naturally self-critical or if other people put you down.”

The authors of this article define self-confidence as self-esteem and feeling worthy regardless of imperfections and what others might think. They also compare the behavior of confident people and those with low confidence and discuss the importance of self-confidence.

To be more confident, the writers suggest showing it through body language, interactions with others, and level of knowledge. Then, they discuss developing healthy habits, creating a positive attitude through reflecting on past success, and setting and achieving goals to build confidence.

5. Why Confidence Matters by Cengage.Com

“But the evidence is more than anecdotal: research reveals the more confident you feel, the better you perform.”

In this article, the authors present three reasons confidence is vital to students’ success. First, it helps students work under pressure, a skill they can use for everyday life and future jobs. Second, confidence improves resilience to face various academic setbacks, such as poor grades, so it doesn’t impact their performance. Finally, confidence makes students risk-takers, so they are more inclined to leave their comfort zone to explore their passions and improve their skills.

Writing Prompts for Articles About Confidence

1. Living With Low Confidence

Living with low confidence
In this prompt, gather studies about the subject, interview individuals with low confidence, and ask them to relay their experiences to show your readers its effects

Low confidence can manifest in many ways and influences our overall happiness and quality of life. Use this prompt to explain how someone with low confidence experiences daily life and the aspects they might struggle with. 

Use this article to show your readers what it’s like to live with low confidence. Gather studies about the subject, interview individuals with low confidence, and ask them to relay their experiences to show your readers its effects.

2. The Dos and Don’ts in Building Confidence

Many articles contain confidence-building techniques, but most focus only on the steps. In this article, you will not only guide your readers in boosting their confidence, but you will also provide tips to make these steps more effective. You should also identify what they should avoid, so they can effectively build their confidence.

For example, in building confidence, it is essential to recognize mistakes and flaws to be a better person. Another tip is to know when to stop listening to others. It’s also best to cut ties with toxic people and surround themselves with people who support them.

3. Overconfidence: Is It Good or Bad?

Overconfidence: Is It Good or Bad?
In this prompt, add tips on how people can limit being overconfident to avoid these incidents

There is an ongoing debate on whether overconfidence should be considered a negative characteristic. Weigh in on this debate and point out the pros and cons of having too much confidence. You can also present possible scenarios where overconfidence becomes harmful. Add tips on how people can limit being overconfident to avoid these incidents.

For instance, someone overconfident may take on an excessive workload, thinking they can do everything before the deadline. However, refusing to get help from others will lead to them missing the deadline and disrupting the company’s operations.

4. How To Raise a Confident Child

As mentioned in the example article above, people are born with a certain confidence level. In your article, enumerate the reasons for low confidence in children and how they can be encouraged to be more confident. Then, provide steps on how these caregivers can help improve children’s confidence through positive encouragement and reassurance.

For example, guardians should let children work independently to enhance their problem-solving skills and gain confidence instead of being overprotective. Support your article with experts’ comments. You might also be interested in these articles about appearance.

5. Social Media and Its Effects on Confidence

Social media is a double-edged sword. It connects us with friends and gives us immediate information. However, it can distort our perception of reality and influence our confidence. For instance, we can often compare ourselves to the people we see online, making us feel inadequate in our lifestyle or appearance. In your article, tackle these problems and share relevant data demonstrating their consequences. For help with this topic, read our guide explaining what is persuasive writing?

6. Confident People Make Good Leaders

Confidence makes a person an effective communicator, one of the qualities leaders possess. Use this prompt to explain how confidence makes a person a great leader in school, the workplace, the community, or the country. Then, discuss methods used to enhance the confidence of aspiring future leaders.

7. Confidence and Success

Dedicate your article to discussing if confidence is the key to success. To make your writing more interesting, pick stories of successful people and examine the degree of their confidence and how they used it to reach their goals. For help editing your articles, we recommend using the best grammar checker. Our round-up profiles these tools and offers discounts.
