Articles About Gratitude: Top 5 Examples 7 Prompts To Use

Gratitude is more than just demonstrating your appreciation for something or someone. Read through our sample articles about gratitude and writing prompts. 

If I learned anything from my late grandmother, it’s to be grateful for everything that comes my way, whether it is good or bad. When I asked her why I need to be grateful even in the saddest events of my life, she told me, “All of it is a part of life and proof that you’re alive.”

Since then, I have been more open about expressing my gratitude. Gratitude helps me look at my life positively and keeps me level-headed. I practice gratitude by writing; you can try it too by following our easy steps to practice gratitude journaling.

Articles About Gratitude Examples

1. How Gratitude Changes You and Your Brain by Joshua Brown and Joel Wong

“… A promising approach is to complement psychological counseling with additional activities that are not too taxing for clients but yield high results. In our own research, we have zeroed in on one such activity: the practice of gratitude.”

In this article, the researchers explain how gratitude improves a person’s mental health. They report that gratitude can help everyone, and when it’s combed with counseling, it can promote more significant benefits than psychological counseling alone. 

They note that positive words shift individuals’ attention away from negative and toxic emotions, and gratitude works even when people keep it to themselves. While it will take time to feel the benefits, Brown and Wong prove that appreciation has a lasting effect on one’s brain.

2. Showing Gratitude Is Good for All of Us, so Why Don’t We Give Thanks More? by Richard Sima

“The ‘find-remind-and-bind’ theory proposes that feeling grateful helps us find new contacts, reminds us that current connections care about us, and binds us closer together.”

Sima reports on the results of a study on gratitude expressers underestimating and misunderstanding the effects of openly demonstrating their gratitude. The study involves letters of gratitude and how their recipients will feel. The results show that people want to be appreciated, and it doesn’t make them feel awkward to receive gratitude letters. Instead, it makes their day extra special. 

Misconceptions are the main reason people are afraid to express gratitude, as there needs to be more evidence that these letters have such positive impacts. After discussing the evidence, Sima concludes that gratitude binds and strengthens mutual connections. His article also includes tips on expressing gratitude, such as focusing on the person you want to thank.

3. Is the Secret to Happiness Having a Gratitude Practice? by Lane Florsheim

“… Clinical trials indicate that gratitude practices can facilitate better sleep and lower blood pressure – and that people who keep gratitude journals are on average happier than those who don’t.”

Florsheim explains that gratitude has existed since the beginning and isn’t exclusive to celebrities and other successful people. Additionally, practicing gratitude should be relatively easy. Practicing gratitude evokes positive feelings that lead to people using it to cope with crises, problems, depression, and stress. Other than that, gratitude also strengthens leadership skills and inspires others.

4. Giving Thanks for the Power of Gratitude by Susan Dugan

“Thanksgiving can feel more like a heaping helping of stress than a chance to relish genuine thankfulness. But adopting certain practices year-round can feed a sense of gratitude, reducing stress and enhancing wellbeing.”

Dugan relies on an expert and describes the power of gratitude as the feeling one gets after receiving something good. Although it’s often associated with religion, it doesn’t mean that a non-religious person cannot express gratitude. 

This article reminds readers that even though gratitude can incite happiness and positive emotions to improve quality of life, it isn’t a cure for mental health issues. The author includes steps to be more grateful such as creating a gratitude list, meditation, and properly expressing gratitude. You may also enjoy these articles about confidence.

5. Express Gratitude – Not Because You Will Benefit From It, but Others Might by Jennifer Cheavens and David Cregg

“There are several plausible explanations for the apparent connection between gratitude and well-being. It may be that gratitude serves as a positive lens through which to view the world.”

Cheavens and Cregg argue that gratitude and well-being are correlated. People who express gratitude have highly positive emotions, life satisfaction, and purpose, so they forgive quickly and sleep better. However, no proof expressing gratitude improves well-being.

While they strongly recommend avoiding using gratitude as a self-help tool to enhance happiness and well-being, they also suggest using it to acknowledge others. They say that gratitude leads to stronger and better relationships.

7 Prompts for Writing Articles About Gratitude

1. The Importance of Gratitude Journaling

The importance of gratitude journaling
In this prompt, offer tips on how newbies can gradually integrate gratitude journaling into their lives so they don’t think of it as a chore

Some people might feel too shy to practice gratitude in conversation, so they can choose to write it in their gratitude journals. For this prompt, write an article describing this type of journal and the things it should contain so it can effectively improve an individual’s outlook on life. 

Then, state the advantages and disadvantages of using a gratitude journal. You can also offer tips on how newbies can gradually integrate gratitude journaling into their lives so they don’t think of it as a chore.

2. How To Cultivate Gratitude

Like other essential life skills, gratitude is a skill one can learn, cultivate, and strengthen. Use this prompt to teach your readers how to develop gratitude and be more appreciative of what they have. Look through studies and professional opinions to provide research-based techniques to give readers multiple options and examples for each method.

3. Teaching Gratitude to Children

Teaching gratitude to children
In this prompt, explain the importance of teaching and practicing gratitude to children

Children can sometimes hold grudges when they don’t get what they want, so it’s important to encourage them to practice gratitude in these situations. In this prompt, explain the importance of teaching and practicing gratitude to children. Convince your readers by adding the positive impacts of understanding gratitude and the adverse effects of losing it. To help you with this topic, read our guide on persuasive writing.

4. Obstacles to Practicing Gratitude

While gratitude comes naturally to most people, others struggle to express it. In this article, identify and discuss barriers to acknowledging and expressing gratitude. Delve into the reasons and consequences of these obstacles and what they can do to circumvent this issue.

For instance, entitled individuals with an inflated sense of self-value can think of the blessings they receive as something they deserve and can demand from others. Ensure that the factors you list are supported by research.

5. Gratitude and Healing

Psychology research proves that gratitude is strongly associated with greater happiness, but there are few articles on whether it heals people. Use this prompt to explain how expressing gratitude relates to letting someone go, building self-love, and healing. Then, include helpful tips on adequately using gratitude to cope with these situations.

6. Gratitude in Different Cultures

Gratitude is expressed in various ways and highly depends on one’s culture. In your article, write about the different ways society relays gratitude and how these ways are interpreted. For instance, Americans are prone to saying “thank you” like its a habit, while children from South Korea and China favor demonstrating their gratitude by offering assistance. It’s best if you can interview people native to each location.

7. The Gratitude Challenge

Devote your article to helping people interested in showing their gratitude more by challenging them to follow a program. This can include being more mindful, keeping a gratitude journal, and others that help people be more appreciative of what they have. Add the benefits of completing the gratitude challenge to encourage your readers to participate.For help editing your articles, we recommend using the best grammar checker. Our round-up profiles these tools and offers discounts.
