Articles About Appearance: 5 Article Examples and 8 Helpful Prompts

Appearance is an essential aspect of humans, making it a popular topic to write about. See our top articles about appearance and prompts to guide your writing.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but we can’t deny that we are first attracted to appearances. After all, no one will pay too much attention to their appearance if it doesn’t help them advance in life. Society relates a positive appearance with prosperity. We see someone who’s well-put-together and immediately thinks that they have a better standard of living and other positive influences in their life. 

We take care of our appearance for many reasons and it has become a part of modern culture and society. May it be to have higher self-confidence, fit in modern society, or be respectful of customs and traditions. But when does it become an obsession that negatively affects us?

1. Is Our Appearance Important to Our Patients? By S. Menahem and Pesach Shvartzman

“Since Hippocrates, doctors have been aware of the importance of their appearance, as it often influences the doctor-patient relationship. Even in primitive societies, the way the healer dresses is part of the paraphernalia and ritual of healing..”

Menahem and Shvartzman explain that although the white coat has been a symbol of the medical profession since the 1930s, it’s also considered an ominous sign by patients, prompting some doctors in various countries to stop wearing it. With this in mind, the two researchers study the reactions of different nationalities to medical staff’s dress codes.

The researchers conclude that appearance is essential to medical professionals because most respondents say they prefer doctors in formal attire and white coats. However, this doesn’t affect the patient’s decision on where to get a consultation because appearance doesn’t measure the medical staff’s ability.

2. Appearance Issues, Depression, and Disordered Eating Among College Females by Priscilla N. Gitimu

“One’s opinions of what constitutes a beautiful appearance are often based on unrealistic media images.”

Gitimu aims to show the connection between appearance issues, depression, and eating disorders using three different theories, like Leon Festinger‘s social comparison theory. They present the primary problems, such as body dissatisfaction, BMI, and sociocultural attitudes, that affect female college students’ mental health. According to their results, college women discontented with their bodies fear how society perceives how they look. So, they strive to achieve an unrealistic beauty standard through drastic measures, such as excessive dieting, that can lead to eating disorders.

3. The Psychology of Appearance: Why Health Psychologists Should “Do Looks” by Nichola Rumsey

“In view of the pervasive nature of appearance concerns in the population, it is time that health psychologists grasped the nettle and acknowledged the role of these issues in the adjustment and well-being of many.”

Rumsey’s article discusses appearance research’s brief history and why it’s a relevant but often overlooked topic in Psychology research. She explains that appearance concerns like body dissatisfaction adversely affect a person’s well-being, leading to low self-esteem, negative thoughts, and depression.

Rumsey says psychologists must raise awareness about appearances by debunking unproven beauty myths and uncovering techniques to reduce concerns. Ultimately, she believes that appearance should be more centered in the field of Psychology.

4. Social Psychological Face Perception: Why Appearance Matters by Leslie A. Zebrowitz and Joann M. Montepare

“Although we are admonished ‘don’t judge a book by its cover,’ we repeatedly defy that warning as we go about our daily lives responding to people on the basis of their facial appearance.”

The researchers use the ecological approach to social perception to prove that appearance is essential. The theory states that facial appearance is important because it serves as a guide to recognizing or eliciting a response. Zebrowitz discusses four overgeneralizations, namely attractiveness, age, facial expression, and familiarity, demonstrating appearance’s role in impression-making.

5. A Study of Physical Appearance and Level of Attraction to the Opposite Sex by Sherynn J. Perry

“Many studies have shown that physical characteristics function as important determinants of the impressions elicited from other, and the importance of physical appearance as a factor in the formation of interpersonal relationships has been found to be significant.”

Perry’s article begins with an expert opinion on the role of physical appearance in relationships, primarily in choosing a future partner and friendship. In this study, the researcher defines physical appearance as a person’s external qualities, such as looks, hairstyle, fashion, and financial status. 

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8 Prompts for Articles About Appearance

1. Does Appearance Matter?

Appearance matters because it is the basis of people’s impression of others and themselves. For this prompt, identify the reasons why appearance matters in different aspects of life. Support your statements with research and case studies demonstrating the direct connection between appearances and societal response. 

2. What Influences Appearances

A person’s appearance refers to their physique and conduct. How an individual wants others to perceive them is critical in keeping up appearances. For your article, research essential factors that significantly influence people’s choices on how they want to look to others. Then, delve into the extent of its impact and importance on a person’s life and social status. 

3. How Changed Appearance Affects Behavior

Positive feedback on a person’s appearance boosts self-confidence. However, if an individual keeps this new appearance to achieve the same praise, they can lose their originality or identity. 

In your article, discuss the usual reasons people want to change their appearance and what happens when they do. Then, identify and explain the advantages and disadvantages of trying to change someone’s appearance.

4. Young People’s Appearance and Insecurities

Young people’s appearance and insecurities
Use this prompt to research young people’s common issues with their appearance and how it affects them

Adults are not the only ones who worry about their appearance. Studies show that adolescents aged eight and above are conscious of their appearance, too. Use this prompt to research young people’s common issues with their appearance, how it affects them, and what perpetuates these concerns. After exploring and presenting factual data, deliver practical tips on reducing and preventing these concerns from arising.

5. Appearance and Business

Regardless of the business nature, it is a must-have for businesses to invest heavily in the appearance of their stores and products. Explain why companies spend a lot of time and money on aesthetics and marketing. To make it easier for your audience to understand, you can present cases where one owner takes their business appearance seriously versus a traditional owner who doesn’t see the need to care for his store’s appearance.

Add statistics showing the amount of business that prioritizes appearance today. Then, comment on whether this phenomenon is just a trend and conclude by explaining how a polished appearance influences business success.

6. Job Hunting Crisis: Appearance vs. Knowledge vs. Skills

While others prioritize accepting applicants with sufficient skills, experience, and knowledge, one’s appearance is often a barrier to getting a job. Use this prompt to show its severity and impact on the economy and the employment sector. Discuss the importance of skills and knowledge rather than selecting an applicant based solely on appearance.

7. Appearance: Judging a Book by Its Cover

Appearance: Judging a book by its cover
For this prompt, research how often and how quickly a person is judged by their peers based on appearance alone

A person can instantly judge others by looking at them; this is a typical behavior that everyone should stop for many reasons. For this prompt, research how often and how quickly a person is judged by their peers based on appearance alone. Then discuss the things that people notice in others and the positive and negative effects of this practice.

8. Appreciating Appearance: Blind vs. Sighted People

The purpose of this article is to show the difference in how blind people value the appearance of a person, thing, or place, without knowing how they look. In your article, analyze the standards sighted people use versus those of the visually impaired. You can also explain why everyone should imitate how to value and appreciate appearance like the blind.For help editing your articles, we recommend using the best grammar checker. Our round-up profiles these tools and offers discounts.
