Grammarly Insights: What to Expect

Learn how to use Grammarly insights while reviewing your writing over the course of a week.

The Grammarly Insights report is a weekly update sent over email and via iOS and Android notifications. It provides metrics about how much you use this grammar checker broken down daily. To use Grammarly Insights, follow these steps:

  1. Get Grammarly: Go to and create an account by signing up with your best email, Google, or Facebook.
  2. Choose a plan: Grammarly offers a free plan with basic features and a premium plan ($30) with advanced features. Free is fine to start with.
  3. Install Grammarly: Via the apps menu, install the Grammarly browser extension (available for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge), the Grammarly desktop app for Windows and Mac.
  4. Use Grammarly for your writing: Once installed, Grammarly automatically analyzes your writing in supported platforms like Google Docs, email clients and social media. You can also copy and paste text into the Grammarly Editor on the website or the desktop app.
  5. Review suggestions: Grammarly provides real-time suggestions for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style issues. Click on the underlined words or phrases to view and accept the suggestions.
  6. Customize your settings: To enhance your experience with Grammarly, you can customize your settings by specifying your language preference, document type, and adding words to your personal dictionary.
  7. Review your Insights reports: Grammarly sends a weekly email and popup via your mobile browser about progress. It analyzes and provides metrics about the number of words edited.

Remember to enable Grammarly integrations with your operating system, browser, mobile, and tablet to get the most value from these insights. That way, it will consider how you use it across all your devices. Now, here’s what you can expect from these weekly Grammarly insights:


Avoid embarrassing typos and grammatical errors. Use AI to edit.
  • ✓ Best-in-class grammar checker
  • ✓ Rewrite and edit at a click/span>
  • ✓ Powerful AI-writing assistant

Grammarly Writing Streak

Grammarly Insights writing streak
Grammarly writing streak can help you track your daily writing progress

You can use this insight to track your daily writing progress. It indicates how many weeks in a row you’ve spent with the writing assistant. Those who like gamification can also unlock other badges. Grammarly also summarizes the number of words analyzed since setting up an account.


Grammarly productivity insight
Grammarly productivity insight tracks your weekly total word count and compares it to other Grammarly users

The Productivity insight tracks your weekly total word count and compares it to other Grammarly users. Additionally, this writing assistant shows how the current week stacks up against your previous four weeks of activity. It’s calculated by alerts divided by words checked.


Grammarly mastery insight
Grammarly mastery can help you evaluate the number of errors you corrected using Grammarly

Mastery evaluates the number of errors you corrected using Grammarly versus the total words written. You can also compare your performance with other Grammarly users and monitor your progress over the past month. If you like tracking your weekly word count and editing time, this report is helpful. You might also be wondering, is Grammarly good for creative writing?


Grammarly vocabulary insight
Grammarly Vocabulary Insight shows the number of unique words you used

The Vocabulary insight displays the number of unique words used during the previous week. The provided percentage indicates how dynamic—meaning, how diverse and varied—your vocabulary is versus other Grammarly users.

Tip: When using the Grammarly web app, double-click on any word and access an inbuilt thesaurus.


Grammarly tones insight
Grammarly also provides a tone detector that covers examples like confident, direct, and informative

As mentioned in our Grammarly review, the Grammarly product is constantly evolving. It now provides a tone detector covering examples like confident, direct, and informative. You can see your preferred tone over the past week using this insight. If you are trying to follow a particular writing style or convey a message, this insight can provide information about whether or not your work is on point.

Top 3 Mistakes

Grammarly mistakes insight
Top 3 mistakes highlights your three types of grammar errors from the past week

This report helps improve common writing mistakes. It highlights the top three types of grammar errors from the past week. Common examples include missing periods, missing or errant commas, and missing articles. Click the learn more button to read up on these grammar errors and get examples. It’s an excellent report if you enjoy reading the best grammar books.

You’ll get more value from Grammarly insights with a Premium subscription. To find out why, read our Grammarly free vs premium comparison.


  • Bryan Collins is the owner of Become a Writer Today. He's an author from Ireland who helps writers build authority and earn a living from their creative work. He's also a former Forbes columnist and his work has appeared in publications like Lifehacker and Fast Company.
