Enago Plagiarism Checker Review? Is It Worth It?

‌Enago Plagiarism Checker Review
  • Price
  • Accuracy
  • Ease of Use
  • Functionality

‌Enago Plagiarism Checker Review: The Bottom Line

Enago is a plagiarism, grammar, and tutoring tool all-in-one. The advanced plagiarism checker and instant access to quality editors make it a must when handing in assignments. These tutors will spot errors and walk you through how to improve. If you’re a student or someone working in education, Enago is a valuable tool. The plagiarism checker is on par with Copyscape, and their editors will work with you to produce the best assignment.

In short, if you’re a student or work in academia, Engao is worth it. The plagiarism algorithms don’t miss anything, and the bulk checkers allow for up to 15 checks at once. If you need some hands-on help, feel free to contact professional editors.


  • The plagiarism checker tool is on par with Copyscape.
  • You can check up to 15 assignments at once.
  • The translator can accurately translate content into several languages.
  • In addition, Enago has tutors that’ll work on your paper with you.
  • Data security is top-quality.


  • The proofreading software isn’t accurate.
  • There’s no free plagiarism checker.
  • It’s expensive if you’re writing articles regularly. 

This Enago plagiarism checker review explores how to avoid plagiarism and grammar mistakes. In this article, I evaluate if Enago is worth your money.

As a student or freelance writer, it’s necessary to avoid plagiarism since it has devastating consequences. For students, you’ll have to sit through hours of disciplinary hearings and face suspension, while writing for the web can result in search engine penalties.

I always paste my articles into a plagiarism scanner before publishing them. I’ve used several tools over the last few years. Some I loved, and others were useless. But I came across Enago a few months ago when scrolling through social media and gave it a shot. Below, I’ll talk about everything you need to know before signing up for Enago. Then, I’ll cover my experiences and the pros and cons to see if it’s worth it. If you like this article, don’t forget to read our guide to the best plagiarism checkers.

What Is Enago?

Founded in 2005 by Sharad Mittal, Enago is a plagiarism software, grammar checker, and tutor all-in-one. When founding Enago, Mittal’s goal was to create an accurate online plagiarism checker for students and those working in academia. This is why he partnered with Turnitin. The two tools scan your projects against nine billion web pages. So it’s safe to say that Mittal reached his goal. Around 1,700 publishers in over 170 countries use Enago to check for plagiarism and grammar issues. These include:

  • University of California
  • Clark University
  • Creighton University

Enago Pricing

Enago doesn’t have monthly plans. Instead, you pay based on what you want to check each assignment for. You’ll find three pricing options:

  • Plagiarism and grammar checking for $12
  • Scholarly checks for $19
  • Power editing for an additional $6
Enago Pricing

Enago also offers three advanced editing plans:

  • Top Impact Scientific Editing
  • Substantive Editing
  • Copy Editing

These plans go further than Grammarly and ProWritingAid’s editors. A real-life editor with experience in your field looks through your research paper for technical accuracy and suggests changes.

You can request unlimited rounds of edits for a year and jump on a video call with editors at any moment to ask questions. This makes it perfect for students who require affordable tutoring. While most tutors charge hundreds of dollars, you can access top talent for a fraction of the cost.

Who Is The Enago Plagiarism Checker For?

After using Enago to scan for duplicate content, I noticed it can benefit the lives of:

  • Students
  • University reviewers
  • Researchers 


Mittal designed the Enago plagiarism checker for students since you don’t have to commit to a monthly or yearly plan. Instead, you pay when you want Enago to check your work. This is convenient for those who aren’t writing thousands of words daily. The interface is straightforward, and you’ll find all flagged issues on the right. But unlike Copyscape and Quetext, Enago checks your projects for grammar, spelling, and readability issues. It reminds me of Grammarly.

University Reviewers

Enago offers bulk checks, making it valuable for university reviewers and lecturers. Instead of checking tasks individually, simply attach students’ Microsoft Word assignments, and Enago will send you a detailed report via email. Enago’s limit for bulk checks is 15 files, so if your classroom contains 30 students, you can check everything in two transactions.


If you’re conducting research for a paper, consider Enago’s scientific editing plan. It allows you to submit your work, and a professional editor with experience in technical topics reviews it. Enago markets this as a rejection-proof solution. In my experience, this isn’t true; however, it’s still an excellent way to check your projects. Moreover, it goes further than Grammarly’s professional editor, who only looks for readability, clarity, and structure. Enago detects scientific fallacies and technical errors, giving you the best chance of getting your work approved.

How Does Enago Work?

To get started, head to www.enago.com/plagiarism-checker/ and select “Upload File” on the right.

Enago Plagiarism Checker Review
To get started, head to www.enago.com/plagiarism-checker/ and select “Upload File” on the right

Once you’ve chosen the file you’d like to scan, click “Next.” There are four basic options:

  1. Web pages
  2. Basic check
  3. Scholarly articles check
  4. Power editing

Enago will compare your work to billions of pages online with the web pages package. This is handy if your assignment is grammatically correct, but you want to find accidental duplicate content. 

The next option is the basic check, which scans for regular grammar and spelling mistakes. Finally, power editing checks for advanced structural and clarity problems, while scholarly checks look for scientific mistakes.

Once you’ve decided which tool you want to use, click “Next,” type in your email address and credit card information, and you’ll receive an email containing a detailed plagiarism report. Now let’s look at some features that caught my eye. You can also check out our Miro review.

Accurate Plagiarism Checker

Although Enago provides multiple writing services, its standout feature is the plagiarism checker. In my tests, I found that this checker is on the same level as Copyscape and Quetext.

Accurate plagiarism checker
Enago provides multiple writing services and its standout feature is the plagiarism checker

This makes it a helpful tool for students, teachers, and university reviewers. If you are a student, paste your assignment into this software, and you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you won’t be penalized for accidental plagiarism. 

For teachers and university reviewers, feel free to use the bulk checker since it streamlines the marking process. In addition, it allows for 15 checks at once, so even if your class is large, you can scan all documents within two or three transactions.

Technical Editing

Regular editors check for fundamental grammar, clarity, and readability issues. But unfortunately, they won’t spot scientific fallacies and inconsistencies. What sets Enago apart from other tools is its scholarly article checks. With this feature, a professional editor with experience in journals like Nature, NEJM, and The Lancet, will read through your work, looking for errors.

Technical Editing
What sets Enago apart from other tools is its scholarly article checks

Enago even has virtual classes where you can choose an expert that helps solve your research, writing, and editing problems. Then, you and your consultant will go through an assignment a few days before the due date, ensuring everything is perfect, and there are zero issues. I also like that Enago caters to everyone, even if your first language isn’t English. Instructors teach in Spanish, Chinese, French, and German.

Fast Translations

Another Enago feature that stood out to me was the translation services. Unlike Grammarly, ProWritingAid, or Copyscape, Enago offers accurate and fast translations, which is helpful when writing assignments in your second language.

Fast Translations
Unlike Grammarly, ProWritingAid, or Copyscape, Enago offers accurate and fast translations

You’ll find translation options in:

  • French
  • Spanish
  • German
  • Japanese
  • Chinese

So if you need something more accurate than Google Translate, paste your essay into Enago, choose a language and click “Translate.”

Enago’s Competitors 

When testing Enago to see how precise it is, I compared it to these popular alternatives:

  • Copyscape
  • PlagiarismCheck.org
  • Grammarly

Enago gave me a 99 percent plagiarism score when I pasted this existing Linguix review into the software.

Enago’s vs. Linguix
Enago gave me a 99 percent plagiarism score when I pasted this existing Linguix review into the software


Copyscape also found all the duplicate content.

Enago’s vs. Copyscape
Enago’s vs. Copyscape


PlagiarismCheck.org gave me a score of almost 90 percent for the same article, making it as accurate as Enago.

Enago’s vs. PlagiarismCheck.org
Enago’s vs. PlagiarismCheck.org


When I pasted my Linguix review into Grammarly, my plagiarism score was 68 percent. This puts Enago on the same level as Copyscape and PlagiarismCheck.org but slightly more precise than Grammarly.

Enago’s vs. Grammarly
Enago’s vs. Grammarly

Areas For Improvement

Although Enago offers valuable features that’ll benefit students, university reviewers, and anyone working in academia, there are a few drawbacks:

  • The grammar checker isn’t accurate.
  • It’s expensive if you’re writing articles regularly.

Grammar Checker

Enago has an error-free plagiarism checker. However, the grammar checker has a lot of room for improvement. As a result, many Enago grammar suggestions are incorrect, and I’ll dismiss most of them.

Enago has an error-free plagiarism checker

In this screenshot, you’ll notice that the suggested revisions change the meaning of my work. Only 15 to 20 percent of the suggestions are accurate, and these aren’t massive corrections. They are either obvious or minor errors. So even though Enago is mainly plagiarism-checking software, I’d like the developers to put more effort into the grammar checker.

Opt for Grammarly if you’re looking for a tool to spot most grammar, spelling, clarity, and readability issues. To learn more, read our Grammarly review.

Expensive Costs

The one-time payment option of Enago makes it viable for students since they aren’t writing thousands of words every day. However, it’s impractical as a freelance writer because, depending on your add-ons, one check can set you back over $30. If you scan three long-form articles per week, that’s almost $100. Compare that to Copyscape, where a check of 1,000 words costs less than $0.20. If you’re a freelancer producing content regularly, consider Copyscape since it’s cheaper than Enago. To learn more, read our detailed Copyscape review.

Enago Review Criteria

When reviewing and testing this software to see if it’s a handy option for students, freelancers, and those working in academia, I used the following criteria:

  • Accuracy
  • Ease of use
  • Affordability
  • Functionality

After purchasing Enago plans, I feel it can either meet all these criteria or none of it, depending on your needs. For example, if you’re a student looking to avoid verbatim plagiarism, Enago is accurate. It’ll scan nine billion pages while searching scientific literature to find matches. But if you mainly use it as a grammar tool, you’ll discover inaccuracies and incorrect suggestions.

The ease of use is also high. The interface isn’t as cluttered and outdated as Stylewriter; however, Enago isn’t on Grammarly’s level of simplicity. Affordability also depends on who you are and what you need. If you’re a student who requires tutoring alongside plagiarism checking, Enago is affordable. You can check scholarly articles for readability and scientific errors for as little as $19. But as a writer, long-term use can get expensive.

Why You Can Trust Me

I’ve been creating content for over four years, and similarity detection tools like Grammarly, Copyscape, and Unicheck have helped me spot plagiarized content. When I signed up for Enago, I found it useful due to the accurate plagiarism detector and helpful tutors who work on your projects.

However, I won’t use Enago because I’m not a student checking assignments and manuscripts. I mainly need precise software to scan my SEO articles for fundamental plagiarism issues, so I’ll continue using Copyscape due to its affordability.
