How to Add Grammarly To Excel: Step-by-Step

Learn how to add Grammarly to Excel step by step in this guide.

A grammar check is a great add-on to any spreadsheet. Downloading a writing editor can help catch spelling and grammatical errors as you type and help with professionalism. While common spreadsheet tools like Microsoft Excel come with their own spellcheck, having a tool that offers grammar and clarity suggestions—simplifies editing.

You might also be interested in our guide on how to use Overleaf and Grammarly.

Best AI writing assistant
From $12 Per Month

We tested dozens of grammar checkers, and Grammarly is the best tool on the market today. It'll help you write and edit your work much faster. Grammarly provides a powerful AI writing assistant and plagiarism checker.

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1. Set Up Grammarly

Go to and set up either a free or premium account using your best email or social login. If you’re unsure which version, check out our comparison of Grammarly Free vs Grammarly Premium.

2. Download Grammarly for Your Computer

Grammarly apps
Download the Grammarly App to use in Excel

Inside the Grammarly web app, navigate to the app section on the left-hand side toolbar. Now, download the relevant app for Windows or Mac. Complete the installation and log into your Grammarly account. This app works across all writing apps and is the easiest way to use Grammarly inside Excel. Alternatively, you could simply install Grammarly for your browser and then follow the below steps.

Note: Previously, Grammarly offered a plugin or add-on for Excel, but nowadays, it’s easier to use the app.

3. Use Excel Via Your Web Browser

Grammarly for Excel has limitations. At time of writing, it works best via the web browser version of Excel rather than the desktop app of Excel. That may change.

Write or work within your spreadsheet as normal, online. You can still check for grammar errors using the traditional checker. However, now when you want to edit in Excel, look for the floating Grammarly icon. Click on this to activate its suggestions.

4. Select Your Excel Cells

Grammarly automatically checks your spreadsheet cells, not the sheet for grammar and spelling mistakes as you work. To see and fix these mistakes, click within a cell and work through them using the tooltip navigation. Start with the critical grammar errors, i.e., those in red. Then move on to other clarity and engagement suggestions, i.e., those underlined in blue. If you want to grammar check outside of Excel, you can copy and paste the contents of your spreadsheet into the Grammarly web app.

Tip: Turn Off Grammarly in Excel

If you find writing in Excel challenging and the Grammarly suggestions distracting, you can turn it off. Simply click on the Grammarly icon, click on the gear cog, and turn it off indefinitely or for thirty minutes. When you need to reactivate, reopen Grammarly. If you like this article, read our review of Grammarly for more tips.
