How To Write a Testimonial: What To Know

Are you wondering how to write a testimonial? This can be a powerful social media tool that can help you boost your conversions. Learn more in this article.

If you want your website, business, or organization to be successful, you need to be open, honest, and transparent. Testimonials can help you do exactly that. You need to provide social proof for your potential customers by creating a testimonial page. It might even be helpful to include case studies that mention happy customers. A good testimonial should be quick, to the point, and include specific details. Great customer testimonials might even include video testimonials.

If you craft great testimonials, you can build trust, boost your conversion rates, and share a fun success story. What do you need to do to create an effective testimonial? Take a look at a few examples of testimonials below. It could be an important part of your high-quality content marketing campaign. 

Materials Needed

How to write a testimonial?

If you want to endear yourself to potential clients, you need to create testimonials that discuss real people. There are plenty of types of testimonials out there, but the best testimonials share stories from real customers and increase conversions. They go beyond typical online reviews.

If you want to create powerful testimonials, the materials you need include:

  • You need stories from actual customers you can use to create testimonials.
  • You need to have a place to share your testimonials, such as landing pages.
  • You should have a way to collect feedback from your customers for future testimonials.

If you want to get the most out of this powerful tool, you should also collect the customer’s name. Even though you do not need to use his or her full name, quote testimonials from satisfied customers can help you attract potential clients and boost your SEO campaign.

Step 1: Tell Your Story Naturally

The best testimonials should tell a story. Even though you can simply say that your customers were happy, the story is going to be more effective if you have specifics. Do you want to tell a story about a specific product or service? Do you want to tell a story about how your company made that customer feel? Do you want to tell a story about a problem that you helped your customer solve?

Before you start writing the testimonial, you need to figure out what story you want to share. If you can figure out the narrative you want to tell, you can get your testimonial going in the right direction. Looking for more how-to-guide articles? You might find our guide on how to write a game review helpful in writing that review on a new app or game online.

Step 2: Ask a Few Questions About Your Journey

How to write a testimonial?
List down several examples of question you may want to ask your customers

You need to get the right information from your existing customers. Therefore, you need to ask specific questions. There are several examples of questions you may want to ask. Examples include:

  • Why did you decide to partner with our company?
  • Which of our products or services did you take advantage of?
  • What did you like best about our product or service?
  • Did you interact with anyone specific from our team?
  • Is there anything you would like us to do better?

The answers to these questions will help you build a powerful testimonial. You should have a lot of information to work with. That way, you can tell an honest, effective, and specific story. Looking for more how-to-guide articles? Check out our guide to how to write interview questions to help you prepare for your upcoming interview!

Step 3: Write the Testimonial as a Conversation with a Listener

You want your potential customers to feel like they are listening to a conversation with your existing customers. Therefore, you should strike a conversational tone. One of the best ways to do that is to keep it short. Short testimonials are better because you don’t have to worry about losing the attention of the reader.

Furthermore, try to keep the customer’s testimonial written in his or her original tone of voice. You don’t want the testimonial to be too formal, and you don’t want it to be too technical. If your testimonials are accessible and easy to understand, they will be more effective. 

Step 4: Include a Name and a Few Pictures

Unfortunately, there are a lot of fake online reviews out there. Therefore, you want to make it obvious that your reviews are real. One of the best ways to do so is to use the customer’s name. Of course, you need to ask the customer for permission to use his or her name. Even a set of initials will be better than nothing. Then, if you want to go the extra mile, make sure you include pictures as well. It might even be a good idea to include videos. These extra graphics can make your testimonials more believable and effective.

Keep in mind that you can use videos and turn them into GIFs for your testimonials as well. If you feel like the video is too long, you can cut the video and use a short segment. Then, you can loop it into a GIF. This is a common social media tool that could work well as a component of your testimonials. Do not hesitate to get creative with the testimonials you share.

Step 5: Share the Testimonial on Social Media or a Website

Finally, how do you want to share your testimonials? You have answers to specific questions, you have the customer’s name, and you have the text ready to go. Do you want to share it on social media? Do you want to share testimonials on your website? Do you want to share them as a part of your email marketing campaign? 

You may want to take advantage of all of these outlets. You should figure out how you want to share your testimonial, where you want to share them, and how often you want to collect new ones. Remember that you can include a testimonial request option to get more information from your existing customers.

Final Word on How To Write a Testimonial

These are a few of the most important steps you should follow if you would like to get the most out of testimonials for your small business. If you have a lot of satisfied customers, you should ask them to write reviews for your company.

Quote testimonials can go a long way, and they can help you create a testimonial template. Even though testimonials are an important part of your digital marketing campaign, they can also be seen as word-of-mouth marketing. There is nothing quite as powerful as learning about a product or service from an existing customer. These testimonials can help you attract new clients to your business. 

FAQs About How To Write a Testimonial

How do I tell the difference between a real review and a fake review? 

There are a few ways you can spot the difference between a real review and a fake review. Here fake review sounds like it was written by someone who works for the company. It will have a lot of jargon, and it will be really technical. It will also lack specific details. Fake reviews off and do not have pictures, and they usually don’t include customer names.

Why should I have a page for customer testimonials? 

You need to have a page for customer testimonials because they present your company as open, honest, and transparent. A lot of people do not trust information that companies share on their own. They trust information from other customers.

How long should I make the testimonials from my customers?

In general, the shorter the testimonial, the better. It needs to have plenty of specific details, but if it goes on for too long, people won’t pay attention. You might even want to include video testimonials instead. It is more important to think about the content you have in the testimonial, but you should try to keep your testimonials shorter rather than longer.
