17 Best Content Marketing Blogs to Follow in 2024

Discover the best content marketing blogs to follow in 2024! Our guide will help you stay current with marketing trends, learn tips, and improve your marketing game.

Use the best content marketing blogs to stand out as a content marketer!

An average person spends almost 7 hours a day online. This change in consumer behavior has rendered traditional advertising ineffective. Enter content marketing!

Content marketing focuses on stimulating a brand’s online audience through digital content. It can reach more people and costs 62% less than traditional channels.

Joe Pulizzi or “Content Marketing’s Best-Known Evangelist,” as Forbes calls him, defines content marketing as: “a marketing technique of creating/curating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.“

Content marketing is a lucrative market predicted to have grown by USD 269.24 billion between 2020 and 2024. Want a piece of that pie for your business? Even if you don’t have a background in marketing, you can learn everything about content marketing online and for free. Read on!

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Best Content Marketing Blogs

1. Content Marketing Institute Blog

Content Marketing Institute Blog
CMI is about content marketing and it presents how-to guides and practical advice from experts.

Who runs the blog?

We’ll start with the company Joe Pulizzi started in 2011, the Content Marketing Institute (CMI). The entrepreneur and marketing strategist believed and proved a better brand promotion scheme exists. After the media company UBM (now Informa) acquired it in 2016, CMI became even more successful. Today, it offers personalized consultations and research to businesses and organizations to attract new customers and keep the old ones.

What’s the blog’s focus?

As its name suggests, CMI is about content marketing. It presents how-to guides and practical advice from experts. CMI stays true to its founder’s original idea of tailoring brands’ messages to focus on solving target audiences’ problems rather than spamming them with useless information.

What can the blog teach you?

The CMI blog posts about the latest content marketing trends and research and how they affect the industry. It specifically caters to content marketers at mid- and large Business-to-business (B2B) brands. B2B is a business model in which a business only sells its output (products or services) to another business.

Why is the blog on the list?

How can this blog not be on our list when Pulizzi coined “content marketing”? Launching CMI jumpstarted the digital advertising revolution.

He has published several books on the subject, the latest being Epic Content Marketing. He also created The Tilt, a virtual community for content creators and entrepreneurs, and the marketing podcasts This Old Marketing and Content Inc.

Check out our list of the 50 best content marketing books. Joe Pulizzi is featured several times.

2. Hubspot Blog

Hubspot Blog
Through the blog, you can learn how to direct businesses and organizations on managing and nurturing customer relations.

Who runs the blog?

In 2006, Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah founded the software company Hubspot. They delved into inbound marketing and co-authored a book about it. Over time, Hubspot transformed into a more exhaustive Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. It analyzes customer data to create the best customer experience by pinpointing the company’s most suitable practices and regulations.

What’s the blog’s focus?

The blog focuses on inbound marketing and businesses’ organic growth. It gives pointers on marketing plans, performance marketing, and conversion rate optimizations.

What can the blog teach you?

Hubspot has a chief digital marketing blog with six sections: Marketing, Sales, Service, Website, The Hustle (business and tech), and Next in AI. It’s an extensive resource for anyone who wants to build a business. Through the blog, you can learn how to direct businesses and organizations on managing and nurturing customer relations. The platform also offers marketing automation, so its blog discusses efficient implementations.

Why is the blog on the list?

Customers don’t appreciate ads in the modern marketing world. They want brands to tell them how their products or services benefit them. Hubspot’s founders center their company on this marketing method. Halligan was the first to call the method “inbound marketing.” Inbound marketing highlights the importance of useful content in lead generation (creating consumer interest for potential future sales).

3. Neil Patel Blog

Neil Patel Blog
Neil Patel Blog analyzes user patterns and similar traits to help e-commerce businesses make informed decisions.

Who runs the blog?

Neil Patel is an entrepreneur, top influencer, and more. When he was 16, he paid marketing firms to grow his first-ever website. Unfortunately, these firms failed him, and Patel had to learn marketing. This experience jump-started his career, and he’s now a well-known marketing guru and veteran.

He’s also a co-founder of the behavior-based analytics system KISSmetrics. This tool analyzes user patterns and similar traits to help e-commerce businesses make informed decisions. It also stresses the importance of understanding metrics beyond the numbers for business growth.

What’s the blog’s focus?

Patel’s marketing blog focuses on digital marketing and how online businesses should use it to expand their scope.

What can the blog teach you?

Everything about digital marketing.

Hold up — content marketing isn’t the same as digital marketing. Although both intend to attract clients and make sales, content marketing aims to educate and boost brand reputation. It involves blogging and visual aids like videos and infographics. In contrast, digital marketing strives to convert people through Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, and social media marketing.

A comprehensive marketing strategy incorporates content and digital marketing to realize business objectives such as higher sales.

Why is the blog on the list?

Patel is praised for his experience and ability to break down complex digital marketing concepts. His blog posts are digestible, even for those unfamiliar with most marketing terms. Aspiring content marketers can learn a lot from his free training courses, podcasts, and more.

4. Copyblogger

Copyblogger is a pioneer and a prominent content marketing blog.

Who runs the blog?

Business Wire labeled Copyblogger the “Company That Content Marketing Built.” Canadian digital entrepreneur Brian Clark started the website alone in 2006. Then, it evolved into a training and certification program and content marketing agency.

What’s the blog’s focus?

Copyblogger’s blog centers around “killer content.”

When he established the website, Clark’s only objective was to build an audience. He planned to identify their pain points and do in-depth research to offer solutions. His consistent publishing of informational content eventually gained traction. Even after Clark stepped down as CEO, Copyblogger still follows his principle of writing killer online content.

What can the blog teach you?

Writing killer content means writing for your core market. Yes, content must drive traffic, leads, and sales. But above all, it must be audience-focused, original, and useful to reach business goals and, most importantly, create loyal customers.

Why is the blog on the list?

Leading AI and machine learning media authority VentureBeat called Copyblogger “the bible of content marketing,” and it’s true. With over 3,000 articles, Copyblogger is a pioneer and still a prominent content marketing blog.

You can also listen to The Copyblogger Podcast to polish your online marketing skills and publish great content.

5. ThoughtLeaders Blog

ThoughtLeaders Blog
ThoughtLeaders’ blog emphasizes influencer marketing, which involves collaborating with popular online personalities and businesses.

Who runs the blog?

Ex-developer David Tintner, now ThoughtLeaders CEO, noticed the potential of social media personalities. He found a way to align brands’ and creators’ goals through modern advertising: influencer marketing.

ThoughtLeaders is the “influencer marketplace for creators and brands.” Through its Intelligence Platform Metrics — its exclusive database — ThoughtLeaders matches its clients with the right collaborators based on the brands’ goals and company values.

What’s the blog’s focus?

ThoughtLeaders’ blog emphasizes influencer marketing, which involves collaborating with popular online personalities and businesses. Influencers expand brands’ reach and boost trust by impacting potential buyers’ attitudes toward products and services.

What can the blog teach you?

Whether you’re working alone, within a small group, or in a big media agency, the ThoughtLeaders blog is an exhaustive resource for understanding digital content sponsorships. It has industry trends news, YouTube channel analyses, and digital creators’ tips.

Why is the blog on the list?

Gone are the days when celebrities were the go-to for brand advertisements. In the social media era, “influencers,” have a broader reach versus celebrities. Influencers are popular social media characters who have active, committed followers.

The ThoughtLeaders blog revolves around how you can incorporate influencer marketing into your content marketing strategy.

6. TopRank Marketing Blog

TopRank Marketing Blog
The blog discusses the latest digital marketing tips and advice.

Who runs the blog?

TopRank is a B2B marketing agency offering all-around services. It relies on content scientists and connection connoisseurs to reach brands’ target audience and gain credibility. The agency’s LinkedIn account lists the Fortune 1000 companies it worked with before, like Dell and Oracle.

What’s the blog’s focus?

Since those with the B2B business model deal with other companies as their consumer base, B2B content creation is more challenging. TopRank writes posts to help B2B businesses in their marketing efforts.

What can the blog teach you?

This award-winning blog features marketing experts, making it a valuable online resource for marketing professionals. The blog discusses the latest digital marketing tips and advice. It also stimulates page visitors with in-depth interviews and case studies.

Read the blog’s “Content Marketing” section to establish unforgettable customer touch-points and learn SEO strategies and other content marketing trends. There are also a lot of compelling viewpoints on what’s considered “high-quality content” from business owners and leaders. Such includes demonstrating tangible business value and leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) while still prioritizing “human” content.

Why is the blog on the list?

Its marketing blog has accumulated over 4,600 posts since 2003. Although the agency focuses on B2B marketing solutions, it also presents B2C (business-to-consumer) content marketing articles. B2C is a business model where a company or a consumer sells to the final consumer. Businesses with this commerce model are Walmart, Amazon, and Apple.

7. The Moz Blog

The Moz Blog
The blog features expert insight and research on the latest SEO information and inbound marketing topics.

Who runs the blog?

In 2004, Moz (then called SEOmoz) started as an online community where SEO experts exchanged ideas. Now, Moz is a powerful SEO software helping all business sizes with tailored digital marketing solutions. SEO boosts a website’s visibility so it ranks higher on search engines. Moz promises quality search engine traffic and effective marketing campaigns to grow digital businesses.

What’s the blog’s focus?

The Moz blog is all about SEO. While content marketing engages the target audience through high-value content, SEO leads the audience to the content. Through content optimization, brands will reach a wider audience, generate organic traffic, and improve website authority.

What can the blog teach you?

The blog features expert insight and research on the latest SEO information and inbound marketing topics. You’ll learn about search engines’ algorithms and integrate them into your content marketing strategy.

Moz also has free SEO training guides on SEO fundamentals, SEO competitive analysis, and technical SEO. Additionally, Moz Academy offers SEO certifications.

Why is the blog on the list?

SEO is a structured process that may be overwhelming at first. Moz knows that, so its blog aims to simplify SEO learning. Its dedication to publishing only credible information earned it a steady spot as one of the most trusted authorities in online marketing, with a focus on SEO.

8. Unbounce Blog

Unbounce Blog
Unbounce shares how landing pages benefit businesses.

Who runs the blog?

Unbounce is an AI landing page builder that helps brands create high-performing marketing campaigns. A landing page is a standalone page where potential customers “land” after clicking another web page or link. The link can come from emails, social media posts or ads, or other online locations.

What’s the blog’s focus?

It centers around landing pages. They’re the first touchpoint between a website and a visitor where the visitor is urged to do an “action.” This “action,” or call to action (CTA) is based on the brand’s marketing goal. Brands primarily use landing pages to increase conversion rates or the number of page visitors who follow the CTA. For instance, if the CTA is “Buy Now,” the landing page “visitor” is converted to “buyer.”

Note that a landing page is not the same as a homepage. While a homepage is a standalone page, its main objective is to encourage page visitors to explore. It advertises the brand by providing additional information. A landing page doesn’t need to advertise anything other than the ongoing campaign. Page visitors follow a one-way street to a specific destination: following the CTA.

What can the blog teach you?

Unbounce shares how landing pages benefit businesses. This includes boosting brand awareness, cost-effective lead generation, and establishing brand credibility. Businesses can also use landing pages to study buyer behavior or test page load times.

Why is the blog on the list?

Unbounce has been the leading landing page blog since 2009. In it, you can find expert and thorough discussions on landing pages and other digital marketing tips. Most articles focus on persuasive copywriting, page optimization tips, and effective landing page designs.

9. The Ahrefs Blog

The Ahrefs Blog
The Ahrefs Blog posts detailed articles, case studies, and opinion pieces on SEO and marketing.

Who runs the blog?

Ahrefs is another platform with comprehensive online SEO tools to support website owners in boosting web traffic. It’s made up of a small team of 101 employees. Despite that, Ahrefs is a respected SEO tool with the most active web crawler, AhrefsBot. A web crawler collects information on online published works, indexes these pages, and retrieves the webpage depending on a search query.

What’s the blog’s focus?

Ahrefs targets the latest SEO topics and explains search engines’ dynamic nature.

What can the blog teach you?

The Ahrefs Blog posts detailed articles, case studies, and opinion pieces on SEO and marketing. Ahrefs also prides itself in creating free educational materials like Ahrefs Academy.

Ahrefs Academy has entertaining video tutorials, exhaustive digital marketing courses, and thorough case studies. Those who want to take their content marketing game to the next level are invited to Ahrefs Insider. It’s Ahref’s private community where you can interact with other SEO marketers.

Why is the blog on the list?

Understanding search engines and SEO is a critical content marketing skill, especially in our ever-evolving technology. A recent example is the 2023 Google algorithm update that affected many web pages. Old SEO strategies may not work after the core update, so experts had to adhere to the new Google guidelines.

10. The Backlinko SEO Blog

The Backlinko SEO Blog
The Backlinko blog underscores the power of backlinks.

Who runs the blog?

Entrepreneur and internationally recognized SEO expert, Brian Dean created Backlinko, one of the most recognized SEO blogs in the industry. Dean is the guy behind the 2015 SEO link-building tactic called Skyscraper Technique. It’s a method of finding the “best” content, creating something better, and asking the backlinks to move to your new, “superior” content.

What’s the blog’s focus?

The Backlinko blog underscores the power of backlinks. These are links a website gets from another that drive traffic and increase the page’s authority. This authority makes a website more visible to search engines. Content marketing and link-building work together to maximize brand growth and awareness.

What can the blog teach you?

Backlinko was born out of Dean’s fascination with SEO. It’s the “place for next-level SEO training and link-building strategies.” On the platform, Dean shares everything he learned and discovered during his SEO training. You get actionable SEO and content marketing advice relayed through easy-to-understand posts.

Why is the blog on the list?

The Skyscraper Technique created a buzz in the content marketing industry. Dean offers a template anyone can follow to stand out in a saturated niche. His dedication to analyzing and supporting his SEO strategies with meticulous research and concrete results makes the blog a must-read.

11. The Convince & Convert Blog

The Convince & Convert Blog
Convince & Convert helps learners understand the crucial connection between digital marketing and a brand’s customer base.

Who runs the blog?

Convince & Convert is a marketing consulting service with only seasoned members. Jay Baer, an in-demand business growth speaker and leading customer research expert, founded the company. The agency audits its clients’ capabilities and challenges to create personalized marketing plans.

What’s the blog’s focus?

The company and its blog center around businesses’ digital marketing presence and customer experience (CX).

What can the blog teach you?

Convince & Convert helps learners understand the crucial connection between digital marketing and a brand’s customer base. Its marketing strategists and practitioners share insights and commentary on various topics, such as data-driven marketing and automation, based on their hands-on experiences. Moreover, the site compares traditional and modern marketing styles to offer readers alternative marketing methods.

Why is the blog on the list?

CMI named the Convince & Convert blog one of the best content marketing blogs in the field. The blog prioritizes CX through meaningful interactions. A customer-centric business tailors digital content to provide the best audience experience and tick off brand objectives. Content marketing and CX drive customer retention and can even turn those customers into lifetime brand advocates.

12. Duct Tape Marketing Blog

Duct Tape Marketing Blog
The Duct Tape Marketing System simplifies marketing by developing a core strategy first and tactics second.

Who runs the blog?

Duct Tape Marketing supplies Fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)+ systems and services. A fractional CMO is an independent contractor or outsourced marketing executive who oversees marketing activities to scale businesses.

What’s the blog’s focus?

The blog leverages the Duct Tape Marketing System, a framework created by John Jantsch. Jantsch named it after the ever-reliable duct tape — a household item that can fix almost anything.

What can the blog teach you?

The Duct Tape Marketing System simplifies marketing by developing a core strategy first and tactics second. It narrows brands’ marketing focus to save resources. The Duct Tape Marketing blog is dedicated to small to medium-sized businesses. Here, you’ll see practical advice on various marketing categories. Aside from the blog, Duct Tape Marketing has free ebooks and guides, podcasts, and workbooks.

Why is the blog on the list?

Jantsch’s 30+ years of experience as a trusted marketing advisor put him at the forefront of small business marketing plan development. Through realistic and affordable techniques, he helps brands grow and sustain growth. His blog does the same.

His work, Duct Tape Marketing, is a great handbook for small business marketing. It has sold over 150,000 copies and features seven steps to grow small businesses through systematic marketing.

13. CoSchedule Blog

CoSchedule Blog
The CoSchedule blog shares measurable content marketing strategies, trend predictions, and creative ideas.

Who runs the blog?

CoSchedule is an internet service solution offering an all-in-one marketing and editorial calendar. An editorial calendar, also known as a content calendar, is an effective management tool for scheduling content creation and publication.

What’s the blog’s focus?

CoSchedule focuses on the importance of a marketing calendar. This tool lets marketers plan effortlessly, save time, and avoid marketing mistakes. It prevents skewing brand messaging or alienating the audience.

What can the blog teach you?

The CoSchedule blog shares measurable content marketing strategies, trend predictions, and creative ideas. It also offers content marketing examples and templates for content calendars, email marketing, and more. Its Actionable Marketing Institute offers over 25 courses on marketing education and promises high-quality tutorials on blog growth, marketing plans, and more.

Why is the blog on the list?

Content marketing involves various media and content formats published on different platforms. Marketing campaigns with multi-content (like live streams, workshops, and webinars) complicate the process. They can even run concurrently with other campaigns. So, a disorganized marketer will find content planning a grueling task. Thus, content marketers must know how to utilize marketing calendars.

Learn how to create a content workflow through this article!

14. Quick Sprout

Quick Sprout
Quick Sprout highlights editorial independence and integrity in its articles, striving to remain unbiased.

Who runs the blog?

Neil Patel started Quick Sprout as his personal blog in 2007. However, once the site gained traction and generated over 500,000 visitors monthly, Patel and his business partners transformed it into an SEO software company. Today, the website analyzer is also a well-known free and rich educational tool for all content marketers.

What’s the blog’s focus?

It publishes comprehensive digital marketing guides on in-demand marketing methods and tools. Such processes include running successful marketing campaigns and picking appropriate web hosting providers.

What can the blog teach you?

Quick Sprout highlights editorial independence and integrity in its articles, striving to remain unbiased. Its attention is on providing its readers with quality and original B2B content. Quick Sprout ensures that it follows the best practices in content marketing. Its blog posts are supported by data, fact-checked, and edited to correct or adjust any mistakes.

Why is the blog on the list?

The site is a goldmine for anyone who wants to learn the fundamental content marketing topics and study the latest changes in the industry. Quick Sprout accommodates those in small startups, small businesses, and solo entrepreneurs so they can determine how to drive content and generate revenue.

15. Social Media Examiner

Social Media Examiner
Social Media Examiner shares original research on social media statistics, trends, and tactics.

Who runs the blog?

After the social media giant Facebook launched Facebook Ads in 2006, the hubbub around social media marketing became louder. Thus, Michael Stelzner was pushed to uncover its potential. In 2009, he interviewed top marketers and compiled his revelations in a blog. This enthusiasm made him an authority figure in the industry and led to the creation of the media company Social Media Examiner.

What’s the blog’s focus?

The blog uncovers the marketing power of social media. Social media marketing is a potent channel marketers use to distribute content, engage with prospective clients, and increase sales.

What can the blog teach you?

Social Media Examiner has expert contributors who write in-depth articles and case studies. It also shares original research on social media statistics, trends, and tactics. Other than blog posts, the online magazine holds expert training through live conferences and dynamic podcasts.

Those looking for a community of marketers can join the Social Media Marketing Society to access original marketing training and interact with other members. It requires a membership fee but comes with a 30-day risk-free trial membership.

Why is the blog on the list?

As one of the Top 10 Business Blogs with 600,000 monthly readers, Social Media Examiner has the right to boast about being the “Largest Small Business Marketing Resource.” It publishes online content to help businesses leverage the power of social media.

Ready to get going with your own content business? Check out our content creation tips.

16. Orbit Media

Orbit Media
Orbit Media is perfect for anyone who is looking for ways to improve their online visibility.

Who runs the blog?

Founded by Andy Crestodina and Barrett Lombardo, Orbit Media is a development studio that has developed a results-driven marketing blog.

What’s the blog’s focus?

The company focuses on web design, user interface, and web analytics. All of these topics are important in the world of search results rankings. Even though the articles can get a bit into the weeds, this is perfect for anyone who is looking for ways to improve their online visibility.

What can the blog teach you?

Founded in 2001, the company is all about transparency. If you do decide to work with their professional services, they will let you know exactly how success is quantified. Everything is about results, and no two marketing strategies are alike. If you read the blog regularly, you will learn exactly what you need to do to design a strategic website and increase your conversion rate

Why is the blog on the list?

Of note, the company offers professional services that can help small businesses increase their digital footprint. Even if you are not interested in hiring their services, their powerful blog offers advice for free, including video tutorials.

17. eMarketer

eMarketer comes complete with predictions, information, and insights on the role of e-commerce in a variety of industries.

Who runs the blog?

Finally, another blog you may want to check out is called eMarketer founded in 1996 by Geoff Ramsey.

What’s the blog’s focus?

As the name suggests, this is the place to go if you are looking to learn more about e-commerce. In the near future, online sales are poised for brick-and-mortar sales. Therefore, if you want to generate another revenue stream, you may be thinking about setting up an eCommerce channel. This blog can help you do that. 

What can the blog teach you?

The website comes complete with predictions, information, and insights on the role of e-commerce in a variety of industries. You can also learn more about social engagement, mobile purchasing, and B2B marketing. The vast majority of blog posts, visual representations, and infographics. This makes their content easier to remember.

Why is the blog on the list?

In addition to regular blog posts, you can also watch videos, listen to a podcast, and attend webinars that will help you keep pace with the rapid changes in the online world. If you are interested in learning more about e-commerce, then this could be the best blog for you to follow.
