How to Make Grammarly and Notion Work Together: 9 Steps

Are you trying to integrate Grammarly and Notion? These two apps don’t play well together; discover our guide that might help you get it working.

Grammarly is a robust grammar-checking program you can use online or with a browser-based or Windows-based app or plug-in. This grammar-checking program is one of the most popular available, offering grammar-checking and writing style suggestions for busy and professional writers. You can also use the pro version of Grammarly to check for plagiarism.

Notion is a great writing tool for note-taking and drafting simple documents. It is also a workspace that allows you to organize and process your information and data in one convenient location. Users work in blocks: text, titles, images, or similar features. They use those blocks to create rich structured pages, which they can then send into folders and databases. By keeping all of this information organized in a workspace, Notion makes it easier for users to keep tabs on the different aspects of their projects.

Many teams will use Notion because it is easy to stay connected to processes through the app. The app is also relatively simple, without all the bells and whistles of other word processing and content organization apps. This helps many teams stay on task and get work done.

However, if you’ve received an invitation to collaborate on Notion, you want to ensure that the files you create are error-free. Grammarly can help you with this. Because Notion is a program that allows a small business or individual freelancer to write and manage tasks, it makes sense that professional writers will want to integrate Grammarly into the program. Unfortunately, the Grammarly app does not work directly on Notion’s desktop version and works poorly on the web-based version. These are problems that people are asking for help on, but until Grammarly releases an update, you may have trouble using the two together seamlessly.

If you want to use Grammarly and Notion together, you will need to get creative. Thankfully, there are workarounds to try. This guide will help you understand those options. You might also be interested in our guide on how to use Grammerly with LaTeX.

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We tested dozens of grammar checkers, and Grammarly is the best tool on the market today. It'll help you write and edit your work much faster. Grammarly provides a powerful AI writing assistant and plagiarism checker.

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Materials Needed

  • Computer
  • Grammarly app
  • Notion app

Step 1: Create a Notion User Account

Grammarly and Notion: Create a Notion user account
The free account of Notion requires an email address and sharing a little bit of information about yourself

If you don’t already have one, you will need an account with Notion. The free account requires an email address and sharing a little bit of information about yourself, and it provides access to most of the platform’s writing and collaboration features. Most people can start with a free account. Remember that while Notion offers a “guest” mode, you can’t write in this mode. It is a “read-only” mode for file sharing. Setting up your account will give you the workspace to use Notion with Grammarly. After downloading the app from the appropriate app store for your device, you will need to list your name, email, and password. This is all you need to do to start an account. You can change this information later if you need to do so. 

Step 2: Add Content to Notion

Once you have your account, learn how to use the program before trying to implement Grammarly. Then, create a few documents and files to see how the platform works. Once you are comfortable with Notion, you can move to Grammarly. After learning how the program works, you need to add your content to it. Use Notion to share briefs with writers, create action plans for your team, organize your text documents or manage workflows for the project you are on. You can also take notes and collect files on the platform. Grammarly will only check text-based documents when you start using the two platforms together. 

Step 3: Create or Log into Your Grammarly Account

Grammarly and Notion: Create or log into your Grammarly account
A free Grammarly account provides many excellent features

Now you are ready to use Grammarly. The first step is accessing your account. If you don’t have an account, set one up. A free Grammarly account provides many excellent features, but you can upgrade to the pro version if you want to get the most out of the platform. If you already have a Grammarly account, log into it to get started.

Step 4: Download the Browser Add-On

Grammarly Sign-in
The Notion will only work with the browser-based Grammarly version

To use Grammarly with Notion, you must use the browser add-on. If you don’t have it, you want to download it now. If you have it, ensure the browser add-on is working. The Notion will only work with the browser-based Grammarly version, not the Windows version. So, first, check to see that your browser has Grammarly. You should see a little green circle under Grammarly’s add-ons or plug-ins menu. If you don’t see this icon, go to the app store to download it. Then, check to see that the browser add-on is switched on. If the Grammarly plug-in is not on, toggle it to the “on” position. It should start highlighting your errors and issues in Notion.

Step 5: Update Your Grammarly

To use Grammarly and Notion, you need the latest Grammarly version. So first, make sure your browser app is the latest version. To update, you will need to uninstall the existing extension. Then, go to Grammarly and download it again. This will ensure the version you use is the latest one.

Step 6: Use Grammarly to Check for Errors

At this point, Grammarly should automatically check your Notion document for errors. It will highlight the errors and give you suggestions for fixing them. Look through these suggestions and decide which ones you will accept or reject. Remember that Grammarly is good at what it does, but at the end of the day, it is just software and does not have all the answers.

Step 7: Re-Type Your Fixed Answer

One problem with Grammarly and Notion is that the pop-up boxes from Grammarly do not allow you to change the word automatically as in other apps. Unfortunately, the workaround for this is a bit clunky. Instead of clicking on Grammarly’s suggestion and making the chance, you will have to exit out of the pop-up and type the answer manually. You can still utilize the Grammarly writing suggestions, but you must manually enter them.

Step 8: Try an Alternative

If Grammarly isn’t working well on Notion for you, then consider an alternative. You can copy and paste the content you write into the Grammarly website and check it there, using all of the tools and suggestions of the program. Then, once it is error-free, you can copy it back into Notion. While this does add an extra step, it provides the complete abilities of Grammarly even while you compose work in Notion.

Step 9: Copy and Paste from Word Processor

Another alternative is to use a desktop-based word processor to compose your work. With this option, your desktop version of Grammarly will do the grammar and spelling checks as you write. Once you are done, you can copy your work from your word processor into Notion. Again, this adds extra work, but it does allow you to merge Grammarly and Notion when they are not playing well together.

Grammarly is one of our top grammar checkers. Find out why in this Grammarly review.
