Essays About Christmas: Top 5 Examples and 6 Prompts

Christmas is the most celebrated holiday in the world. Discover our helpful guide that you can use to write essays about Christmas.

Christmas is known to many as the birthday of Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity. However, the festival has become more secular over the years and is celebrated by most people regardless of religion. Every December 25, something magical happens.

To most people, Christmas is “the most wonderful time of the year.” People celebrate, gather at a friend or family member’s house, feast, and open gifts. Whether or not you celebrate it as a religious holiday, the feelings of warmth, joy, and nostalgia that Christmas evokes are universal and meaningful to all.

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5 Top Essay Examples

1. The Magic of Christmas by Erin

“Although, a few years later, I found out that he was not real, the magic of Christmas still remains. I realized that Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, and this is something I hold close to my heart. With our family’s traditions and celebrating Jesus’ birth, the magic of Christmas will always be real for me.”

In this short essay, Erin reflects on her family’s Christmas traditions, particularly during her childhood. She recalls the food, music, and different practices of many Christmases ago; in particular, she remembers the magic of Santa Claus and how she wished to see him one day. She eventually found out Santa wasn’t real, but that did not take away the magic of Christmas from her. She still treasures Christmas and anticipates it yearly. 

2. The Possibility of a Merry Covid Christmas by Sarah Begley

“Maybe we will come roaring back with great excesses in the holiday season of 2021; it’s hard to imagine now, but who knows? Meanwhile, we can resolve to do something together. We can seize this unwanted opportunity to reimagine everything — to tell a new story about what the season of togetherness means for our country, our homes, and our relationships. In a time that requires distance, we can find new modes of closeness. In a year of austerity, we can rethink the purpose of wealth. And in a period of great uncertainty, we can decide what’s most meaningful about shared rituals.”

Begley discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic affects the way we celebrate Christmas. We cannot have big family gatherings, travel, or attend big religious services as we used to, as guidelines discourage us from doing so. In addition, the declining economy is leaving more families with fewer resources to celebrate Christmas. This Christmas, it may be hard to be happy and celebrate for some, but Begley encourages us to use this time for introspection and to hope for better. 

3. My Christmas Experience by Elliot Johnson

“In the end, although every family has flaws, and always seems to have a political divide in it, the family is the most special part of Christmas, just like it is for Thanksgiving. Family is one of, if not the most important things in life, and it is very important to stay close to one’s family and all of its members, and that is what Christmas is, and always will be to me.”

In his essay, Johnson gives a brief overview of Christmas and discusses his attitude toward the celebrations in his household. He remembers how as an introvert, he had to interact with many people and how he needed to give up his room for guests to sleep in. However, Johnson greatly appreciates Christmas for being able to unite and bring together a family of very diverse views and perspectives. 

4.  A personal reflection on Christmas by Jo Betz

“My daughter and I purchase a Christmas decoration each year for my husband to put on the tree. It’s something that brings us joy as we select the decoration we think he’d love. But there are other ways you can honour your loved one too – light a candle, write them a letter, purchase them a present, share stories about them on Christmas day. Find a way to honour the person you are missing so much.”

Betz reflects on how the death of a loved one, in this case, her husband, can make it difficult to enjoy Christmas. However, being with her daughter allows her to appreciate the holidays through all the pain. She gives people in a similar situation tip on how to cope, including not keeping such a big “to-do” list, honoring your loved one, and allowing yourself to grieve. You might also be interested in these essays about autumn.

5. ​​Christmas traditions around the world by Becky Such

“Christmas trees were decorated with candles and topped with an angel or star, to remind children of the angel that brought ‘news of great joy’ to the shepherds in the fields, or the star that guided the ‘Three Kings’ to Bethlehem. In modern times, we’ve kept the star or angel topper, but dropped the candles. Covering a dry tree in lit candles was, of course, a massive fire hazard. Pretty silly of those Victorians if you ask me.  

Today, Christmas trees are decorated with tinsel, fairy-lights and small, hanging ornaments – the joy and brightness of the Christmas tree is still a great reminder of Jesus as the ‘Light of the World’.” 

In her essay, Such describes some Christmas traditions from different countries, including different pastries and sweets, fireworks, lanterns, and the iconic Christmas tree. Then, she explains the differences in Christmas celebrations worldwide and how these traditions have evolved. 

6 Prompts for Essays About Christmas

1. What Is Christmas to You?

Essays About Christmas: What is Christmas to you?
Open up to your readers about the true meaning of Christmas

Christmas has a different significance for each person. First, reflect on the meaning of Christmas; think of what your family and friends have told you, what you learned in school, and your thoughts. Next, discuss any religious, cultural, or family traditions that have influenced how you view Christmas. Finally, open up to your readers about the true meaning of Christmas. Perhaps Christmas means spending time with family and friends or giving back to the community. Whatever your viewpoint, share it in this essay.

2. The History of Christmas

For your essay, research how Christmas originated and how the festival has changed over the decades. Explain how it came about and the differences between Christmas celebrations over time. As with all historical essays, cite credible, well-researched sources for an accurate essay. 

3. A Christmas Tradition

Essays About Christmas: A Christmas tradition
Explain your chosen tradition in detail and reflect on its significance

Think about a tradition you have practiced for many Christmases with family, friends, or the greater community. What does it entail? Explain your chosen tradition in detail and reflect on its significance. 

4. Christmas in Your Home Country

Christmas is celebrated differently from country to country, with climate, religion, culture, and demographics affecting its importance in each. Based on personal experience and research, write your essay about how Christmas is celebrated in your country. Explain the traditions, the food eaten, and the history behind the Christmas celebration.

5. Christmas in Non-Christian Households

Early Christians originally conceived Christmas as a festival to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, but it has become more secular over the years. A large number of non-Christians celebrate it. Based on research, write about how non-Christians celebrate Christmas and why they do so. If you have personal experience with this, incorporate what you know into your essay.

6. Why Is Christmas the Most Celebrated Holiday?

Whenever the word “holiday” is mentioned, Christmas automatically comes to mind for most. In your essay, look into what makes Christmas so popular: Why do people treasure it so much, and why do more people celebrate it than other holidays? Be sure to use credible sources as the basis for your essay.

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