Essays About Recycling: Top 5 Examples Plus Prompts

Essays about recycling raise awareness regarding the planet’s destruction; see our top essay examples and prompts to create a powerful piece.

An American disposes of about 1,800 pounds of garbage annually into a landfill. To visualize it better, one mature male cow has the same weight. Because there are at least 332 million Americans in the country, it’s no wonder there’s an ongoing problem with garbage disposal. 

Recycling is an excellent way to deal with this dilemma. Through recycling, used materials can be salvaged and reprocessed to create new products. However, there are specific steps to follow to recycle each material the right way. Regardless, recycling helps a lot in the preservation of natural resources and benefits many aspects of human lives.

Below are essay examples to read to know what a great essay about recycling looks like:

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1. Essay on Recycling for Students and Children by Anonymous on

“…recycling is a small step by humans to save the environment. But this small step is very effective in the long run.”

The author briefly explains what recycling is, ensuring the definition is straightforward so the readers can easily understand it. This essay delves into why recycling is necessary, especially for its role in saving the planet. It also discusses the recycling process, focusing on common materials such as paper and plastic. Finally, the essay concludes with what people can do to participate in recycling.

2. Essay on Recycling- Concept, Benefits & Importance of Recycling by Anonymous on

“Given the fact that we are living in a world that is predominantly surrounded by a host of climate issues. We need to focus [on] recycling for [a] better, safe and clean environment.”

The essay blames overpopulation and industrialization for ruining the environment. It also mentions that recycling is critical to saving the Earth before listing five of its benefits. Finally, the author concludes by urging the readers to do their part in protecting the planet through recycling.

3. Reuse Reduce Recycle by Anonymous on

“The importance of reduc[e] reuse recycle is ever-increasing with the rising pollution levels in the world… With so many benefits, the human race needs to realize its significance to save the world for its coming generations.”

After an impactful introduction shifting the readers’ attention to the fact that recycling saves the environment and helps man produce without the need to sacrifice more resources, the essay goes on to explain three other great benefits of this practice. These are: conserving energy, reducing pollution (global warming), and saving money. The writer also demands teaching younger generations about the current environmental problems so they can help the older age group in saving the planet.

4. Recycling of Materials by Anonymous in StudyCorgi

“The present world is faced with complex environmental problems, and there is general misinformation on environmental concepts… Advocates of environmental consciousness must strive to stop the complex explanations, and focus more on unvarnished terms which will give Americans an easy description of what is expected of them.”

Acknowledging that both developed and developing countries are affected by waste disposal, the author then looks for the causes. They start by analyzing man’s garbage disposal habits, which weren’t a problem at the beginning of time since most trash was organic. That is until the start of the agricultural revolution, followed by the rapid population increase. The essay shares studies and cites them throughout the piece as the writer discusses relevant points connected to the topic. 

5. The Value of Recycling by Anonymous on

“Recycling is the process of making use of waste or used materials in a more effective manner. Actually, if we want to leave this planet productive and healthy for the future generations, recycling is mandatory or crucial in [the] modern world.”

The writer is adamant about instilling in his readers the reality that recycling is not an option. Instead, it’s a requirement that we must do to keep something for the future. They mention how negligent people are in wasting this planet’s little resources, opening the entire human race to many risks. The essay also mentions recycling’s importance to the environment and the economy, saying it should start at home and, when done by everyone, will make a massive difference to the world. 

You need excellent grammar and syntax to create an engaging and readable piece. See our guide on grammar and syntax to improve your writing.

8 Prompts on Essays About Recycling

Try these prompts to jumpstart your essay writing:

1. My Way of Recycling

For this writing prompt, talk about what you can do as an individual to help in recycling. It can be the small things, such as segregating reusable materials at home or posting about the benefits of recycling on your social media pages. You can also mention that writing your essay about recycling is a way to contribute to this vital movement by spreading knowledge and awareness.

2. How to Recycle

Essays about recycling: How to recycle?
You can also add how recycling can be a fun activity for anyone of all ages

Many know what recycling is, but not everyone understands the steps they should follow to achieve recycling’s goals. So, in your essay, explain how to recycle correctly. You can also add how recycling can be a fun activity for anyone of all ages. For instance, you can put instructions on how to assemble a bowling game with recycled bottles. Doing so will give family members something to bond over during holidays and weekends. Additionally, interview data or surveys to gather public information on how the average person recycles.

3. Why We Should Recycle

Because there are already many pieces explaining why recycling is essential, make your essay stand out by connecting it to relevant events. For example, you can start your essay with recent news about global warming, such as a severe storm in your area that affected many. Then, link your article to how recycling can help prevent these disasters.

4. Recycling in Different Countries

Countries have ways of dealing with scarce resources and executing garbage disposal practices. For this prompt, discuss how different communities recycle their trash. First, discuss the best recycling countries like Germany and South Korea and their practices. Then, pick out what the rest of the world should apply in their recycling regimen.

5. Generating Income From Recycling 

There are many ways that recycling products can be turned into a business. From selling reusable materials like metals and plastic bottles to opening a vintage clothes store, show the opportunities recycling offers. Don’t forget to add eco-friendly business practices and encourage your readers to support those that promote sustainable living.

6. Why People Don’t Recycle

Although recycling has many advantages for the environment, some cons prevent everyone from infusing recycling into their everyday lives. Openly discuss the lack of programs educating people on how to recycle, why many think recycling is inconvenient, and other restraints. Remember to include possible solutions to these limits.

7. If We Stop Recycling

In this prompt, create an imaginary scenario where no one recycles. Detail what will happen to the community, environment, and nature. Aside from losing space due to garbage, we’ll also have to deal with health hazards and possibly new diseases. You can also debate a positive sequence, where people may find a way to control garbage through new technologies or operations.

8. Eco-Warrior Inspirations

In this essay, discuss a person, business, or organization that is an eco-warrior and inspiration. It can be your school, office, or someone at home. Talk about how they carry out proper recycling, who pushed the ideas to fruition, and what they do with the materials they recycle. You can also comment on what facets of their recycling program you want other places to copy or which parts they could improve. Use anecdotes and research data to support your opinion for a compelling essay.

Read these essay writing tips to use them in your writing.
