Essay About Autumn: Top 5 Examples and Prompts

Autumn brings out different emotions within us. But how can you relay those in your essay about autumn? Read this article to get examples and writing prompts.

Autumn is the season when animals, people, and nature prepare for winter. Leaves turn orange, yellow, or brown. The weather becomes chillier, and the mist and fog appear more often. 

Many people in the United States associate Halloween, pumpkins, pine cones, corn, and harvest times with autumn. In Southeast and Northeast Asian countries, people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. Many call it the Moon Festival because it is when the moon is brightest and most beautiful.

If you need to write an essay about autumn, you found the right place. Consider checking out the essays on autumn that we gathered below as a reference for your writing. 

If you are interested in learning more, check out these essay writing tips!

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1. Autumn: The Best Season of All by Ernestine Boyd 

“People need beauty, and it comes around every year in the form of autumn. Not only does the beauty of autumn appeal to the eye, but the mild weather makes it feel just as comfortable as it looks.”

Boyd’s essay describes the wonders of autumn and why it is the best season for him. He describes the activities, attitudes, and weather. He also ponders why people might be jollier in the autumn than any other season.

2. Autumn Essay by Prasanna

“Autumn is agreeable to Poor individuals who work the entire day extremely difficult to get everyday dinners. They particularly face very tough challenges in winter, summer, and blustery conditions for supporting and everyday work. Autumn is awesome of all seasons with a ton of bliss.”

This essay discusses autumn by first describing it and then its advantages. Next, the writer talks about the things that happen in nature during autumn and their purpose. She also describes how people act more energetic and enthusiastic in autumn, thanks to the climate.

3. Reasons Why Autumn Is the Best Season by Carrie Smith

“It’s also the perfect time to start making hot cocoa and lighting a fire in the fireplace. This season creates the perfect setting for a sense of comfort, warmth, and reflection.”

Smith’s descriptive essay about autumn covers the changing colors of the trees, cool weather, later sunrises, holidays, and seasonal shopping. She also included some shopping tips and must-have items for the season. Smith also added what she disliked about fall and its symbolism in the essay.

4. Essay on Autumn Season in India by ReadingJunction

“Even if each season comes with its beauty, [the] autumn season has an extraordinary place in nature’s art. Beautiful and clear colors on the trees like bright yellow, browns, ochre, rich auburn, and also the remnants of summer as lush green and many colors in between are splashed around everywhere.”

This essay on autumn puts more focus on autumn in India. It mentions various facts, benefits, and losses of the fall season in the country.

5. Top (Healthy) Reasons to Love Fall by Olivia DeLong

“The color yellow is often thought to convey energy, enthusiasm, fun, cheerfulness, and a positive emotional state. Red may help improve your attention span and boost your confidence. And it’s possible that fall foliage and cool temps may bring about happy memories.”

DeLong takes on a health-focused approach in this essay on autumn. She mentions the many health benefits autumn brings and the healthy activities people can do during this season. She even included a list of fruits and vegetables exclusive to fall.

9 Essay Topics and Prompts for Writing Essays About Autumn

Do you want to share your thoughts and opinions about autumn? Writing an essay about it is one way to share it with other people. Pick a topic below if you don’t know where to start or what to focus on.

1. Autumn in My Hometown or Country

No matter where they come from, everyone has a unique autumn experience. Some people follow cultural practices, like observing the Autumn Festival or Halloween. This essay idea describes how the fall season influences or changes your hometown or country.

2. Favorite Autumn Activities

Because autumn has a cooler temperature than summer but isn’t as cold as winter, many people can go outside and do more activities with their friends or family. Some families have days for pumpkin carving or hikes. Many kids like playing in the leaves, having backyard fires, and camping. What’s your favorite autumn activity? Write them down here and describe why you like them.

3. Top Fall Foods

Do you enjoy eating seasonal foods, fruits, and vegetables that grow in the fall? It’s your chance to write about them and how much you love them. These fall foods can range from home-cooked meals to a restaurant’s yearly offer.

See this guide packed full of transition words for essays.

4. Why I Don’t Like Autumn

Some people like autumn but dislike the season. If you belong in the latter category, write about it in an essay. But, first, discuss what you don’t like about autumn and detail why you dislike it. For example, it may remind you of a sad time in your life.

5. Psychological Effects of the Fall Season

Autumn often indicates shorter days or hours of daylight, lower temperatures, fog, and rain. These elements can have specific effects on the body and mind. Some people feel that autumn makes them more gloomy and anxious. For others, it is a time for socializing, positive feelings, and outdoor activities. Write about your general mood during the season and its positive or negative causes, depending on where you stand.

6. Marketing Tactics Often Used in Autumn

Did you notice that many businesses, stores, and establishments hold various sales from September to November? These sales typically coincide with Halloween, Thanksgiving, and even Oktoberfest. You can write about this seasonal occurrence and observations in your essay. It may also help research the common marketing strategies businesses use in the fall.

7. Symbolism of Autumn

Autumn is a time for change, maturity, wealth, reconnection, balance, and sickness. Like the other seasons, autumn has a unique spiritual energy that resonates with the physical occurrences during this time. Worldwide, different cultures hold various celebrations during the fall. You can inspect this thread of thought further by writing about autumn’s different cultural understandings and symbolism.

8. Best Destinations or Favorite Places in Autumn

Essay About Autumn: Best destinations or favorite places in autumn
If you’ve visited many autumn destinations, you’ve found a perfect essay topic

How many places have you visited during autumn, and how did you enjoy them? If you’ve visited many autumn destinations, you’ve found a perfect essay topic. You don’t need to travel abroad or faraway places to describe the best autumn places you’ve visited. You could stick to local visits. 

You can even talk about a spot in town that isn’t necessarily a tourist destination but looks beautiful during the fall. For example, you could talk about the arcade, its fall promos, and how you enjoy going there with friends.

 If you’re looking for inspiration, check out our round-up of essay topics about nature.
