30 Best Books by Elin Hilderbrand For Your Next Beach Read!

Our collection of the best books by Elin Hilderbrand will keep you turning page after page as you become immersed in historical and modern romance stories.

If you want to pick up you’re next beach read, you’re in luck as we’ve compiled the best books by Elin Hilderbrand, which are perfect for any vacation. The American romance author has sold more than 20 million books and has 28 novels to date.

Growing up, Hilderbrand spent her summers on Cape Cod, which inspired her writing. When she was sixteen, her father passed away, and her summers on the Cape were no more.

After spending a summer working in a factory, she promised herself that for the rest of her life, her goal would be to have a real summer – and she made it happen by writing about oceanside love stories.

I live a life very similar to my characters in that I live a full-blown summer fantasy from June to September,Elin Hilderbrand

According to her website, Hilderbrand is planning retirement following her summer of 2024 book and aspires to become a book influencer. We think you’ll enjoy our list, but if your tastes run to something a little more steamy, check out our guide to authors like Emily Henry.

Best Elin Hilderbrand Books

Hilderbrand has written series as well as standalone novels, and as many readers prefer not to start a series written by an unfamiliar writer, it may be best to begin with a standalone work.

Her series include The Winter Series, featuring the Quinn family, and Paradise Series, which focuses on the widow Irene Steele.

Of her 19 standalone books, referred to as summer books, her most popular work is Summer of ‘69. It makes a good starting point to determine if you like her storytelling and writing style. 

It’s best to read Elin Hilderbrand’s books in order if they are part of a series such as The Winter Series or Paradise series. As for her standalone works, you can read them in any order. And if you’ve already read them and are looking for something in the same vein, check out our roundup of authors like Elin Hilderbrand.

1. Summer of ‘69

best books by Elin Hilderbrand
Summer of ‘69 is Elin Hilderbrand’s best-selling novel.

Summer of ‘69 follows the Levin family through an unforgettable summer. A mother of four, Kate struggles with her marriage and managing her children’s lives. Her children struggle in their personal lives, and Kate tries to navigate these ups and downs throughout the novel.

Her youngest daughter can’t wait to get out of Nantucket, much to the dismay of her mother and grandmother. On top of everything else happening in her life, Kate knows she’s drinking too much and trying to control it alone.

You’ll love this engrossing escape from the real world as you bond and empathize with the Levins. It’s deeply relatable, reminding readers that we all struggle and make mistakes. You’ll laugh and cry.

You might also be interested in our list of authors like Nancy Thayer.

“Kirby has learned that no one can judge a relationship except for the two people in it.”

Elin Hilderbrand, Summer of ’69

2. The Island

The Island
The Island tackles themes of friendship, parenthood, and lost love.

In The Island, a canceled summer wedding throws the Cousins family into a tailspin as they work to navigate the details of an upheaval they never expected.

As the protagonist, Birdie works to figure out why her daughter, Chess, unexpectedly called off her wedding. She’s also faced with her own issues. Birdie’s 30-year marriage is no more, and she’s sad to break from her first shot at love following her divorce.

Together, Birdie and Chess join two other female family members to enjoy a summer on Tuckernuck Island, just off the coast of Nantucket. Without phones, TV, and drama, they can fully escape their troubles – or so they hoped. While their summer was peaceful, old issues (and lovers) creep up one by one.

This book is light and refreshing, making it the ideal vacation read if you don’t want to get bogged down. Be warned, while it’s a pleasant read, it’s difficult to put down.

“Drama followed Chess around like a smell. Some people, Tate had learned, were like that, and it was for people like her to sit and watch the show.”

Elin Hilderbrand, The Island

3. A Summer Affair

A Summer Affair
A Summer Affair is a thrilling romance novel.

A Summer Affair follows Claire – a woman who has struggled to say no to anyone for her entire life. Whether it’s her husband, her children, or her clients (she’s a successful artist), she puts everyone else’s needs before hers, often to her detriment.

She’s asked to head a committee to put on the largest annual social event in Nantucket, and as usual, she’s happy to say yes. Claire begins planning the event and works closely with a local billionaire.

While she’s no stranger to rubbing elbows with the uber-wealthy, she’s surprised she feels a spark with someone other than her husband. While struggling to ignore how he makes her feel, she finds things quickly getting out of hand.

Hilderbrand’s twists and turns will keep you on the edge of your seat as you wait to see where Claire ends up.

“All her life, Claire had had a problem figuring out where other people ended and she began. All her life, she’d taken on the world’s hurt; she held herself responsible. But why?”

Elin Hilderbrand, A Summer Affair

4. The Beach Club

The Beach Club
The Beach Club is a popular novel with drama, romance, and unexpected twists.

In The Beach Club, Hilderbrand once again takes readers to a summer in Nantucket to follow the ups and downs of life at Nantucket Beach Club. On the island, drama, love, and anger ensue between staff members.

The hotel manager struggles to keep his job when the owner shows up and demands that he manage things differently from how he’s been running the club for the past 12 years.

Bellman Vance has a vendetta against the manager, believing he stole his job over a decade ago. The new front desk receptionist, Love, has baby fever and is searching for someone to make her dream come true. 

And to top it all, the staff are forced to work through their differences as a hurricane approaches the shore, risking their livelihood.
There’s never a dull moment during The Beach Club, making it a perfect book to pick up if you’re looking for some excitement. The beach and the characters feel tangible, and you’ll find yourself wishing it could last longer.

“Nobody knows where it comes from, and nobody knows where it goes.’ Love doesn’t make sense most of the time and that’s what’s so wonderful about it.”

Elin Hilderbrand, The Beach Club

5. The Blue Bistro

The Blue Bistro
The Blue Bistro is a heart-pounding romance ideal for beach reading.

The Blue Bistro follows the life of Adrienne, who has spent years working in resort towns, enjoying summer while gaining experience of what it’s like to work in a top-notch hotel. Adrienne finds herself in a tricky financial situation when her boyfriend leaves unexpectedly, and she calls Nantucket home for the summer.

The owner of one of the island’s most in-demand restaurants offers her a job, and there’s a clear attraction between the two. Adrienne is left to decide whether she will run on to the next location (per usual) or stick around and see whether she has something worth staying put for.

The Blue Bistro is a real tear-jerker, but we need a good cry sometimes. Hilderbrand expertly created realistic characters with themes of second chances and self-discovery that anyone can relate to.

“He has never known a woman so free from conceit, vanity, ambition, pretense. He has never known a woman so willing to show the world that she is a human being.”

Elin Hilderbrand, The Blue Bistro

6. The Perfect Couple

The Perfect Couple
The Perfect Couple is an exhilarating murder mystery novel.

The Perfect Couple is Hilderbrand’s first murder mystery novel. At the height of the Nantucket wedding season, vacationers are shocked when the body of the bride’s best friend washes up in the harbor just a few hours before the Otis-Winbury nuptials are set to take place. Everyone at the wedding party is a suspect.

As the chief of police interviews everyone in the family, including the groom’s mother, a famous mystery writer, it’s clear that there’s far more to each family than meets the eye.

The variety of points of view in the novel will allow you to see the story from a new angle constantly, and Hilderbrand, as usual, keeps readers on their toes. As her first foray into the genre, long-time fans will find this novel to be a refreshing change of pace.

“The moment their eyes meet, the moment their hands touch. That certainty. That recognition. You. You are the one. This is what it feels like. Nothing, as it turns out, can take the place of love.”

Elin Hilderbrand, The Perfect Couple

7. Winter Street

Winter Street
Winter Street is a heart-warming Christmas novel.

Winter Street, the first book of The Winter Series, is the story of Kelley Quinn, the owner of a Nantucket inn. As the father of three sons and one daughter, Kelley finds himself excited about getting the family together for Christmas, despite their lives being in varying states of disarray.

When Kelley walks in on his wife kissing someone else at the inn’s Christmas party, the family descends into chaos. Various love triangles aren’t the only thing that plagues the inn during the holiday season – the Quinn family also has to deal with a surprise pregnancy, a house fire, a federal crime, and more. 

This festive read is great for setting the mood as the holiday season approaches. It’s a sweet story with realistic family dynamics and characters you can’t help but root for.

“With this in mind, Ava tells herself to be present and celebrate the holiday instead of wishing it over. After all, one is given only a certain number of Christmases in one’s life.”

Elin Hilderbrand, Winter Street

8. Winter in Paradise

Winter in Paradise
Winter in Paradise is a popular beach read amongst fans of romance novels.

Winter In Paradise, from the Paradise Series, is perfect for a beach read or to enjoy while snuggled up under blankets and watching the snowfall.

This novel follows Irene Steele, an Iowa City woman deeply in love with her husband and can’t get enough of his over-the-top romantic gestures. She’s devastated when he unexpectedly passes away, and she’s faced with unraveling the bizarre details of her husband’s death, which took place in the Caribbean.

Irene and her family are shocked when they arrive on the island to discover that their family patriarch has been living a double life. Irene’s heartbreak at her husband’s lies is intertwined with her excitement at becoming a part of the island’s rich culture. 

Readers will find that they’re rooting for Irene and her sons as they work through their devastation at the hands of the person they trusted most. It has the perfect mix of drama and romance that will keep readers fully immersed.

“Secrets become lies, and lies end up destroying you and everyone you care about.”

Elin Hilderbrand, Winter in Paradise

9. Summerland

Summerland follows Nantucket High students as they navigate tragedy.

When the high school students of Nantucket High meet on the beach for a bonfire, tragedy strikes. Penny Alistair is killed in a car crash, leaving behind her boyfriend and friend to suffer the emotional aftermath. What follows is a tale of secrets and heartbreak with plenty of romance.

Summerland is a short book, making it ideal for a day on the beach. Don’t underestimate it because of the brevity, the changing character narratives will keep readers on their toes, and you’ll find yourself feeling for all of them.

“What happened when we died? How were we to know that death wasn’t as profound an adventure as life was?”

Elin Hilderbrand, Summerland

10. The Matchmaker

The Matchmaker
In The Matchmaker, a woman sets out to find the perfect matches for those closest to her.

As the title of The Matchmaker suggests, Dabney Kimball Beech is well-known as a matchmaker, setting up successful matches with over 40 couples on Nantucket Island. Yet when her long-lost love returns to the island, she must decide if she will make her own match.

Like many of Hilderbrand’s books, this one is not afraid to dip into the world of affairs, as the main character is married yet unfulfilled. Readers can’t help but feel conflicted by these morally gray protagonists and are eager to find out what happens next.

“Sometimes you regret the things you do, but they’re over and done. Regretting the things you didn’t do is tougher because they’re still out there…haunting you. The what-ifs.”

Elin Hilderbrand, The Matchmaker

11. Nantucket Nights

Nantucket Nights
Nantucket Nights follows three best friends who encounter a dangerous event.

Nantucket Nights tells the story of three best friends who meet once a year to swim in the ocean under the stars. Yet on this particular summer night, one of them does not return. This opens the door to a web of secrets that make this one of the best Elin Hilderbrand novels.

This book has fewer characters than some of the other books by the best-selling author. Yet the story unfolds in the way that Hilderbrand fans have come to expect. The element of mystery makes it hard to put it down.

“It was popular to believe that things only happened on Nantucket during the summer. Summer was a slice of heaven, but the same was true for the rest of the year on the island, and Kayla felt sorry for anyone who missed the days of October.”

Elin Hilderbrand, Nantucket Nights

12. Golden Girl

Golden Girl
Golden Girl is a captivating novel about life after death.

Golden Girl is a tale beyond the realms of reality as we know it. This novel tells the story of Vivian Howe, an author and loving mother of three who suddenly dies in a hit-and-run accident. When Vivian ascends to the Beyond, she watches on as life continues without her.

Although this novel touches on some difficult subject matter like death and betrayal, it also has a light and loving storyline as a mother watches her children grow up from the Beyond.

With all of Hilderband’s signatures – sumptuous meals, beach scenes, and idealistic lifestyle goals, fans will love this take on life after death.

“The aesthetics of that dinner had been sheer perfection. The dining room was lit only by candles; there was a bouquet of iris on the table; the restaurant smelled of butter garlic, veal stock, freshly baked bread.”

Golden Girl, Elin Hilderbrand

13. The Castaways

The Castaways
The Castaways follows a group of friends who lose loved ones in a tragic accident.

The Castaways consider some of the biggest challenges a person can go through in life. When a close-knit group of friends embark on a boating expedition, tragedy strikes, and two of the group’s leading members die, leaving behind two orphaned twins.

When the friendship group comes to terms with what has happened, they begin to try and navigate their new life – without their best friends.

With themes of grief, love, friendship, and tragedy, this novel pulls on readers’ heartstrings from the first page to the last.

“He could not call his wife and drop the bomb that would destroy the landscape of her life. Her first cousin, her closest friend- a person Andrea held dearer, possibly, than himself – Tess MacAvoy, was dead.”

The Castaways, Elin Hilderbrand

14. The Identicals

The Identicals
The Identical is a popular novel following much-loved characters Tabitha and Harper Frost.

The Identicals follows identical twins Tabitha and Harper Frost as they navigate an unexpected family crisis. Both twins are fiercely independent and have worked to become individuals – they’re not as close as we might think identical twins would be. During the crisis, the twins must confront their issues and work together despite their differences.

This heart-warming novel tackles themes of identity, sibling relationships, forgiveness, and the power of family.

“The most underrated force at work in the universe is that of coincidence. And yet who among us hasn’t been at its mercy?”

The Identicals, Elin Hilderbrand

15. Here’s To Us

Here's To Us
Here’s To Us is a heart-warming novel about a family coming together to grieve.

Here’s To Us is an intriguing novel that follows Laurel Thrope, Belinda Rowe, and Scarlett Oliver – who have all been married to the same man. Deacon Thorpe is a celebrity chef; he is talented, handsome, and charismatic – that’s why it comes as such a shock when he takes his own life.

After the catastrophe, all three women must come together to see out his final wish: to have his entire family (wives, children, and all) return to his favorite place on Earth: Nantucket. With everyone under one roof, getting along will not be easy. But as secrets are revealed, bonds and friendships begin to form as they say goodbye to the man they all loved dearly.

The novel takes readers on an emotional journey as some moments will have you shedding a tear and the next laughing out loud. What makes Here’s To Us unique is Hilderbrand even included some of Deacon’s recipes so you can bring a little part of this book into your daily life.

“Six weeks had passed, but John Buckley still couldn’t believe that his first-ever client and his best friend, Deacon Thorpe – the most famous chef in America – was dead.”

Here’s To Us, Elin Hilderbrand

16. 28 Summers

28 Summers
28 Summers is about a 30-decade summer romance.

Inspired by the film, Same Time Next Year, 28 Summers is about an annual week-long affair that Mallory Blessing and Jake McCloud have continued for almost three decades following a magical summer in Nantucket in 1993. The novel opens with Mallory on her deathbed, who refuses to take her tale of love to the grave. 

She asks her son to contact Jake, and he begins to piece together his mother’s secret life. The novel takes readers through each year of their affair, from how it complicates their lives to briefly recapping world events. 

Although readers know how Mallory’s story ends, 28 Summers is still just as engaging and receives high praise from readers. There is a follow-up novel to this book titled The Sixth Wedding, which sees Jake return to Nantucket without Mallory, but the first novel can be read as a standalone.

“What do you need to create a life, after all? Food, clothing, shelter, a person to love.”

Elin Hilderbrand, 28 Summers

17. The Five Star Weekend

The Five Star Weekend
The Five Star Weekend sees friends from every chapter of Hollis Shaw’s life reconnect.

The Five Star Weekend’s Hollis Shaw has the perfect life on paper: she runs a successful blog and is married to a heart surgeon. When her husband dies unexpectedly, she needs a break to gather her thoughts.

Hollis embarks on a five-star weekend, a trip with her best friend from every stage of life: her teen years, twenties, thirties, and mid-life. However, the weekend doesn’t go as planned, as reminders of her past stir up old feelings. 

It’s a heartwarming and nostalgic read. While the first few pages offer a lot of information for readers to digest, you quickly become fully immersed in the story. 

“There was the golden age, the years our children were nine, ten, eleven. Fourth and fifth grade… of course, you never realize it’s the golden age until it’s over.”

Elin Hilderbrand, The Five Star Weekend

18. Endless Summer

Endless Summer
Endless Summer is a collection of short stories.

While Elin Hilderbrand is best known for her novels, Endless Summer is a collection of nine short stories that all take place during the summertime in Nantucket. Perfect for die-hard Hilderbrand fans, this work revisits some familiar faces and introduces new characters.

It’s easy to read but no less captivating than other works. It’s the ultimate lazy beach read, as you can enjoy the odd story here or there without needing to immerse yourself in a longer tale.

“Her only standout talent was her matchmaking; she had already set up two couples in Grays Hall and had another potential match brewing. This hobby of hers was a local legend back home and the source of Glen’s nickname for her: ‘Cupe,’ short for Cupid.”

Elin Hilderbrand, Endless Summer

19. Winter Storms

 Winter Storms
Winter Storms is the third book in the Winter Street collection.

The third installment in the Winter Street series, Winter Storms, is a cozy but enticing addition to the series. It takes place after a dark period for the Quinns seems to be coming to an end. There’s hope that Bart, who was captured in Afghanistan, could come home safe and sound, Kevin is ready to marry Isabelle, and the whole family is reuniting for the holidays.

However, their plight isn’t over yet. As the family prepares for the nuptials at the Inn, a blizzard hits, threatening to thwart the big day. Meanwhile, other family members have love triangles and ailing health to contend with. Will the family realize that despite all this, going home is a gift?

It’s the perfect cozy read in the run-up to the festive season. Readers feel like they’re part of the family as they feel all the ups and downs the Quinns do. 

“When you’re in love, every day is like a present you get to open.”

Elin Hilderbrand, Winter Storms

20. The Surfing Lesson

The Surfing Lesson
The Surfing Lesson is a digital novella about jealousy.

Although The Surfing Lesson is a novella, it still holds up to Hilderbrand’s other works. It follows Margot as she tries to breathe life back into her relationship with her husband, Drum. When the family goes on a trip to Nantucket, Drum reconnects with his ex, Hadley. 

Margot hopes that a spark of jealousy is all it takes to reignite her love for Drum. After seeing the pair spending time together, Margot is unsure if their marriage is too far gone to be saved.

Since this is a short book, it’s perfect for reading on a short trip. It’s witty and light-hearted. Readers can’t help but laugh at Margot’s antics. 

“For the past ten years, Margot had experienced a personal barometric drop whenever the woman was nearby.”

Elin Hilderbrand, The Surfing Lesson

21. Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice
Winter Solstice is the final Winter Series book.

Winter Solstice is the fourth and final book in The Winter Series and proves that the Quinn family can’t catch a break. They’re gearing up for what they assumed would be a wonderful Christmas as Bart has returned from Afghanistan, Patrick is trying to put his life back in order, Kevin and Isabelle are thriving as a married couple, and Ava has found love. While nothing goes to plan, it’s another reminder of how important family is.

This novel is all about love and loss. Although it’s a nice conclusion to the series, it leaves fans wishing they could stay immersed in the Quinns’ lives longer. 

“Only someone had been there to remind him that his life, someday, would be over and he should pay attention and enjoy while he could.”

Elin Hilderbrand, Winter Solstice

22. The Rumor

The Rumor
The Rumor centers around best friends going through hell together.

The Rumor follows best friends Madeline King and Grace Pancik, who both have seemingly perfect lives. However, the illusion falls apart when rumor has it that Madeline, a successful author, is experiencing writer’s block ahead of a crucial deadline. Meanwhile, the word on the street is that Grace has eyes for the landscape architect working on her garden. 

As the gossip escalates, Madeline and Grace are forced to consider whether the truth will set them free, even if it’s worse than the rumors. 

The Rumor is easy to read, lighthearted, and fun, making it the perfect poolside book. 

“She didn’t know how any woman anywhere conducted an affair without having the ear of a best friend.”

Elin Hilderbrand, The Rumor

23. Barefoot

Barefoot follows three women trying to escape their struggles.

Barefoot is an electrifying novel that follows Vicki, her sister Brenda, and their friend, Melaine, as they head to Nantucket to escape the turmoil in their lives. 

Vicki is dealing with a cancer diagnosis, Brenda the career and personal repercussions of having an affair with one of her students, and Melanie grappling with her husband’s infidelity while carrying their first child. 

The women expect a quiet, uneventful getaway, but the stakes rise when Josh Flynn enters the picture. 

Readers who love a bit of drama and flawed protagonists won’t be able to put it down. 

“When you peered into the windows of someone else’s life, you could only guess what was going on.”

Elin Hilderbrand, Barefoot

24. The Love Season

The Love Season
The Love Season is a popular book about seeking the truth and reconnecting with loved ones.

Although the plot of The Love Season takes place in one day, the story by no means feels rushed. The story centers on Marguerite Beale a retired chef who retreated from public life more than a decade ago. She’s pulled from this quiet life after receiving a phone call from her goddaughter, Renata Knox, who she hasn’t heard from since Renata’s mother died almost 15 years prior. 

Although estranged from the family, Renata hopes to learn more about her mother’s life and untimely passing. When the two meet up, the day heads in a direction neither of them anticipated. 

The book reminds readers that our actions impact other people. The characters are so captivating that readers find themselves getting emotional when they make a poor decision or go through hardship.

“Champagne, she might tell them, was for any night you think you might remember for the rest of your life. It was for nights like tonight.”

Elin Hilderbrand, The Love Season

25. Troubles in Paradise

Troubles in Paradise
Troubles in Paradise is the third Paradise Series book.

Troubles in Paradise is the final installment in the Paradise trilogy. After leaving everything she knows and loves behind in the United States, Irene Steele has finally grown accustomed to her new home in the Caribbean. Just when things start to go right for her, the FBI comes knocking on her door. Irene begins to realize she really didn’t know her late husband, Russ, at all, and perhaps, the helicopter crash that claimed his life wasn’t an accident. 

Their whole new community watches the drama unfold, and it becomes apparent it’s not just nosey neighbors, but someone seems to be watching the family. 

The drama in this book makes it difficult to put down and helps readers forget about their own lives. It has a satisfying ending, which pleased fans who were already invested in the series. 

“Bad things can happen, terrible things. You can lose the people you love the most; you can lose homes, cars, antiques, hand-knotted silk rugs that cost five figures; you can discover that the very life you’re living is a terrific lie. And despite this, despite all this, the sun will continue to rise.”

Elin Hilderbrand, Troubles In Paradise

26. Winter Stroll

Winter Stroll
Winter Stroll is the third book in The Winter Series.

As their second year in Nantucket comes to a close, Kelley reflects on the past 12 months. There have been some major ups and downs; he’s on better terms with his first wife, Margaret, Kevin welcomed his daughter, Genevieve, and Ava’s love life is going well. 

As the family prepares to celebrate Genevieve’s baptism, his second wife, Mitzi, shows up unexpectedly. As if that’s not enough, other past flames threaten to thwart their Christmas plans. 

Winter Stroll is a perfect second installment of The Winter Series. The characters and plot are much more developed, but still feel familiar. As for the ending, it is satisfying and leaves readers eager to get their hands on the next book.

“Love of one’s child is the most powerful love there is, and he’s always been terrified of it.”

Elin Hilderbrand, Winter Stroll

27. Beautiful Day

Beautiful Day
Beautiful Day is about a family trying to honor their late matriarch’s wishes.

Beautiful Day is a bittersweet novel all about love and loss. It sees the Carmichaels return to Nantucket to plan their youngest daughter, Jenna’s, wedding. 

Prior to the big day, the bride-to-be’s mother passed away but left a notebook containing plans for the nuptials. Jenna wants to host the wedding her mom dreamed of, but both families have concerns about whether the wedding should go ahead at all.

The changing narrators keep readers on their toes while the drama and “what if” moments make the novel all the more gripping. 

“He did two things for me every single day of our marriage: he made me laugh, and he was my friend. How lucky, how very lucky, I have been.”

Elin Hilderbrand, Beautiful Day

28. Silver Girl

Silver Girl
Silver Girl is about a woman putting her life back together after her husband’s deception.

Silver Girl follows Meredith Martin Delinn as she’s reeling from the aftermath of her husband’s arrest for fraud. Meredith loses everything and is under investigation. 

In her lowest moment, she reconnects with her old best friend Connie. The two escape to Nantucket to try to leave their problems behind, but it becomes evident that the only way out is through. 

Silver Girl is full of surprises to keep readers hooked. It’s a relaxing and endearing read as it reminds readers of the power of friendship.

“What is the most important lesson of all? Perseverance? Honesty? Forgiveness? Love?”

Elin Hilderbrand, Silver Girl

29. Summer People

Summer People
Summer People is about a family trying to maintain tradition after the loss of their father.

The Newton family’s most beloved tradition is spending the summer in their holiday home on Nantucket. The family is left reeling when their husband and father, Arch Newton, an attorney, dies in a plane crash while on a business trip.

Despite her grief, Arch’s wife, Beth, is determined to carry on the family tradition. She decides to extend an invitation to the son of Arch’s final client, Marcus, to spend the summer with them, to the dismay of her children. 

Tensions rise as everyone struggles to cope with their grief, while Beth hopes a secret from the past won’t tear what’s left of her family apart. 

Summer People is one of Hilderbrand’s most gripping novels with non-stop action. Although it’s fairly short, it feels just as real as her longer works.

“‘Summer does something to the brain,’ Beth said. ‘It’s intoxicating. Everything shimmers.’”

Elin Hilderbrand, Summer People

30. The Sixth Wedding

The Sixth Wedding
The Sixth Wedding is a short sequel to 28 Summers.

The Sixth Wedding takes place after the events of 28 Summers. For the first time in almost 30 years, Jake visits Nantucket on Labor Day weekend without Mallory. While Jake is coping with his grief, Cooper has other plans. Believing his love life is cursed, he’s determined to recreate his first bachelor party after a slew of failed marriages to rid himself of the bad luck. 

Readers who will be devastated by its predecessor will find some catharsis in this tale. It’s raw and expertly captures loss. It’s both moving and hilarious, showing that while grief may not fully go away, life continues regardless. 

“You will never, ever understand how much I love you…until you have children of your own and then every word I’ve ever said will make perfect sense.”

Elin Hilderbrand, The Sixth Wedding

FAQs About the Best Books by Elin Hilderbrand

What should I read if I like Elin Hilderbrand?

What should I read if I like Elin Hilderbrand?
1. Emily Griffin
2. Jennifer Weiner
3. Rebecca Serle
4. Carley Fortune

What is the order of the Elin Hilderbrand books?

If you want to read Elin Hilderbrand’s books, it is best to pick a series and read them in order of publication. The series options include:
1. Nantucket Series (A Summer Affair, The Castaways, The Perfect Couple)
2. Winter Series (Winter Street, Winter Stroll, Winter Storms, Winter Solstice)
3. Paradise Series (Winter in Paradise, What Happens in Paradise, Troubles in Paradise)
After these, you can move on to her standalone books in order of publication, starting with The Beach Club and finishing with her newest novel, The Hotel Nantucket.

What is Elin Hilderbrand’s best-selling book?

Summer of ‘69 is Hilderbrand’s best-selling book and is a fan favorite amongst her loyal readers.

Should you read Elin Hilderbrand’s books in order?

It’s best to read Elin Hilderbrand’s books in order if they are part of a series such as the Winter Street, Nantucket, and Paradise series. However, you can also pick up any of her books and enjoy it without reading the previous ones, but having the background and insight into previous events will make the story more enjoyable.

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