Articles About Pollution: 6 Examples and 7 Prompts

Pollution is a global problem that affects humans, animals, and the environment. Read our guide with the top examples and prompts for articles about pollution. 

There are many interesting things I’ve learned from my biology class. One of the most fascinating is bio-indicators, which reveal the quality of an environment. My teacher taught me that the presence of fireflies and frogs in a nearby pond indicates a good quality of air and freshwater. However, I’ve noticed how the number of these organisms has decreased over the years due to pollution. 

Due to human activities, the air we breathe is no longer the same as it once was, and many habitats are already contaminated. Writing an article about pollution is critical to raise awareness about its impacts. If you want to tackle a connected subject, see our articles about biodiversity.

Examples of Articles About Pollution

1. The World’s Plastic Pollution Crisis Explained by Laura Parker

“Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues, as rapidly increasing production of disposable plastic products overwhelms the world’s ability to deal with them.“

The use of plastics in various industries has radically changed the development of many functional materials used in transportation and medical devices. However, its excessive production has led to a major problem that resulted in worldwide pollution.

Parker presents global facts about plastic production and how it has adversely affected different ecosystems and wildlife. The severity of this issue has even prompted the National Geographic Society to reach out to scientists and conservationists in search of comprehensive solutions, including improved waste management systems and recycling.

2. How Air Pollution is Destroying Our Health by World Health Organization

“As the world gets hotter and more crowded, our engines continue to pump dirty emissions, and half of the world has no access to clean fuels or technologies. The very air we breathe is growing dangerously polluted: nine out of ten people now breathe polluted air, which kills 7 million people every year.”

Fossil fuel combustion contributes to a large percentage of air pollution and climate change. The article presents statistics linked to air pollution to establish the gravity of the situation and support the need for immediate intervention. The piece mentions the World Health Organization’s efforts to partner with several organizations to fight this crisis. 

3. Land Pollution: Causes, Effects, and Solutions for the Future by Daniel Krainlew

“Land pollution is a serious problem that impacts humans, animals, and the earth. Without taking measures now to reduce pollution levels, permanent changes to the land can occur.”

Direct and indirect human activities result in the long-term destruction of land. To demonstrate these impacts, Krainlew lists the leading causes of land pollution, such as deforestation, industrialization, and human sewage. The author then talks about the effects of groundwater poisoning, water nutrient enrichment, etc., and how these can adversely influence human life. Krainlew also presents expert-suggested solutions for sustainable practices to prevent further land damage.

4. A Consumer’s Guide to Reducing Pollution by Terry Turner and Kim Borwick

“A surprising amount of pollution starts at home. The car you drive, the household and personal care products you buy, the chemicals and equipment you use to keep your lawn and garden in shape all contribute to water and air pollution.”

While the world tries to solve the crisis through collective actions, individuals are urged to help improve environmental health, starting from their households. Turner and Borwick showcase what consumers can contribute to decreasing pollution through the article. They discuss 25 clever ways everyone can follow involving household products, energy use, and many others. Then, the piece illustrates how polluted runoff and stormwater can taint clean water and how landfill wastes can significantly add to greenhouse gas that may result in air pollution.  

5. 10 Scientific Solutions to Plastic Pollution by Jangira Lewis

“Plastic pollution is leaving behind impacts for generations to come. It is clear that we need solutions to rectify this pressing issue. Thanks to innovation and research, scientists have been able to pioneer ground-breaking technology to help collect and prevent plastic pollution.”

To get her readers’ attention, Lewis starts her article with a troubling forecast: By 2050, the number of plastics in the sea may be greater than the number of fish. So, science and technology are working continuously to avoid this future. The article contains ten solutions formulated by world scientists to achieve a cleaner society for humans and a healthy ecosystem for marine life. Lewis gives a comprehensive discussion for each solution, including updates on their current state and successes. 

6. 5 Brilliant Solutions to Air Pollution by Earth Eclipse

“A variety of measures has been undertaken or proposed and instituted to curb the effects of air pollution. Solving the air pollution problem requires joint effort and takes different ways from one region to another.”

The above article focuses on the need for pollution awareness through education campaigns and advocacies. The author presents five effective solutions to minimize the causes and effects of air pollution. These include targeting the leading sources of air pollution, such as vehicles and factories, enacting laws and regulations, campaigns for green energy sources, level prevention methods, and educating the public. 

Prompts for Articles About Pollution

1. Humans: The Main Cause of Pollution

The main cause of pollution
In this prompt, describe human activities that lead to pollution

For this prompt, describe human activities that lead to pollution. Focus on identifying the causes of air, water, and land pollution. You can also narrate how an average person’s day-to-day activity can contribute to pollution.

To elaborate, show how an individual’s choice of house products can add up to their environmental footprint. On a broader scale, indicate how power plants, vehicles, and factories emit gasses and their impact on the atmosphere. 

2. The Effects of Pollution

Your goal for this prompt is to persuade your readers to take action about pollution. Cite reliable studies, research, and other relevant data that reveal the effects of pollution, including its harmful results. 

Organize your article by providing a list of the impact on humans, animals, and the environment. Provide a detailed explanation of its short and long-term effects. For instance, bad air quality can lead to lung cancer. Visit our page to learn more about persuasive writing

3. Anti-Pollution Laws and Regulations

First, conduct research on the different organizations and states that are already implementing laws to counter the effects of pollution. Then, in your article, mention their effectiveness. For example, the United States Environmental Protection Agency has advocated for the Clean Air Act and other environmental programs to reduce pollution. Use these organizational strategies in your article to convince your readers to act and ask their governments to enact laws and regulations. 

4. Pollution and the Future of Earth

In your article, provide expert opinions on how pollution has drastically influenced climate-related events that pose dangers and add its implications for the future. Ensure to use several statistics and forecasts. 

Choose a few points to focus your article on, and describe how pollution negatively impacts the Earth. For example, deteriorated water caused by pollution will lead to reduced crop yield, affecting economic growth and poverty. 

5. Pollution and Natural Resources

A country’s economy heavily depends on its natural resources. For this prompt, highlight the unwanted effects of pollution on natural resources and its disadvantages on economic growth and development. Point out that environmental pollution and degradation are mainly caused by the excessive exploitation of oil and gas and agricultural and forest resources. 

6. Solutions to Pollution

Solutions to pollution
In this prompt, target the idea of clean-up drives as initiatives for students and organizations

Explore all feasible solutions to lessen the harmful effects of pollution. In your article, offer solutions for every sector of society: individuals, a group of students, organizations, private sectors, and ultimately the government and agencies. 

For instance, encourage individuals to use eco-friendly containers like reusable and paper bags when doing groceries. Target the idea of clean-up drives in canals and oceans as initiatives for students and organizations. You can also recommend the private sector and the governing body to promote more sustainable energy sources. 

7. Documentaries About Pollution

Watching documentaries is an effective way of staying informed about the causes and effects of pollution. In your article, recommend powerful documentaries that appeal to your readers’ love for the environment. Share a brief summary of each documentary and discuss why it made the list. For help editing your articles, we recommend using the best grammar checker. Our round-up profiles these tools and offers discounts. 
