Articles About Geography for Students: Top 5 Examples and 6 Prompts

Geography helps students explore their relationships with various environments. See our examples and prompts on articles about geography for students.

Geography is one of the degrees with the highest employment rate, with many graduates finding full-time employment just 15 months after graduation. Aside from the many opportunities it offers after graduation, it’s also an exciting subject that teaches many practical skills that can be applied in everyday life. 

Geography is a broad topic concerned with cultures, economies, climate, and others. It’s an important subject for students to understand the world better. If you’re a student preparing for university, check out our essays about yourself for college to help you with your admissions.

Articles About Geography for Students

1. Geography Field Trips: Why Getting Dirty Matters by Beverly Christian and Tiani Page

“This investigation of publications about geography-related field trips revealed that OFTs and VFTs have both benefits and limitations in meeting the aims of the Australian Geography curriculum.”

The article shows the results of a study on the effectiveness of on-site field trips (OFTs) and virtual field trips (VFTs) in meeting the objectives of the Australian Geography Curriculum. Geography field trips are excursions to a specific area to study its environment that are now conducted on-site or virtually to develop knowledge and skills on the subject.

The article displays the benefits and limitations of these methods in addressing the country’s syllabus. While on-site and virtual field trips have the potential, other goals can only be achieved with on-site field trips, such as motivating students to change. Ultimately, using both methods is an excellent combination to achieve geography curriculum goals and for students to engage in various experiences.

2. Column: Why Geography Matters for Students Now More Than Ever by Chris Heffernan

“Geography matters because we are all connected. Geography matters because this is our world.”

Hefferman shares how teachers like him see geography within the classroom, noting the importance of studying the subject. He talks about his experiences as a student and teacher, claiming that geography is for both children and adults. He supported his claims with various points, one of which is that most people can identify a country on a map but know nothing about it.

The author also notes how Google can reduce students’ interest in geography, particularly in maps, as they can easily search for any place online. So he recommends that students learn about human geography, including how the Earth is globalized. Besides that, through geography, students can take action and solve global crises such as migration and climate change. You can also check out our round-up of the best statistics books for students & adults.

3. How To Study Geography? by Education Corner

“As a geography student you won’t be required to memorize every aspect of the world you live in, but you are going to be required to learn a lot.”

Before discussing the tips, strategies, and skills a student needs to learn geography, the author explains its two types: physical and human geography. The article also includes questions students commonly find answers to as they study geography. Then, the writer presents the best techniques to help students memorize and recall various geographical facts and data.

It includes using mnemonic devices, organization, dividing information into different groups, and visualization. Students should know how to relate the unfamiliar to more familiar things and the importance of reviewing their notes. The writer also suggests avoiding procrastination and cramming and improving their memory, note-taking, and test performance skills.

4. 5 Cool Topics You Can Study With a Geography Major by The University of Sydney

“But geography is so much more than that. It’s the study of people and the Earth, so that pretty much includes everything. That’s right; geography is concerned with all of it, plants, animals, people, places and the relationships between each of these elements.”

The author of the above article states that geography investigates different issues in the world, so they put together various topics to deal with in geography students’ research. They discuss the advantages of studying global issues such as food and nutrition security, the politics behind public spaces, ethical horse racing, and the infamous climate change. The final topic that geography majors can study is the impact and effectiveness of various environmental protection programs.

5. Why Study Geography? by Matt Rosenberg

“Geography has been called ‘the mother of all sciences,’ it was one of the first fields of study and academic disciplines developed as humans sought to find out what was on the other side of the mountain or across the sea.”

In this article, Rosenberg discusses the importance of studying geography to encourage student readers to consider this as their major. He explains that contrary to popular belief, geography offers various career options in different areas. Rosenberg also says it is important to study geography to understand planet Earth, its systems, and the problems that affect it.

Geography focuses on studying the differences between world regions and understanding their culture, religion, landscape, and more. Rosenberg also incorporates skills enhanced when studying the subject, such as critical thinking, communication, and others significant to all careers. Ultimately, the author believes studying geography leads to a better understanding of Earth.

Writing Prompts for Articles About Geography for Students

1. Geography Facts for Students

Geography facts for students
In this prompt, share interesting facts about geography

Write an article that contains basic but interesting facts about geography, such as its definitions, the different types, historical development, and what it teaches people. Ensure that you present these topics fun and simple, so students are encouraged to learn more. For example, you can discuss Earth’s geographical features and compare the number of countries and continents then and now.

2. Why You Should Be a Geography Major

Dedicate your article to urging your readers why they should consider studying geography. Use this prompt to talk about the importance of geography and the benefits one can get from studying it. For instance, you can talk about the dwindling number of geography majors and how it can benefit the students as they will be more in demand by the time they graduate.

3. Best Geography Websites for Students

Nowadays, it is customary to study geography using online websites instead of textbooks. In this article, write about the top and easy-to-use geography websites students can visit when doing their projects or assignments. Explain why each website on your list passed the criteria you used, including accessibility, and the authenticity of the information on each website.

4. Top Tips in Studying Geography for Students

Because geography is a universal science, it can take time to study. Focus your article on sharing tips for students to understand geography better by offering at least ten practical pieces of advice that students can use. To give you an idea, students can engage in interactive geography lessons such as virtual field trips, have a pen pal from another country, or participate in orienteering events.

5. Geography Careers for Graduates

Geography careers for graduates
In this prompt, focus your article on the careers that geography graduates can apply for

This article is for students who plan to study geography but need help figuring out what they can do with their degree. Focus your article on the careers that geography graduates can apply for, from the most common to the rarest jobs. Then, give your readers tips on how to increase their employability and find the right career.

6. Things Every Student Should Consider Before Studying Geography

From field trips and assignments to listening to lectures for hours, these are just some things that many geography students find challenging. So, in your article, identify the activities in geography learning that a student might struggle with. 

However, you should also include why these activities are necessary for their learning. You should aim to prepare your readers who want a geography degree. For help editing your articles, we recommend using the best grammar checker. Our round-up profiles these tools and offers discounts.
