Articles About Being A Student: Top 5 Examples And 6 Prompts

Being a student is an exciting time that allows us to grow our minds and experience new things. Here are writing articles about being a student.

Our time as students in school includes some of the most formative, consequential years of our lives. We plan for our future, set goals for ourselves, work hard for good grades, and make some of our first friends. Most importantly, we make mistakes and learn from them so that we emerge from school fully formed, knowing right from wrong and ready to take on the world. If you are a student looking for writing guidance, check out the best grammar websites for students.

Example Articles About Being a Student

1. Student Life in the Age of COVID-19 by Motunrola Bolumole

“In April and May, hiring was frozen at most institutions to offset the immediate financial losses of campus closures. This meant that for the positions that were available, competition is fierce. Reminiscent of the 2008 financial crash, recent graduates resorted to taking jobs in unrelated fields, including retail and the service industry, while waiting for the industry to recover. Despite everything, I’m optimistic about my future and the future of the friends that I graduated with. I am confident that we will find our way, though it might take a little longer than usual.”

Bolumole writes this paper on her experience as a student during the COVID-19 pandemic. She recalls the pandemic’s beginning and its effects on her studies. Thankfully, she was a graduate student and had already taken some online courses, so she had no difficulty adapting to remote learning. She also discusses the employment situation during the pandemic, where many had difficulty finding jobs they could do well. 

2. How to Make the Most of Student Life by The Good Universities Guide

“Try to attend all your classes (no matter how early in the morning they are scheduled), keep up with the workload (including course readings before each class) and don’t leave assignments or exam study until the very last day. If you need to miss a class or don’t think you can meet an assessment deadline, it’s best to have chat to your lecturer or tutor so that they can provide assistance, but remember to do this ahead of time, not within hours of a due date or compulsory class.”

This article lists a few misconceptions about student life like procrastination is fine and the first few classes are useless. More importantly, the article gives readers suggestions on how to make the most of their time as students, including taking part in exchange programs and setting goals. One important tip is that students should try to attend all their classes, even if they don’t feel like it, so they don’t miss anything. 

3. 7 Reasons Why School is the Best Time of Your Life by Harriet Walton

“You can easily try everything from choral singing to break dancing. This allows you to take up loads of hobbies, one of which could become a passion or even a career. Later on in life, joining an orchestra or a sports team becomes more and more time-consuming, expensive, and daunting. So make the most of these opportunities while they are right on your doorstep.”

Walton explains seven reasons to cherish your time as a student: the lessons you learn both in and out of class, experiencing fewer life problems, and the ability to make meaningful connections with others. Most importantly, she says that school is a chance for you to try everything to learn what you do or do not like. 

4. Campus Life: What to Expect by

“When it comes to doing chores around the room, listening to certain kinds of music, watching different TV shows and requesting privacy, compromise is key. If you give a little, your roommate will give a little. Compromising does not mean giving in to all of someone’s requests; it means coming to a mutual agreement. So, utilize positive communication, and talk through the things you and your roommate differ on until you can reach a compromise.”

In this article, the author explains the attitude one should have when going to college. One important example is the ability to compromise, which may come in handy when dealing with roommates’ preferences; however, it also applies to other situations as a student. The article also discusses student organizations within colleges, such as fraternities and sororities. 

5. 12 Best Things About Being a Student by Alison Starratt

“There are so many new things to experience as a student; meeting new people, trying new activities, hearing new ideas, going to new places… it is truly a time of discovery. Be open to it all, as this is a wonderful chance to expand your horizons and perspective. Being open-minded to learning and unlearning will serve you equally well at this changing stage of life.”

Starratt writes a list of things to know about being a student. These include more freedom, learning new things, being challenged, and the ability to take breaks. However, one of the most important things she writes about is exposure to the bigger world around you. The key message is that by broadening your horizons, you can learn more, challenge yourself, and make yourself a better person. 

Writing Prompts For Articles About Being A Student

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1. The Importance of Your School Years

We all know that our studies are essential, but beyond this, what significance does a school have? Reflect on your time in school and discuss the importance of being a student. For example, describe the benefits of attending school and gaining an education. Discuss how gaining qualifications at school can lead to further education and career opportunities. 

2. A Day in the Life of a Student

For a fun twist on an article about being a student, narrate the day-to-day life of a student. Base this article on your own experiences, from your morning routine to the classes you attend, to whatever you do after school. Include as many details as possible and discuss the importance of balancing academic success and healthy social life.

3. What are Your Fondest Memories of School Life?

What are your fondest memories of school life?
In this prompt, look back on your time as a student and describe your favorite moments

For this topic, look back on your time as a student and describe your favorite moments of student life. Perhaps you cherish your time bonding with friends, or a specific lesson from a teacher, whatever your favorite memory, make sure to convey your fondness through a detailed description of the event. 

4. How to Survive College

College is almost always tough, no matter who you talk to. Based on your college experiences, list some tips for future college students on how they can get through college successfully. These can include study habits, social skills, or other values. If you have not yet gone to college, interview someone who has or research online sources for inspiration. You may also be interested in these articles about back to school.

5. A Reflection on School Life

Our time as students teaches us much of what we know about ourselves, our surroundings, and society in general. Reflect on some of the lessons you learned from school, and explain how they have made you into who you are today. Be sure to link this article prompt to taking school and student life seriously. 

6. The Challenges of Being a Student

The challenges of being a student
In this prompt, list a few challenges of being a student and explain how to overcome them

Although student life can be fun, it can also present you with some of the most significant challenges you will ever face. List a few challenges of being a student, whether standing up to bullies, avoiding procrastination, or taking final exams, and explain how to overcome them. Use personal experiences as a basis for your article, and provide additional research with social media, online sources, or anecdotes from your peers. 

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