Articles About Eating Disorders: Top 5 Examples and Prompts

Articles about eating disorders spread awareness of the harmful effects that they can have. Look through our list of top examples on this topic plus prompts.

Research shows that 28.8 million Americans suffer from disordered eating habits. These conditions might be linked to genetics, stress, and other mental issues and can lead to damaging consequences, such as depression and anorexia nervosa. 

Treatments for eating disorders are available, but many are unaware of these afflictions’ severity and effects on health. Many factors can contribute to eating disorders. For example, essays about mental health can provide insight.

Writing articles about eating disorders is critical in disseminating information since these severe conditions can be life-threatening. Producing an article on the subject can assist individuals in recognizing their state and reaching out to professionals for help.

Article Examples About Eating Disorders    

1. Identification and Treatment of Eating Disorders in the Primary Care Setting by Leslie A. Sim, Ph. D.

“Eating disorders, which are associated with a host of adverse medical morbidities, negative psychological sequelae, and considerable reductions in quality of life, should be diagnosed and treated promptly.”

Early-stage symptoms of eating disorders often go unnoticed, and untrained physicians can find it difficult to treat them. In this article, the authors delve into this obstacle by identifying different types of eating disorders in primary care, their symptoms, effects, diagnosis process, and treatment. 

The researchers note that some illnesses, such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa, may respond to psychological treatment, medication, and medical monitoring. They also remind the readers that patients with eating disorders can feel ashamed of their condition, so it’s vital to have a non-judgmental doctor to follow through with the right treatment plan.

2. Taking a Bite Out of Eating Disorders: Facts and Myths by Kara A. Christensen and Kelsey E. Hagan

“The myths… are harmful because they often prevent people from getting the help that they need. Without proper treatment, people with eating disorders may experience poorer mental health and irreversible physical damages.”

To demonstrate the gravity of eating disorders, Christensen and Hagan list some possible negative effects, namely, developing harmful psychological problems and social isolation. They identify harmful myths about eating disorders, like believing people with these conditions choose to suffer and that it only happens to wealthy, straight young women. They encourage the readers only to use reliable sources and avoid believing these myths. They also share warning signs and tips to assist those with eating disorders.

3. The Truth About Teen Eating Disorders by Heather Monroe

“Adolescents are among those at the greatest risk, as the most common age of onset for eating disorders is between 12 and 25. For females between 15 and 24 years old who suffer from anorexia, the mortality rate associated with the illness is 12 times higher than the death rate of all other causes of death.”

Monroe’s article contains possible reasons eating disorders are the most dangerous mental illness. These reasons include inducing suicidal tendencies, developing medical complications, and inciting mental issues leading to patients’ health deteriorating. Further in her article, Monroe calls out to bloggers to speak freely about the subject to spread awareness and for doctors to be familiar with eating disorders’ warning signs so they don’t deny their patients’ predicament.

4. Nobody Should Be Dying of an Eating Disorder in England in 2022 by Hope Virgo

“… Inpatient hospital admissions in England for eating disorders have increased by 84% in the last five years, according to the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Children and young people are the worst affected, with a 90% jump, but adults have also seen a 79% increase in admissions over the same time. These are figures that should shame us – and spur action.”

Virgo expresses concern over the increasing number of inpatient admissions due to eating disorders. She claims that while eating disorders can be deadly, many suffer until they reach their limit due to misconceptions of the government and society. She’s grateful for the new guidelines and efforts from medical professionals and experts but still calls for proper treatment methods and research funding.

Although statistics do not show the exact number of people suffering from an eating disorder, the author believes that with adequate support from the government, there will be early interventions, and more people will recover from eating disorders. 

Looking for more? Check out these essays about body image.

5. Senators Ask Instagram About Content Promoting Eating Disorders by Lexi McMenamin

“In light of last week’s congressional testimony from former Facebook employee turned whistleblower Frances Haugen, the senators sent a letter to the social media giants asking about Instagram’s content moderation strategy and resources regarding eating disorders, as well as Instagram’s advertising strategy with young users.”

McMenamin reports the latest update on the issue linking eating disorders to Instagram and Facebook. These social media platforms can promote eating disorders and negative body image among users, especially the youth, and keep essential data proving their management’s knowledge of the issue.

The report includes parent testimonies about how these platforms damaged their children and how they urge for necessary changes to happen. In response, the government has sent a letter to Facebook and Instagram to get their explanation on the matter. Grammarly is one of our top grammar checkers. Find out why in this Grammarly review.

Prompts for Articles About Eating Disorders

1. What Is an Eating Disorder?

What is an eating disorder?
In this prompt, share relevant information on the issue by researching the number of eating disorder cases in your country or worldwide

An eating disorder is a mental health condition where the control of food is used to cope with feelings or other situations. Use this prompt to show what an eating disorder is based on experts to come up with an all-encompassing definition. Share relevant information on the issue by researching the number of eating disorder cases in your country or worldwide, who is most at risk, and the most common causes and effects on a person’s well-being. Your goal for this article is to spur your readers into action through persuasive writing.

2. Eating Disorders: Myths and Facts

It’s vital to spread knowledge about eating disorders. However, it’s also crucial to stomp on any misinformation. Briefly define what eating disorders are in your article, research popular food and eating disorders myths, and disprove them with reliable data. Explain the origin and truth behind each misconception. For example, the myth that eating disorders are not fatal can be invalidated by studies showing the death count related to these conditions.

3. Types of Eating Disorders

Types of eating disorders
In this prompt, thoroughly research the different eating disorders and discuss each type’s causes, symptoms, effects, and treatments

Studies show that anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and Binge Eating Disorder are the most common eating disorders. However, there are more eating disorder types that people should know about to identify symptoms of these conditions. Thoroughly research the different eating disorders and discuss each type’s causes, symptoms, effects, and treatments. Remember to approach this topic with care due to its sensitive nature.

4. Eating Disorders in Youth

Statistics show that 2.7% of US youth (13 to 18 years old) suffer from an eating disorder. Use this prompt to discuss the types of eating disorders that young people experience and the factors that cause them. Discuss the symptoms, their possible impact on youth and adolescents, and ways to treat and overcome eating disorders. To create a compelling article, include an interview with a teenager and write about their experiences.

5. Can Eating Disorders Become Fatal?

Eating disorders can harm a person’s physical and mental health and may be fatal if not treated immediately. Conduct thorough research or talk with a physician or expert in this field and ask when a person should call a doctor. Describe the evaluation process used to determine the type and severity of an eating disorder so the readers know what they should expect. Include proven and effective treatments for eating disorders and tips to prevent them.

6. How To Find Support for Eating Disorders

Dedicate your article to showing your readers that many charities and organizations are available to support people suffering from an eating disorder. Examine the symptoms and discuss warning signs to alert a person when and how to arrange a meeting with a professional who can assist them. Your piece will focus on patients with eating disorders, so discuss self-help techniques and therapy types. Then, identify and provide resources for charities they can reach out to. 

7. Treating Eating Disorders Then and Now

Today, eating disorders are typically treated with psychotherapy, nutritional counseling, and medications. Use this prompt to demonstrate the old ways of treating eating disorders and their effectiveness. Next, examine new and modern methods physicians employ to try and treat eating disorders. Then, summarize and conclude your article by discussing which treatments are more effective. For help editing your articles, we recommend using the best grammar checker. Our round-up profiles these tools and offers discounts. 

