Articles About Baseball: Top 5 Examples and 9 Prompts

Baseball requires coordination of physical and mental abilities. Refer to our sample articles about baseball for your writing, plus prompts to guide you.

As someone who grew up in a household fond of basketball, I don’t have much experience or knowledge about it. I only ever had the honor of observing my then-university classmate, who had a New York Yankee emblem on almost every item of his clothing. (Hi George!)

He’s the culprit who told me that baseball is as important as Thanksgiving – it’s an American family tradition. Knowing how my family felt about basketball and even becoming a sports writer in high school, I understand where he’s coming from. Writing articles about baseball doesn’t only spread the latest news on the game. It’s also a venue to increase appreciation for the sport.

5 Example Articles

1. Current State of Data and Analytics Research in Baseball by Joshua Mizels

“Data and analytics research has transformed baseball into becoming one the largest data-driven sports worldwide.”

Mizels et al. examine various studies to show the evolution of data collection and analytics in baseball. They mention that before using sabermetrics, or baseball statistics, dedicated to in-game plays, the first run of expectation models and hiring a statistician was the traditional way of utilizing data or predicting the game’s outcome. 

Of all the techniques in the article, the researchers conclude that the best methods to predict a player’s performance, injury, and prevention are machine learning, artificial intelligence, and innovative analytical techniques. Some of these methods form the basis of another study and are used for further improvements in baseball. However, while the sport’s future is bright, wearable technologies require further investigation.

Looking for more? Check out these essays about basketball.

2. Baseball’s Leading Lady Championed Civil Rights and Empowered Black Athletes by David Kindy

“She and other team owners insisted that African American newspapers publish statistics from each game; these records now represent a treasure trove for historians.”

In this article, Kindy talks about a white woman with unparalleled love and support for black people, especially athletes. The writer introduces Effa Manley as the co-owner of the Newark Eagles, passionate civil rights activist, Hall of Famer in baseball history, and a lady whose achievements become an eye-opener for many.

Kindy points out that Manley manages the team but doesn’t own it. He also shows other extraordinary things Manley does, such as promoting the Negro Leagues, confronting a racist business owner, and protesting for fair and adequate signing compensation for black baseball athletes.

3. Sticky Baseballs: Explaining the Physics of the Latest Scandal in Major League Baseball by John Eric Goff

“Adding to the lore of cheating is a new scandal involving pitchers who may be applying sticky substances – what players refer to as “sticky stuff” – to baseballs.”

Through this article, the sports physicist aims to explain the science behind a new method of cheating in baseball games. In his research, pitchers used adhesive substances such as glue and Firm Grip spray to increase friction, detect fingerprints, and grip the ball firmly. Goff also demonstrates how this sticky stuff makes it difficult for a batter to hit the ball. Ultimately, he claims that sticky fingers are a new and effective way to cheat in baseball.

4. Rare Mickey Mantle Baseball Card Could Sell for $10 Million by Sarah Kuta

“Mantle died in 1995, but his reputation as one of the best in the business lives on to this day. Collectors also continue to covet Mantle’s baseball cards, particularly those in mint condition, like the one being auctioned off now.”

Kuta’s article talks about the current most expensive baseball card collectible in the world. She focuses on the card and tells a short story about Mantle’s baseball career. Then, she explains the transfer of ownership from Rosen to Giordano and how a simple note from Rosen or the well-known “Mr. Mint” influences the card’s auction price. Giordano says he’s selling the card because he and his family want someone else to enjoy it.

5. MLB Draft Lottery, Explained: Updated Odds for Every Team To Win the No. 1 Overall Pick by Edward Sutelan

“When Major League Baseball and the MLB Players Association agreed to a new collective bargaining agreement earlier in 2022, they added a draft lottery that would impact the top six picks each year as a measure to discourage teams from tanking.”

Sutelan describes the new baseball draft for 2023, which he calls a lottery that will significantly affect the selection for the first time in baseball history. In this lottery, the eliminated teams will be entered into a lottery to determine which teams will draft the top six picks. The author also discusses the new system’s rules, a team’s odds of winning the number one pick, and the Major League Baseball draft lottery schedule.

9 Writing Prompts for Articles About Baseball

1. The History of Baseball

Baseball is among the most popular of the more than 8,000 sports worldwide. Write an article about the history of this sport, from its origins to its current popularity. First, define baseball, and then talk about the people who invented it, the place it was first played, and how it spread worldwide. Identify the very first teams in baseball, players, rules, and other important information about this sport.

2. The Greatest MLB Franchises of All Time

There are 30 Major League Baseball teams today, but there have been more at the beginning of baseball. For this prompt, pick out all the franchises in MLB history and research who’s the top three teams of all time. Use various criteria in this research, such as the number of playoff appearances, winnings, Hall of Famer players, fans and supporters, total revenue of the team, and so on.

3. New Changes in Baseball Rules

New changes in baseball rules
In this prompt, identify each league a baseball player must go through to become a professional baseball player

There are different baseball leagues, and Major League Baseball is just one that has its own rules to follow. In this prompt, identify each league a baseball player must go through to become a professional baseball player. In discussing the rules of each league, include the old and new regulations and present why they were changed. You might also be interested in these essays about volleyball.

4. Top 3 Baseball Scandals

Write an article containing the biggest and most talked about scandals or issues in the baseball community, including cheats, high-profile players, and other dubious baseball-related transactions. Explore what these issues were, the people involved, and their motives. Then, explain how they affected baseball’s reputation. You might also be interested in these essays about sports.

5. Baseball Games Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Pandemic

The 2020 pandemic’s impact didn’t spare baseball. Many games were suspended or canceled, and fans could not attend. In your article, discuss what the baseball community did to adjust to these changes and if these changes affected baseball players’ and fans’ experiences. You can also include baseball then versus now and how they compare through the years.

6. How Much Do Baseball Fans Spend on Baseball Merch?

These days, baseball caps and shirts are considered fashion items even by those unfamiliar with the sport. To write this article, conduct a survey or interview to determine the average amount a die-hard fan spends on their favorite band’s merchandise and what items these fans buy the most. Tell why avid baseball fans purchase items with their favorite player’s logo, team name, or signature, when, and who started it.

7. Health Risks of a Baseball Player

Hamstring and leg sprains are some common injuries in baseball. Write an article that contains other health risks every baseball player experiences throughout their career. Analyze how it influences a player’s career projection and opportunities, then give examples of famous and great players who had to stop playing due to injury.

8. Who Is the Most Influential Player of All Time?

Who is the most influential player of all time?
Jackie Robinson via Wikipedia, Public Domain

As the first African-American player in Major League Baseball, Jackie Robinson became one of the most influential baseball players in history. Research the other influential players in baseball and then mention why these players deserve the title. Write about their backgrounds, playing stats, great things they’ve done that inspire many, and any situations they’ve bravely overcome.

9. Baseball: Current Events 

Whether you’re writing for a news site, magazine, or school newspaper, one of the best articles to write is about current events in baseball. Write an article that is of most interest to members of the baseball community. It should include the latest news on famous players and teams, opening new seasons, issues, and more.

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