Articles About Animal Testing: Top 5 Examples and 7 Prompts

Animal testing is a delicate subject concerning morals, cruelty, and human health. Discover our top articles about animal testing, plus prompts you can use.

There are 110 million different species of animals killed in the US annually, specifically for scientific testing. Most animal activists demand the complete termination of experiments involving animals. On the contrary, researchers on the side of animal testing call for more lenient regulations, citing how these guidelines impede their studies and make it more challenging to improve human healthcare.

Although many researchers claim they apply the most humane animal testing practices, these experimentations dictate harmful methods. Additionally, these trials are not only cruel but are also often unsuccessful when applied to humans.

1. Animal Experimentation Topic Overview by Anonymous on

“… people identify certain practices used in animal studies as cruel while still recognizing the benefits of using live animals when no alternative is available.”

This article shows the pros and cons of animal testing, including its prevalence attributed to its contributions to medical advances, weapons safety, and more. While it’s cruel to animals, the author talks about how advocates see animal testing as beneficial to humans, animals, and plants.

The article also mentions US animal testing regulations and the methods laboratories use to obtain their animal test subjects legally and illegally. The researcher includes alternatives to animal testing. However, activists still believe these efforts aren’t enough and continue to protest against animal cruelty.

2. Animal Testing and Medicine by Rachel Hajar, M.D.

“Those against, contend that the benefit to humans does not justify the harm to animals… Those in favor of animal testing argue that experiments on animals are necessary to advance medical and biological knowledge.”

Hajar begins her article with Mahatma Gandhi’s quote about treating animals. The report includes historical cases such as Galen’s, which used animal testing to understand various science branches better. But despite its benefits, many still question animal testing for its unfair treatment and inaccurate results since animals and humans are different. Since medicine is critical for human survival, countries try to appease these objections by creating laws that make animal testing more merciful. 

The article cites instances demonstrating the importance of testing drugs on animals before approving them for human consumption. Rajar admits that concerns such as animal cruelty are valid, and thus, regulations are in place. However, the elimination of animal testing will significantly affect medical progress. Check out these articles about animals.

3. Recent Changes in Taiwan Animal Testing Laws by Ting and Moe Honjo

“… a bill to amend Taiwan’s Control for Cosmetic Hygiene Act has been under consideration. If it passes, it bans cosmetic animal testing and harmonizes with the EU cosmetic animal testing ban in some extent.”

This article explains how animal testing isn’t prohibited in Taiwan. Conversely, there’s a rule that all companies that use new chemicals in cosmetics with medical, toxic, and powerful drugs should conduct animal testing. Because of this, amendments inspired by EU cosmetic regulations are offered as harmful effects and alternatives become more present.

The amendments include changing clauses and altogether banning imported or manufactured cosmetics in all stores if any of their ingredients have been tested on animals. These revisions call for regulations that manufacturers must create a management group in their laboratories to protect animals.

4. The 3RS: What Are Medical Scientists Doing About Animal Testing? By Rachel Tanner

“…some research can result in pain and suffering for the animals, and although there are laws in place now to protect animals, it would be better if we had alternative ways to move medical science forward.”

Before turning to the main topic, Tanner discusses medical breakthroughs brought about by animal testing, such as the effect of insulin in alleviating diabetes symptoms. She then explains the 3Rs of scientific investigation often used today to create regulations related to animal testing; research, reduction, and refinement. 

5. Animal Experiments – How Many Times Do We Have To Say Enough Is Enough? By Kerry Postlewhite

“To maintain its status as a world-leader in innovation, safety and animal welfare, the EU needs a concerted and ambitious plan for ending animal testing.”

This article focuses on the ECE’s dissatisfaction with the European government for ignoring their request to end animal testing in Europe. Postlewhite discusses that although the numbers have decreased, severe animal experiments have become more common, and old-fashioned testing methods are more prominent. 

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7 Prompts for Articles About Animal Testing

1. Animal Testing Through the Years

Articles about animal testing: Animal testing through the years
In your article, explain the meaning of animal testing and briefly discuss its history, so the readers understand its importance and downsides

Animal experimentation began 2,522 years ago in Greece. Use this prompt to explain the meaning of animal testing and briefly discuss its history, so the readers understand its importance and downsides. 

Then, discuss the similarities and differences between how animal testing was conducted then versus now. Add findings about the factors that brought about notable changes in animal testing, such as the first organizations established against animal cruelty.

2. The Perfect Animals for Animal Testing

Mice, rats, and rabbits are commonly used in animal experiments, but scientists also employ other animals. Explain why experts use these animals in your article in their examinations and include citations to support your statements. 

For example, Texas A&M University use dogs in their research to discover the cure for muscular dystrophy (MD). Finally, share your thoughts on how these animals were treated in research laboratories and whether animal testing should have more lenient or stricter guidelines.

3. Importance of Animal Testing

Despite the protests and adverse effects of animal testing, it is still ongoing and legal in various countries. Indicate in your article what countries these are and explain why they continue with these tests. Then, identify and discuss animal testing’s importance according to different viewpoints – the protesters, the researchers, and the government. It’s so the readers can recognize each partaker’s goals and biases.

4. What Products Use Animal Testing?

What products use animal testing?
In this topic, research commonly used products that use animal testing, the animals used in these experiments, and the significant steps brands take to minimize or stop animal testing

The cosmetic industry is just one sector that tests its products on animals. For this prompt, research commonly used products that use animal testing, the animals used in these experiments, and the significant steps brands take to minimize or stop animal testing. The article aims to inform people and persuade them to switch to cruelty-free products. Remember to use reliable and factual information.

For help with this topic, read our guide explaining what is persuasive writing?

5. Animal Testing and Its Harmful Effects on Humans

It’s critical to conduct thorough research and support your article with reliable, updated studies in this prompt. To talk about harmful effects, focus on two things. First is using drugs and medical procedures that worsen a person’s health instead of curing it. The second is the use of products with serious side effects. Make sure you give real-life examples and discuss why animal-tested products or methods can be dangerous despite their success in laboratories.

6. The Advantages of Animal Testing

For this prompt, focus on the success rate of animal testing studies and provide examples. You can also identify products or results directly linked to animal testing and expound on how these researchers keep their methods ethical. In another part of your article, provide insights into what alternatives to animal testing are available today.

7. Animal Testing: What Happens to the Animals Afterwards?

Answer the question prompt by researching and using statistics on the number of animals that survive and die during and after the research tests. This prompt will inform your readers why many are against animal testing. To make your article more compelling, take a stand against animal testing and offer relevant cases demonstrating these cruel acts.For help editing your articles, we recommend using the best grammar checker. Our round-up profiles these tools and offers discounts.
