Why Write Test Cases: Top 7 Major Purposes

Why write test cases? Find out why test cases are important and why you should consider writing them when assessing a system in our guide.

Without software development, platforms such as Netflix, Instagram, and Spotify wouldn’t be possible. Like other crucial operations, software development’s process or “life cycle” involves planning, analysis, design, development, testing, and maintenance.

One of the trickiest parts of generating software is testing. This step ensures software functionality. You can’t launch your app or software without creating a test case for it first. Test cases are especially vital in the process of software development because they can prove or disprove various things, depending on your criteria. Later in the process, you can always refer to your test case to confirm or retest items.

In law, the same idea about test cases applies. It’s the legal action brought to court to give everyone a better idea of the laws being disputed. Later, these test cases serve as a validation for filing similar lawsuits.

Top 7 Reasons to Write a Test Case

1. It Determines Different Features’ Functionalities

You want to ensure your software has functional features before launching or releasing it. This is critical to avoid users discovering errors and leaving bad reviews. Writing a test case is the best way to check whether every feature works in software testing. A test case aids in preventing malfunctioning features and checking if everything is working as intended.

When you write and implement the test, you clarify and learn whether it works properly. You can find faults even when you think you’re at the final stages of completing the software development cycle. Sometimes, developers realize the system will work better if they tweak some specifications and inputs.

Moreover, if you’re creating a system for a client, you’ll be able to verify if you followed the customer’s instructions and abide by their specific requirements.

2. It Guarantees the System Fulfills the Standards

Why Write Test Cases: It guarantees the system fulfills the standards

In the US, 70% of all digital media time emanates from mobile apps. Considering how many people use their phones regularly, creating software for mobile phones is only realistic. However, as much as 90% of mobile apps launched barely reach a point of success due to many factors.

Remember that app or software quality can make or break the long-term success of your product. So whether you’re developing PC or mobile phone software, you should always have a high standard set. 

Even after you’ve set excellent standards, you’ll still need a way to learn about how well the product holds up to them. Fortunately, you can write a test case to see how the system will keep up with these expectations.

Additionally, you’ll have the chance to improve the quality of your system through a test case. For example, although your app or software did well on the test case, you can still take it further by raising your criteria. Then, determine where your system will most likely reach an error, identify the reasons, and prepare for them.

3. It Points Out Any Flaws or Deficiencies in the System

The next function of the test case is to highlight any flaws or deficiencies in your app or software. In large projects, test cases are pivotal because they act as filters for erroneous areas or troubleshooting issues. Write and run a test case whenever you’re at the software testing stage. Then, when you receive a ping, you’ll know something isn’t right with the system.

Writing a test case will save you more time and effort during this process because you’ll know about any errors early on. This is compared to working on a software issue after you’ve already released it and then correcting these issues much later.

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4. It Tests the System in All Possible Scenarios

Thoroughly preparing the software or app for every outcome means knowing it can withstand everything potential users throw. Sometimes, the target user does something you didn’t expect. When this happens, you may have to work on the issue after you launch the product.

However, writing a test case with detailed and exhaustive coverage won’t face this software development problem. Thus, brainstorm all possible scenarios for positive or negative testing when creating a test case. Talk to people from your team or other experts in the field who can provide you with the potential concerns and outcomes of the system.

5. It Is Reusable

One of the best things about writing a test case is that you can use it again to check for the same problems. So launch the test case once more to find out if you or the rest of the software development team have addressed the initial issue.

An advantage of these reusable test cases is you don’t need to write a new one every time you implement it. You can test the software or application for a different set of parameters without needing to reproduce the whole test case. You just need to edit or make some changes to the first test case you created. You might also be wondering, why write grants?

6. It Boosts the Product’s Quality 

Having the opportunity to retest the system means you can continuously examine and improve it. With the help of test case writing during the testing stage, you can create an app or software of excellent quality. That is how powerful and essential test case writing is.

After you smooth out all the kinks and fulfill the critical deficiencies, you’re left with a system that is flawless and highly functional. However, remember that this doesn’t mean your product will never need updating or troubleshooting. Sometimes, the user does something that you didn’t include in the test case. When this happens, you can always write a new test case with the latest issue in mind.

7. It Evaluates the Tester’s Efficiency

Why Write Test Cases: It evaluates the tester’s efficiency

Finally, writing a test case will also assess you, the tester, and your capabilities. Like professors and other professionals, not all testers have the same efficiency. Some are better at writing test cases than others. If you’re writing a test case, you’ll learn how to create one practically and potently. You’ll hone our skills through thorough testing and pinpointing defects, coverage, and scope.

Use this experience to improve yourself as a software tester and developer. Learn from your mistakes or shortages in test case writing. You can also observe or study how other software developers create or write test cases. Finally, you can learn a few tricks and develop your test case writing skills.

Note that test cases can be positive or negative, but don’t let these parameters affect your attitude. Write your test cases with a semi-positive mindset. Don’t let yourself become too preoccupied with a negative outlook, or it can impact the results you’re looking for.

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