370+ Speech Writing Topics For Students

Discover our guide with great speech writing topics for debate speeches, persuasive speeches, informative speeches, and much more. Get answers below.

Writing and delivering a speech can be nerve-wracking, especially for the first time. Explore our top speech writing topics for college and high school students and get answers to your frequently asked questions about how to choose a speech topic and overcome anxiety surrounding public speaking. For tips on how to write a speech, check out our guide!

How to Prepare For Public Speaking 

College and high school students often find themselves giving a speech for the first time, which can be stressful if you’ve never done public speaking before. Students can prepare ahead of time in several different ways to help set the stage for success – here are just a few:   

  • Learn the fundamentals of giving a good speech. This includes understanding the elements of a speech, such as the introduction, body, and conclusion. Each section should flow smoothly into the next and build upon the main point. Pay close attention to which words you choose and how your delivery comes across.
  • Practice makes perfect. Try to find opportunities to speak in front of an audience in different situations, even if it’s just in front of family, friends, or in front of a mirror. It can also help to record yourself so you can listen back and identify areas that need improvement. The more practice you have, the more confident you’ll feel when it comes time to give your speech.
  • Use relaxation techniques before giving your speech. You can start by taking some deep breaths and focusing on exhaling slowly. You can also try progressive muscle relaxation, which involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups in your body several times until your muscles begin to relax on their own naturally. You can also check out these quick writing topics.

Persuasive Speech Topics

Speech Writing Topics: Persuasive speech topics
One example of a persuasive speech writing topic is “If taking photographs of children in public should be illegal”
  1. The dangers of social media. 
  2. How to improve American healthcare. 
  3. The problems with plastic bags. 
  4. How cell phones lessen the quality of life. 
  5. Why criminals need rights. 
  6. If students should be required to study art. 
  7. How the war on drugs harms communities of color.
  8. If schools should ban certain types of books. 
  9. If statues of slave owners should be removed from public property. 
  10. If more practical subjects should be taught in school instead of algebra. 
  11. If religion causes fighting and wars. 
  12. If outlawing drugs makes them more desirable. 
  13. If taking photographs of children in public should be illegal. 
  14. How making food a reward sets the stage for eating disorders. 
  15. If men should be granted paternity leave when they have or adopt a baby. 
  16. If routine circumcision should be banned in the United States. 
  17. How artificial intelligence stands to change the world. 
  18. How American prisons are a form of modern-day slavery. 
  19. Why the media needs more cultural and racial diversity. 
  20. If restaurants have an obligation to purchase produce from local farmers. 

Informative Speech Topics

  1. Global Warming & Climate Change 
  2. Renewable Energy Benefits 
  3. Problems In The American Education System 
  4. Harmful Ingredients In Fast Food
  5. Animal Testing, Zoos, And Other Forms of Animal Cruelty 
  6. The Difference Between Real Life And Reality Shows
  7. The Issue Of Indoor Pollution
  8. Unethical Fast Fashion Practices 
  9. The Benefits Of Journal Writing 
  10. The Dangers Of Texting And Driving 
  11. The Benefits Of Gender-Affirming Care For Trans People 
  12. The History Of Racism In America 
  13. The Dangers Of Hazing In College 
  14. How Natural Disasters Develop With Climate Change 
  15. How To Think Critically When Watching The News 
  16. Homelessness Statistics And Trends In America 
  17. The Use Of Color Psychology In Marketing 
  18. The Physical Effects Of Tattoo Ink 
  19. The Psychological Impacts Of Beauty Pageants  
  20. How Social Media Affects The Brain

Speech Topics On Environment And Nature 

  1. How best to protect endangered animals. 
  2. If having pet birds is ethical. 
  3. If vegetable gardens should replace grass lawns. 
  4. The impact of plastic disposables on the environment. 
  5. The most efficient type of renewable energy. 
  6. How increasing train travel can benefit both people and the environment.
  7. If zoos should be strictly regulated or banned. 
  8. The impact of fracking on the environment. 
  9. If animal testing should be outlawed. 
  10. If the government needs to allocate more resources to national wildlife preserves. 
  11. The deforestation crisis. 
  12. Air pollution and the impact of poor air quality on human health. 
  13. If people should be allowed to own certain types of exotic animals and keep them as pets. 
  14. How to reduce the presence of microplastics in the ocean. 
  15. How drilling for oil impacts water aquifers and sources of clean, fresh water in America. 
  16. If all grocery stores should stop using plastic bags. 
  17. If parents should be allowed to choose their child’s sex and physical characteristics 
  18. If vaccinations should be mandatory. 
  19. If private corporations have a responsibility to create sustainable products. 
  20. The impact of robots on the environment. 

Speech Topics On Science And Health 

  1. If cloning animals and humans is moral. 
  2. Whether physician-assisted suicide and compassionate euthanization should be legalized.
  3. If cigarette smoking should be outlawed. 
  4. If minors should be allowed to purchase birth control without parental permission. 
  5. If sugary drinks should be taxed to discourage overconsumption. 
  6. If America should have a single-payer healthcare system. 
  7. The importance of adequate mental health care for high school students. 
  8. Racial bias in the American healthcare system. 
  9. If women face higher rates of being denied adequate pain control by healthcare providers.
  10. If cannabis is harmful or helpful for certain medical conditions. 
  11. If fast food restaurants have a responsibility to offer more affordable healthy food options. 
  12. The role of relaxation in physical and mental health. 
  13. If organ donation should be mandatory. 
  14. How to address the obesity epidemic in America. 
  15. If doctors should be paid according to their patient outcomes. 
  16. How to reduce the cost of prescription medications for the average person. 
  17. The benefits of laughing on physical and mental health. 
  18. If breastfeeding should be more normalized in America. 
  19. Sources of indoor air pollution and its impact on physical health. 
  20. If food additives in America are unsafe. 

Speech Topics About Technology 

  1. How technology can improve daily life. 
  2. The consequences of biological warfare. 
  3. How the advancement of robotics will impact the human population. 
  4. If the internet is more dangerous than it is beneficial. 
  5. The role of social media and online bullying in teen suicide. 
  6. Practical applications for 3D printing. 
  7. The future of self-driving cars. 
  8. The differences and similarities between computers and the human brain. 
  9. If colonizing the moon is possible and beneficial or harmful to the human species. 
  10. How cell phones affect the human body. 
  11. If humans can be grown in an artificial womb. 
  12. If text messaging jargon is having a negative impact on human language. 
  13. How technology has changed over the years for the better or worse. 
  14. The impact of cryptocurrency on world economics. 
  15. Using virtual reality to augment mental health treatment. 
  16. The intersection of artificial intelligence and animatronics.
  17. The future applications of nanotechnology. 
  18. The applications of drones in global military efforts. 
  19.  If dependence on technology is a danger to humanity. 
  20. The impacts of Wi-Fi signals on human health. 

Motivational Speech Topic Ideas

Motivational speech topic ideas
One example of a motivational speech writing topic is “Money Management”
  1. Women’s Empowerment 
  2. The Me Too Movement 
  3. Overcoming Peer Pressure 
  4. The Value Of Community Service 
  5. Mental Health And Wellness 
  6. Productivity And Time Management 
  7. How To Own Up To Mistakes And Learn From Them 
  8. The Benefits Of Meditation 
  9. Money Management 
  10. Taking Time For Yourself 
  11. How To Become A Winner 
  12. How To Be A Better Role Model
  13. Turning Failures Into Successes 
  14. Handling Rejection Gracefully 
  15. How To Work Smarter Instead Of Harder 
  16. Why Time Is More Valuable Than Money 
  17. Setting Effective Goals 
  18. How To Break Bad Habits 
  19. How To Cope When Bad Things Happen 
  20. Thinking And Speaking Positively

Speech Topics On Friendship 

  1. How mental health can affect friendships and other relationships.
  2. Tips for managing conflicts with friends. 
  3. How to communicate special needs effectively to friends. 
  4. The qualities of a good friend. 
  5. Signs of a toxic friendship and how to get out of one. 
  6. How people from different generations can be friends. 
  7. If sororities and fraternities promote friendships or cause problems. 
  8. How to help a friend who is experiencing thoughts of self-harm. 
  9. What loyalty and dependability mean in a friendship. 
  10. How to hold friends accountable for wrongdoing without destroying the friendship. 
  11. What can be done about bullying that occurs inside a friend group? 
  12. If friends have a responsibility to report dangerous behavior. 
  13. If men and women can be friends. 
  14. If it’s a good idea to develop a friendship with someone before dating them and why. 
  15. The benefits of keeping in touch with your childhood or high school friends. 
  16. If groups of single parents can become friends and raise their children together. 
  17. How friends can help each other succeed in life. 
  18. The challenges of maintaining friendships as a busy adult. 
  19. What gifts would you get your friends if money was no object? 
  20. How to avoid jealousy in a friendship. 

Speech Topics On Family 

  1. Signs of toxic family dynamics and how to get out of harmful cycles. 
  2. The definition and impact of generational trauma. 
  3. Qualities of a strong and healthy family dynamic. 
  4. How parents can build a loving family and home life. 
  5. Communication tips for family members. 
  6. If families with young children should limit their screen time. 
  7. The benefits of going on family vacations. 
  8. The best ways to balance work and family commitments.
  9. The importance of staying in touch with family members who are far away. 
  10. How having a family can enrich someone’s life. 
  11. If you should be required to donate a lifesaving organ or blood to a family member. 
  12. If children should be required to take care of elderly parents. 
  13. If the Christian religion promotes misogyny within conservative families. 
  14. If the number of children a couple can have should be regulated by the government. 
  15. If parents should be held accountable for crimes committed by their children. 
  16. If couples should be required to take parenting classes before starting a family. 
  17. How spanking causes brain damage in young children. 
  18. Misconceptions new parents have about raising kids in modern society. 
  19. What it means to go “no contact” with a parent and why adult children choose to leave their families.
  20. What a “chosen family” is and how people develop familial relationships outside of their blood relatives. 

Speech Topics On Sports 

  1. What Is Good Sportsmanship?
  2. Professional Sports Salaries 
  3. How Sports Impact Human Psychology
  4. Sports And Mental Development 
  5. Benefits Of Childhood Sports 
  6. How Sports Teach Morals 
  7. Do International Sports Promote World Peace?
  8. Why Dance Is A Sport 
  9. Should School Sports Be Mandatory?
  10. What Competitive Sports Teach About Life 
  11. Sports and Performance Enhancing Drugs 
  12. Trans People In Sports 
  13. The Role Of Social Media In Sports 
  14. How Sports Build Social Skills
  15. How Losing At Sports Teaches Life Lessons 
  16. Are Professional Sports Too Commercialized Now? 
  17. Sports And Virtual Reality 
  18. The Future Of College Sports 
  19. What Players Want Sports Coaches To Know 
  20. Sports And Disabilities 

Debate Speech Topic Ideas 

  1. Violent Video Games 
  2. The Death Penalty 
  3. Human Rights Issues 
  4. Obesity in America
  5. Mass Shootings In Public Places 
  6. Alcohol Has A Greater Negative Impact On Society Than Cannabis 
  7. The War Against Drugs 
  8. Cellphone Policies In Schools 
  9. Religious Indoctrination Is Child Abuse 
  10. Police & Qualified Immunity 
  11. Regulating Senior Drivers 
  12. Affirmative Action 
  13. Stem Cell Research 
  14. Peaceful Protests 
  15. Contraceptive Regulation 
  16. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) 
  17. Arranged Marriages 
  18. Censorship 
  19. Animal Breeding 
  20. The Adoption Industry 

Speech Topics On Politics 

  1. If America is not a true democracy. 
  2. If corporations should be allowed to donate to political campaigns. 
  3. If celebrities should be able to run for public office. 
  4. If poverty should be a government priority. 
  5. The prevalence of political corruption in America. 
  6. If the voting age should be raised in America. 
  7. If the United States should fund wars between other countries. 
  8. If national voter ID laws would disenfranchise minority voters. 
  9. The definition and prevalence of domestic terrorism in America. 
  10. Why it’s important for young people to vote. 
  11. If far-right influencers promote dangerous ideals. 
  12. If the government should spend less money on the military and wars. 
  13. If Social Security benefits should be preserved for future generations. 
  14. If Americans should get to vote for who serves on the Supreme Court. 
  15. If Congress should have term limits. 
  16. If the Electoral College should be abolished. 
  17. How minorities are represented in Congress. 
  18. If private for-profit prisons should be banned or heavily regulated. 
  19. If the police should be required to operate their body cameras at all times. 
  20. If people imprisoned for marijuana offenses should be let out in states where cannabis is now legal. 

Speech Topics On Social Issues 

  1. Abortion 
  2. Free Education In America 
  3. Right To Marry 
  4. Racism And Poverty In America 
  5. Food Deserts And Malnutrition 
  6. Substance Abuse And Crime Rates 
  7. The Right To Housing 
  8. Wage Inequality 
  9. Crime Recidivism Reduction 
  10. Child Labor 
  11. Agricultural Integrity 
  12. Taxing Religious Institutions 
  13. Prostitution 
  14. Minimum Wage 
  15. Common Sense Gun Control Laws 
  16. Gender And Sexual Orientation Discrimination 
  17. Violence In Media 
  18. Paid Maternity And Paternity Leave In America 

Business Speech Topics 

  1. What skills do entrepreneurs need to be successful? 
  2. How to motivate and engage employees at work. 
  3. Top indicators of business success. 
  4. How to make money using your passion. 
  5. The importance of good financial planning for businesses. 
  6. How companies can create loyal customers for life. 
  7. Why businesses need to create a powerful brand image in today’s competitive market. 
  8. Tips for people who want to start their own business. 
  9. How to create a home office. 
  10. Why do some companies have high turnover rates? 
  11. If incentivized customer reviews are unethical. 
  12. If businesses should be held responsible for false advertising. 
  13. If businesses should be allowed to lobby people in Congress. 
  14. Ethical marketing practices for new businesses. 
  15. How to balance owning a business and starting a family. 
  16. Women entrepreneurs in America. 
  17. Do companies have a responsibility to help manage inflation?
  18. The disparity between CEO and employee pay. 
  19. If the existence of billionaires is ethical. 
  20. How businesses can cultivate positive company culture. 

Personal Speech Topics 

  1. The scariest thing you ever did and how you overcame your fear. 
  2. A difficult decision you had to make and why you made the choice you did. 
  3. Your favorite teacher and what you learned from them. 
  4. Something you learned about yourself that improved your life. 
  5. A regret that you have and what you wish you would have done instead and why. 
  6. Something valuable you broke or lost and how it made you feel. 
  7. Someone you admire in your personal life and what they taught you. 
  8. Your ambitions and why you want to achieve them. 
  9. A family member you looked up to as a child and why. 
  10. The most exciting thing you’ve ever done and if you would do it again. 
  11. The type of job you want to hold in the future and why. 
  12. Specific expertise you hold and how it can provide value to your community. 
  13. Charities or social initiatives you support and why. 
  14. What your favorite motivational quote is and why. 
  15. Something that makes you unique and distinguishes you from other people. 
  16. The historical figure you most look up to and why. 
  17. A time you failed at something you tried but learned an important lesson from the experience. 
  18. A close call you had with something and how the situation might have turned out differently. 
  19. Somewhere you would visit in the world and why you would go there. 
  20. Something you learned watching television or listening to the radio that changed your life. 

Special Occasion Speech Topics  

  1. Graduation Speeches 
  2. Valedictorian Speeches
  3. Independence Day Speeches 
  4. Wedding Toasts
  5. Eulogies 
  6. Speeches For Beauty Pageants 
  7. Pep Rally Speeches 
  8. Award Acceptance Speeches 
  9. Introduction Speeches 
  10. Presentation Speeches 
  11. Farewell Speeches 
  12. Dedication Speeches 
  13. Commemorative Speeches 
  14. Retirement Speeches
  15. Welcome Speeches 
  16. Birthday Speeches 
  17. Tribute Speeches 
  18. Keynote Addresses 
  19. Anniversary Speeches 
  20. Bar/Bat Mitzvah Speeches 

Travel Speech Topics

  1. If traveling to Hawaii is ethical. 
  2. If it’s dangerous for women to travel internationally alone. 
  3. How travel can be educational. 
  4. If vacations have a positive impact on emotional and psychological health. 
  5. How travel can help prevent burnout. 
  6. The dangers of drinking tap water when traveling to other countries. 
  7. If there should be more travel accommodations for plus-size people. 
  8. How viruses spread on cruise ships. 
  9. Top reasons people travel. 
  10. How to manage travel frustrations like missed flights and canceled reservations. 
  11. What to do if there’s an emergency while traveling. 
  12. Ethical tourism in poor countries. 
  13. How to get to know a country’s customs when traveling. 
  14. The impact of traveling on the economy. 
  15. How American tourism impacts politics. 
  16. The intersection between travel and religion. 
  17. How the COVID-19 pandemic affected the travel industry. 
  18. What travel means to you. 
  19. If young children should be allowed to travel to dangerous places. 
  20. How to navigate currency exchange issues when traveling. 

Speech Topics On Education 

  1. How COVID-19 impacted public education in America. 
  2. The benefits of e-learning for children of different ages and education levels. 
  3. If corporal punishment should be allowed in schools with or without parental consent. 
  4. If sodas and energy drinks should be allowed in high schools. 
  5. The different types of learning styles and how these play a role in public education. 
  6. The impact of public school on child socialization. 
  7. If schools should abolish homework policies. 
  8. How elementary and middle schools should treat young trans students. 
  9. The role of the Internet in American education today. 
  10. How schools can provide more support to students with learning disabilities. 
  11. If special education in schools is actually beneficial to students who are struggling in class. 
  12. Comparing American schools to educational institutions in other countries. 
  13. If students should be taught sex education in schools and if so, to what degree? 
  14. If high school students should have access to condoms at school. 
  15. If college should be free. 
  16. Why teachers of all grade levels don’t make enough money in America. 
  17. If a student’s grades are an indicator of their intelligence. 
  18. If students should be required to learn etiquette at a certain age. 
  19. If public education institutions should implement school uniform policies. 
  20. If the pressures of school have a negative impact on kids who should be enjoying their childhood. 

Psychology Speech Topics 

  1. The definition of trauma and how it impacts young children. 
  2. How emotional abuse impacts psychological development in children. 
  3. How dissociative disorders work to protect the brain from the impact of severe trauma. 
  4. How reverse psychology works. 
  5. The greatest contribution to modern psychology in history. 
  6. How people with different personality disorders experience the world. 
  7. The psychological relationship between parents and their children. 
  8. The intersection between sleep and psychology. 
  9. The differences between psychology and psychiatry. 
  10. How psychologists benefit society and human development. 
  11. How child psychology differs from adult treatment modalities. 
  12. How psychological treatment has changed over the years. 
  13. If basic psychology should be a required high school or college course. 
  14. How violent movies and television impact human psychology.
  15. How short and long-term memories form. 
  16. The impact of bullying on child psychological development. 
  17. The psychological impact of childhood neglect. 
  18. If antidepressants are overprescribed.
  19. The comorbidity of trauma and personality disorders. 
  20. If birth order affects a child’s psychological development. 

Looking for more? You might also be interested in our list of the best report writing topics.

Funny Speech Writing Topics 

  1. How Trix cereal discriminates against rabbits by making their cereal for kids. 
  2. If plants have feelings and if vegans are committing acts of vegetable cruelty. 
  3. Why the grass might literally be greener on the other side of a fence. 
  4. How to be good at being lazy. 
  5. Why lying well can be considered a talent. 
  6. How being annoying can be considered an art. 
  7. How to fail at a job interview. 
  8. Tell a story about a joke that didn’t go over well. 
  9. Compare Instagram to real life. 
  10. If regifting is an ethical practice.
  11. Why clothing companies don’t put pockets in women’s clothes. 
  12. Why bad pickup lines work better than traditionally good pickup lines. 
  13. Why a cartoon character should be elected President. 
  14. A practical guide to surviving the zombie apocalypse. 
  15. If internet surfing counts as an aerobic workout. 
  16. Why kids shouldn’t have to clean their rooms. 
  17. The worst business slogans and why. 
  18. The correct way to offend someone. 
  19. How to cheat at the game of Life. 
  20. A list of the worst gifts ever. 

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What are the different types of persuasive speech? 

The three main types of persuasive speeches are value-based, policy-based, and emotional-based. Value-based speeches argue a certain concept based on its merits, while a policy persuasive speech argues for a certain course of action. Emotional-based speeches seek to elicit a certain response from the audience by evoking an emotional reaction.

What are some effective and easy ways to fight a fear of public speaking?

Some people find that focusing on their breathing helps to calm their nerves, while others find visualization exercises like picturing the audience in their underwear to be a helpful way to diffuse the tension. Others say that simply accepting that they will be nervous and embracing that feeling is the best way to get through it.  

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