100+ Positive Words To Describe Yourself

Here is our list of positive words to describe yourself that can you can add to your writing.

Positive self-acknowledgment is essential, especially for those with low self-esteem. When you need to write about yourself in an application or a letter to yourself for good vibes, consider using the list of positive words for self-description we’ve collected below.

What Are Positive Words To Describe Yourself?

What are positive words to describe yourself?
‘Sporty’ is an example of positive words to describe yourself

Whether it’s for answering interview questions, self-expression, or finding self-compassion and confidence, you need to understand positive words. For many people, it’s easy to focus on negative self-descriptions. Positive words allow you to practice seeing yourself in a positive light. With this affirming self-acknowledgment, you will see the complete picture of yourself.


Positive Words for College Applications

Colleges screen their applicants in different ways and with various steps. Two common methods of screening are interviews and application letters. When describing yourself, consider using these positive words to make an impact. 

  1. Accomplished

Even as an accomplished artist, I need more experience and instruction to hone my music skills.

  1. Adaptable

My adaptable nature makes it easy to find my feet in any situation.

  1. Advocate

As an environmental advocate, I want to study fashion recycling and waste reduction.

  1. Artistic

Your institution has drawn many artistic youths, including me.

  1. Astute

I’ve been called an astute pupil by my teachers, and it’s because of my interest in learning.

  1. Athletic

My athletic record has taught me to expect the unexpected.

  1. Balanced

I can lead a balanced lifestyle, whether it’s work, school, or play.

  1. Confident

I’m confident in my debate and oratory skills.

  1. Creative

A creative like me can think beyond the box and expand it to include new things.

  1. Determined

I’m determined to graduate at the top of my class, so I’ll study and do my extra-curricular activities.

  1. Diligent

I know that a diligent student understands the importance of time and self-care.

  1. Energetic

I’m an energetic debater and orator.

  1. Family-oriented

My family-oriented upbringing has made me a sympathetic social butterfly.

  1. Focused

I prefer to be focused on one thing, so I put all my effort and time into a project till it’s done.

  1. Industrious

An industrious student makes a good pupil.

  1. Inspired

I’m inspired to learn about literature because my grandparents often shared their stories with me.

  1. Logical

My reason for enrolling in philosophy is to become more logical and open.

  1. Mature

College students like me should be mature enough to know when it’s time to stop or persist.

  1. Musical

I’m a musical personality, not only with instruments but also on a stage.

  1. Outgoing

It matters to me to be an outgoing scholar because it helps me create a network.

Positive Words for Resumes 

Using positive descriptions in your resumes and cover letters can be tricky, but you must incorporate them to attract attention and highlight your experiences and skills. Here are some words to add flair to these documents. You may find our list of deep words for love useful.

  1. Active

These events reflect my status as an active competitor in individual field sports.

  1. Ambitious

My ambitious nature has pushed me to study and dominate the market with my company.

  1. Career-driven

I am proud of my career-driven life choices, even if it means sacrificing having a family.

  1. Committed

As a committed applicant, I will show you why you should hire me.

  1. Cooperative

As a team player, I have a highly cooperative mindset.

  1. Detail-oriented

You can count on my detail-oriented character to ensure that everything is up-to-date and organized.

  1. Efficient

I’m efficient in photo and video editing, especially when working on Adobe programs.

  1. Flexible

I can be a flexible employee, especially in emergency or on-call work.

  1. Hardworking

I make it a habit to finish one task before starting another, so I’m hardworking at task completion.

  1. Inquisitive

Some professors dislike inquisitive students, but I hope others feel challenged by my questions.

  1. Intuitive

I am intuitive because I follow my instincts, which often lead me to the right path.

  1. Motivated

I am motivated to give my kids a promising future.

  1. Practical

As a therapist and problem-solver, I prefer to be practical than emotional.

  1. Precise

As an architect, I must be precise and thorough in everything I do.

  1. Reliable

I’m only a good employee if I’m reliable with my performance and deadlines.

  1. Versatile

Being versatile is key in this ever-changing modern world.

  1. Visionary

As a visionary, I often think and plan ahead, no matter the activity. 

Positive Words for Job Interviews

Describing yourself in a job interview can be daunting if you’re not used to looking inwards positively. The following are some words to show your potential to the interviewer. 

  1. Assertive

My assertive nature makes me a good troubleshooter.

  1. Attentive

My focus on computer systems and their mechanisms keeps me attentive to any errors.

  1. Candid

I believe employees should be candid but also gentle.

  1. Charismatic

Your company can use a charismatic personality for marketing and boosting sales.

  1. Competent

I’m competent at hearing what people aren’t saying and what they’re trying to be.

  1. Competitive

The competitive applicant brought forth all his accolades, certificates, and awards.

  1. Conscientious

I believe I’m conscientious because I’m systematized and a good planner.

  1. Customer-oriented

I can be very customer-oriented if you give me this marketing job.

  1. Diplomatic

My diplomatic character makes me a good mediator. 

  1. Experienced

I’ve been on various military tours, so I’m experienced in handling difficult situations in different environments.

  1. Leader

As a leader, I can assess my team’s strengths and weaknesses.

  1. Open-minded

As an open-minded actor, I’ve had many experiences playing different roles.

  1. Passionate

I’m passionate about architecture and tourism, so I enjoy decorating hotels.

  1. Persistent

I have worked with young kids and teenagers, so I’ve developed a persistent yet agreeable personality.  

  1. Resourceful

We are resourceful problem-solvers, especially regarding dilemmas in software programming.

  1. Responsive

Responsive employers like me are vital for potential job seekers.

  1. Self-made

As a CEO of a jewelry company at 25, I’d say I’m a self-made woman.

  1. Sensitive

As a customer service employee, I am sensitive to clients’ needs and wants.

  1. Sociable

My sociable nature can put clients at ease and make connecting with them easy.

  1. Strategist

Beyond going to the gym frequently, I also worked as a business strategist for gyms and training centers. 

Positive Words for Social Media Profiles

Social media profiles are prolific and used to connect and engage with others to advance your personal and professional lives. 

  1. Adventurous

My adventurous side focuses more on traveling and trying new foods.

  1. Animal lover

As an animal lover, I ensure my pets are comfortable and healthy.

  1. Bookworm

As a bookworm, I’ve traveled many worlds and met characters from all walks of life, whether fictional or real.

  1. Classy

I’m good at staying classy no matter the situation or crisis.

  1. Colorful

My interest in different hobbies and activities has made me a colorful person.

  1. Curious

It pays to be curious because you learn more.

  1. Dream-chaser

Nobody can dishearten a devoted dream-chaser like me.

  1. Easygoing

It’s more fun to be easygoing because it leads to less stress.

  1. Enthusiastic

I am an enthusiastic friend, especially in romance literature and media.

  1. Extra

As my friend, you should expect me to be a little extra now and then.

  1. Fashionable

You need at least one fashionable friend to check your style. 

  1. Modest

My British-Japanese heritage and upbringing have made me modest and polite.

  1. Original

I find my creativity and positivity to be original.

  1. Outdoorsy

I’ve learned a lot of things about being outdoorsy, like reading a map and trekking a forest.

  1. Proactive

I stay proactive whenever possible, whether in relationships or at work.

  1. Respectful

I’m always respectful to people who earn and deserve my respect.

  1. Romantic

The best part about being a romantic is I can be hopeful and see things and people in a charming light.

  1. Spontaneous

Being spontaneous with my friends always leads to memorable times.

  1. Thrill-seeker

I’m a thrill-seeker, and I love skydiving and eating exotic foods. 

  1. Trendsetter

I find joy in being a trendsetter in my little town.

  1. Warm

My friends describe me as a warm friend and colleague.

Positive Words for Boosting Your Confidence

Use these words to make yourself feel confident. Use them when making a self-motivational note, writing in your diary, or speaking to yourself in the mirror. You can also apply these words in describing and encouraging other people.

  1. Admirable

I know my stubbornness is admirable because I use it in the right situations.

  1. Amusing

An amusing aspect of me is that I can make light of serious situations to lessen tension.

  1. Beautiful

I strive to be beautiful inside and out.

  1. Brave

I am brave, so I will face all challenges, even if I’m afraid and unsure.

  1. Brightest

I’m always at my brightest when I’m in the lab handling chemicals and solutions.

  1. Charming

You’re a charming person because you’re polite and sweet.

  1. Clever

Shreya can relate to crafty individuals because she’s also clever in many ways.

  1. Cool

My love for motorcycles, combat sports, and plumbing makes me cool.

  1. Extroverted

I like breaking past their expectations of my extroverted attitude.

  1. Fearless

I can be fearless in life, just as I am whenever I’m inside the basketball court. 

  1. Fit

I know I still have some extra pounds to shed, but I also know I am fit for a woman my age.

  1. Gleeful

No one can affect Rihanna’s gleeful attitude.

  1. Honest

I once found out the hard way that truth is key to a good relationship, so I’m always honest now. 

  1. Playful

My playful personality matches my dog’s silliness well.

  1. Patient

Taking care of three toddlers sounds like hell. But she’s a very patient woman, so I think she’ll do well.

  1. Sexy

I don’t need a body like a Victoria’s Secret Angel to be sexy and confident.

  1. Smart

Now, I’m smart enough to know when someone is sweet-talking his way into my life without meaning to stay in it.

  1. Social

I can be extremely social when needed, but I also need alone time to recover.

  1. Sporty

Although I’m not an athlete, I’m sporty enough to stay active and go to outdoor events.

  1. Strong-willed

I’m a strong-willed woman with nothing to lose and everything to gain.

  1. Trustworthy

No other friend is more trustworthy than my reflection.

  1. Unconventional

Breaking from traditions and customs makes me unconventional, which is good. 

  1. Unique

Being unique means being content, confident, and comfortable with who I am.

  1. Witty

My quick quips and one-liners make me a witty person.

Check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays. Looking for more? Check out our list of action words!
