Top 100 List of Common English Words for Communication

Here is our top list of common English words that you can add to your writing. Read our guide.

To sound natural when writing or speaking English, learners must choose the common words used by native speakers. Common words help you easily communicate with others, so learning how to use them correctly is essential.

What Are Common Words?

List of common English words
“Think” is one common English word that is frequently used in daily conversations

These are ordinary English words that are frequently applied in daily conversations. Common words don’t only develop your standard English and proficiency but also make correspondence with others more manageable, no matter what their language expertise level may be. For writers, it’s an efficient way to let readers quickly understand what they convey.


Common Words: Nouns

Nouns are words that name people, things, places, or ideas. Common and proper nouns are critical to building a clear sentence. They’re also crucial for capitalization. You might also be interested in our list of Pictionary words for parties.

  1. Case

The victim’s family asks the media to stop sensationalizing their relative’s murder case.

  1. Child

Mark insists he isn’t a child anymore.

  1. Company

My friends believe that Quantum is the best company for a customer service niche.

  1. Day

The day Amber and her family have been waiting for has arrived.

  1. Eye

Look me in the eye and tell me the truth. 

  1. Fact

The fact that you’re not willing to accept being mistaken shows a lot about your personality.

  1. Life

The coach tells her to run like her life depends on it.

  1. Number

The guy by the bar is asking for your number.

  1. Person

He’s the type of person who lets others misunderstand him.

  1. Place

The place where Jae took the photo is just behind the university.

  1. Problem

The only problem during our research is driving the students to school daily.

  1. Time

It’s time you tell him the truth.

  1. Way

Mimi taps my shoulder and says we are heading the wrong way.

  1. Year

I have been waiting for my friend to return to our hometown every year. You might also be interested in our list of uncommon words.

Common Words: Verbs

Verbs are concerned with describing actions, states of being, or occurrences. They can stand alone or can be helping verbs. This category has many characteristics: mood, voice, person, number, form, and tense. They are important in communication as they help the writer or speaker discuss events and activities.

  1.  Ask

I’ll go to Mrs. Smith’s office later to ask about our final science project.

  1. Be

He’s a responsible young man. I’m sure he’ll be there.

  1. Do

He needs to do a lot of work to mend his reputation.

  1. Feel

Our culinary teacher asked us to feel the dough he made before attempting to make our own.

  1. Get

Belinda asks her husband to get groceries after work.

  1. Give

She refused to give her number to the stranger.

  1. Go

As part of the deal, we must go back home at least once a year.

  1. Know

I want to know why you have been ignoring me for days.

  1. Leave

The next time your friends ignore you during a party, leave.

  1. Look

You only look at my mistakes, never the good things I’ve done for you. 

  1. Make

The translation team has to make a staff switch before the event.

  1. See

I’m saving up this year to see Taylor Swift next year.

  1. Take

Jason’s planning to take the bar exam next year.

  1. Think

Jade asked him to let her think it over. 

  1. Use

They only use organic materials for their products.

Common Words: Pronouns

Pronouns sometimes take the place of nouns or noun phrases. They help avoid the redundant use of nouns to make the piece smoother to read. In verbal communication, they assist the speaker in speaking faster and making their sentences more varied.

  1. Everyone

Everyone in the class is required to attend the school fair.

  1. He

He is the most manipulative person I have ever met.

  1. Her

It was wrong for Timothy to befriend her only because his mom forced him.

  1. Him

I told Janna to block him on social media so that she isn’t reminded of the breakup.

  1. I

I always pray that our family will overcome every problem.

  1.  It

For me, it is the most fantastic reality show of all time.

  1. Me

It’s tough for me to move on from my failures.

  1. Myself

I promise to make myself available that day to attend your wedding.

  1. Nothing

I’m sorry, but there’s nothing else I can do to assist you.

  1. She

She’s one of the few people I trust.

  1. They

The teams ask the panelists if they can show the video clips of the interviews.

  1. Them

The kids don’t have any classes today, let them sleep in.

  1. Us

We’ve been waiting for an hour; it seems like the president won’t have time to meet us again today.

  1. We

The teacher says we have to create five-page essays about our life goals.

  1. You

You should talk to your mother soon.

Common Words: Adverbs

Adverbs modify a verb, adjective, or another adverb. These words help answer many questions, such as “in what way,” “how often,” and “to what extent.” Take note that there are types of adverbs that you should understand first so you can correctly use them in your writing and speaking.

  1. Back

I didn’t think I’ll miss my family this much. I want to get back home. 

  1. Down

The teacher asked the students to sit down and listen.

  1. Even

She was at his every beck and call. He didn’t even need to call her twice.

  1. Here

I’m not sure where she went. I asked her to wait here for me.

  1. How

I already told you this, but you shouldn’t be shocked at how loyalties change when dire consequences are at play.

  1. In

Please don’t be shy. Come in and have dinner with us.

  1. Just

She left because too much drama was happening with her family, and she just couldn’t take it anymore.

  1. More

I believe there’s more to life than just trying to advance your career.

  1. Now

After giving birth to my son, I now understand what my mother meant when she told me she would do anything for her children.

  1. Only

He’s our school’s only hope to win the political science debate.

  1. Out

Chris came out of the closet after an hour of hide and seek.

  1. Still

I still can’t believe you’re here with me now.

  1. Then

I’m not sure how the argument in the kitchen started. I was taking a bath then.

  1. Up

He looked up at him.

  1. Well

It’s a shame that she knew her so well for years, only for Lia to betray her.

  1. When

She asked me when I got my package delivered.

Common Words: Adjectives

These words modify or describe nouns or noun phrases to limit their characteristics and make them more specific. Adjectives make writing colorful and interesting by helping readers or listeners attribute details to the nouns for better imagination and understanding.

  1. Able

I was able to check my tickets and settle the payment because of the considerable time allowance.

  1. Big

Jake has a big villa near the lake.

  1. Different

Our teachers’ different styles help us know what works best for students.

  1. Few

There are few good people left in this neighborhood. 

  1. Good

Despite the difficulties he endured during his childhood, Ethan grew up to be a good person.

  1. Great

Overall, it was still a great year for me.

  1. High

Many students successfully achieved high scores in this semester’s qualifying exams.

  1. Last

Is that the last episode of the first season of House of the Dragons?

  1. Long

Her long, curly hair bounced as she walked.

  1. New

Zia wants to buy a new set of eyeshadows. 

  1. Next

We should plant trees for the next generation.

  1. Own

Shane has to scold her own brother for being too loud while at church. 

  1. Other

Hannah finally showed everyone her other side.

  1. Public

Danielle plans to join the dance competition in the public park near our school.

  1. Young

The majority of the victims of the tragedy are young people.

Common Words: Preposition

While there are words used to describe, modify, and identify others, prepositions are mainly for expressing a word’s relation to another. These common preposition words help link words to avoid miscommunication.

  1. Aboard

The seafarers climb aboard the ship to Ibiza.

  1. About

The psychiatrist is busy thinking about her patient and her worsening mental health.

  1. Before

Agatha was a witch before the townspeople discovered she was the lost royal princess.

  1. Behind

The director sets up another hidden camera behind the painting.

  1. Concerning

I have already emailed the accounting department concerning my salary dispute.

  1. Despite

Despite her history, Sophie still managed to climb the social ladder.

  1. Excluding

The total rent is $3,000, excluding city services and condo dues.

  1. From

If you’re looking for sympathy, get it from someone else.

  1. Opposite

Our company building is opposite the convenience store. 

  1. Underneath

Shaun told the audience to check underneath their seats for a green envelope.

  1. Unlike

This apartment is cheaper and more practical, unlike the ones we checked in yesterday.

  1. Versus

The school is planning a mural painting competition for Section A versus Section B.

  1. Via

Unfortunately, we can only talk via phone for now.

  1. Within

My manager asked me to send my report within the week.

  1. Without

I don’t think Lara still believes when a man says he can’t live without her.

Common Words: Conjunctions

Conjunctions allow speakers and writers to create more complex sentences. Plus, some words or clauses will sound different without anything to connect to, which often leads to misunderstanding. These common conjunctions assist in providing a smooth and more accurate presentation of ideas.

  1. After

She wonders what will happen after she refuses his advances. 

  1. As

I saw her mom on their porch as I was leaving.

  1. Because

My mother blamed me for the burnt rice because I forgot to remind her.

  1. But

She might be nice, but she has many secrets.

  1. Except

I try to include everyone on my team except those who refuse to cooperate.

  1. If

I’ll accompany you to the museum if you pay my entrance fee.

  1. Nor

Neither the fans nor the staff saw the lost shoe.

  1. Once

I know you’ll like him once you two have a proper introduction.

  1. Or

I’m not too fond of sausages or ham on a pizza.

  1. Since

Rose became a fan of the group since they came out.

To improve your writing skills, check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays.If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips!
