Is Writing Hard: The Top Reasons Why Writing Is Hard, With Tips

Is writing hard? It can be difficult if you have been told to re-write or revise after the first draft. Learn more in this article.

If you find the process of writing to be challenging, try not to get frustrated. The goal is to become a better writer, and even a good writer can have a hard time from time to time. For example, Ernest Hemingway is widely considered one of the greatest writers of all time. However, even he had some struggles with creative writing occasionally.

Becoming a professional writer can be hard, and good writing should be an interactive experience. Yes, writing is difficult, but it is also enjoyable. If you want to overcome writer’s block, you need to identify some of the biggest challenges. Then, you can use your writing skills to overcome them.

1. Writing Is Hard Because It Requires Your Undivided Attention

Reasons why writing is hard

One of the biggest reasons writing is so hard is that it requires your undivided attention. Have you ever taken a job where you were doing a bunch of mindless tasks? For example, you might have had a job where you had to copy information from one spreadsheet into another. Or, you might have had a job where you had to watch videos and then give your thoughts at the end. You do not necessarily need to pay attention to these tasks the entire time. Instead, you can tune in and out, still getting the job done.

When it comes to writing, this is not an option. If you do not focus on the task at hand, your writing will not be very good. Laziness cannot creep into your writing, or your work will suffer. There is no way you can put your brain on autopilot and end up with a good result. You need to focus on the task at hand if you want your writing to come out well.

If you aren’t focused on your work, it is better to take a break and do something else. Then, come back to your writing when you can truly focus on it. 

2. Writing Is a Long Process

Another reason writing is hard is that it does not lead to instant gratification. If you want to see the fruits of your labor at the end of the day, writing may not deliver. It takes a long time to write a good story. Regardless of whether you are writing a poem, a short story, or a novel, the process is lengthy. Some of the greatest poets in the world have spent a month crafting a single poem. 

Therefore, you might not see the results of your hard work for days, weeks, or months. Sure, at the end of the day, you might have a bunch of pages written, but this does not necessarily mean they are any good. You won’t truly feel satisfied with your work until the entire story is finished.

Because there is a long time before you experience that feeling of fulfillment, writing can be hard. You might even start a story only to scrap it at the end because you do not like it. Most people do not have the patience to deal with the full scope of the writing processing. 

3. Writing Requires Bravery

Do you want to go through life anonymously? Do you want to sit in the background where nobody will bother you? Taking risks is hard, and being a writer is brave. However, virtually everything you write will eventually be reviewed by somebody else. Are you a professional writer? If so, then a client or an editor will review your work. Do you work for a large firm? If so, a manager will review your work at the end. Do you want to publish a book? If so, your reader base will have an opinion on your work.

Someone else is going to read your work eventually. It can be nerve-racking to wait for them to give their opinion. After all, you might have spent months, or even years, writing that story. If the other person doesn’t like it, it could mean that all of your work has been for nothing. Or, if they don’t like your work, it could make you angry. It is your work, not theirs! Who are they to criticize it?

It takes a lot of courage to put all of your work on display. Unfortunately, many people are not willing to make themselves vulnerable like this, which is why writing is so hard. 

4. Writing Takes a Lot of Practice

is writing hard?
If you don’t write regularly, your writing skills will get rusty

If you want to be a good writer, you need to practice repeatedly. The only way you will ever get better at writing is by practicing it daily. Even when you don’t want to write, you should let your fingers flow to put words on the page. Then, you can come back and organize them later.

If you play a musical instrument, you need to practice every day. Otherwise, your skills are going to rust over. Likewise, if you play a sport, you need to practice daily. If you take a lot of time off, you might get out of shape, causing you to fall short when you come back. Writing is the same way. If you don’t write regularly, your writing skills will get rusty. Then, when you are ready to write again, you might fall behind.

Because writing takes a lot of practice, it can be incredibly challenging. 

5. Writing Caters To Perfectionists

If you are a perfectionist, you might embrace the challenge of writing. But, unfortunately, it is not unusual for writers to expect themselves to be perfect. “Good enough” is never really good enough for a writer. Now, you might think that the endless drive for perfectionism brings out the best in a writer. Expecting yourself to do better can indeed be a positive quality in a writer; however, it can also be a tremendous challenge. 

Think about it like this. If you are running a book for someone, you may have a deadline to meet. The deadline is coming up, and you aren’t anywhere close to being finished. Why is that the case? You may have spent a long time writing the first chapter because you always felt like there was a better version. Therefore, that chapter was never perfect, causing you to fall behind on the rest of the book.

This is what they call crippling perfectionism. It is true that you need to go back and edit, proofread, and review your work. Then, you might be able to make it better. On the other hand, it takes a lot of practice to learn when to put down the chapter and move on to the next area. If you expect everything to be perfect, you will spend endless hours agonizing over a single word choice. This is another reason why you need to practice regularly. You need to learn when to make changes and when to let it go.

6. Writing Has an Inconsistent Schedule

If you enjoy a routine, you may have a difficult time sticking to one as a writer. For example, you might be someone who likes to write early in the morning. You might be someone who likes to write during business hours only. You might even be someone who likes the right in the middle of the night.

You will quickly learn that you do not have a lot of control over when you write. If you don’t have a pen and paper, you might think that you can stay away from writing; however, if a moment of inspiration strikes you, you will probably pull out your phone and start to type into a notepad.

The point is that you will write when inspiration strikes you. You never know when you will feel like writing, and you don’t want to miss that critical moment of “eureka.” As a result, it is easy to let your writing seep into other areas of your life. It can be difficult for you to stick to a routine, and it can impact your relationships. It takes a lot of discipline to learn how to contain your writing while still getting the most out of your skills.

How To Overcome These Challenges

These are a few of the biggest challenges you will face if you would like to get better at writing. Fortunately, there are some ways you can overcome these challenges as well. These include: 

  • Learn when to take breaks. It is okay to take breaks from time to time. If you are sitting there and nothing is coming out, put down the pencil and do something else. You may find that spending time outside gives you the moment of inspiration you’ve been looking for.
  • Make sure you designate time for family members and friends. If you just assume you will spend time with those closest to you, you may not spend as much time with them as you would like. Instead, block off time to be with other people. This could help you improve your writing as well.
  • Invest in a tool that can help you stay organized. For example, if you have multiple projects going on simultaneously, make sure you have a calendar of when they are due. That way, nothing will fall through the cracks.
  • You may feel like you don’t have enough confidence in yourself. If that is the case, remember that vulnerability can be a valuable asset. You might want to try meditation or positive affirmations that can make you feel better about yourself. Then, remember to stay humble when you present your work to other people.
  • Finally, you need to make sure you get enough sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep at night, you won’t give your brain a chance to recharge. This could cause you to fall behind on your work. You might even want to set alarms for yourself that tell you when to go to bed.

Everyone has a different strategy for overcoming these challenges. Of course, you will learn more about yourself as you go, but consider putting a few of these tips to use if you want to overcome some of the biggest challenges facing writers. 

Final Word on Is Writing Hard

So, is writing hard? It is highly unusual for someone to say that writing is easy, but everyone has their own talents. If you want to be a professional writer, you need to practice regularly. Then, make sure you give other people the chance to review your work. Listen to what they have to say.

Everyone has a different opinion, so make sure you put their opinion in the context of your work. Finally, remember to take breaks. There is a light outside of writing, and spending time with other people away from your work can help you improve your assignments when you go back to them.

FAQs About Is Writing Hard

Why is writing so hard?

Writing is hard because it requires a tremendous amount of patience and focus. It also requires a lot of vulnerability, as other people will be reviewing your work. You also have to be critical of yourself as you review your assignments, which can be a challenge for many people.

If I want to become a better writer, what should I do?

If you want to be a better writer, you need to practice regularly. Most importantly, you should try to practice different forms of writing. That way, you can improve different writing skills, apply additional writing tips, and get better at expressing your ideas through the act of writing. Freewriting is critical for exploring different styles of writing
