How to Write a Reflection Paper: A Guide For Students

Here in our step-by-step guide, we take you through how to write a reflection paper.

Reflection papers are a common type of academic paper that help students learn to communicate their thoughts and ideas. Learning to write well is an essential part of honing your communication skills. Being able to express your own opinion on a topic in a structured format that makes your point of view and supporting evidence clear is a useful skill in nearly every career field. However, writing a reflective essay might seem intimidating, especially if you’re new to writing academic papers in general.

Below, we discuss several steps to writing a good reflection paper and answer your most frequently asked questions about reflective writing.

Before Getting Started

Before you start, it’s important to understand a reflection essay. A reflection paper is an essay or academic paper that offers a summary of the writer’s personal opinion or thoughts about a particular topic. It’s typically written in the first person and is a type of paper designed to communicate the writer’s opinion.

You can also:

  • Gather the materials you will need to write, such as a pen and paper, your laptop, and any books or other research materials you will be using.
  • Go somewhere quiet where you can work without interruption.
  • Set a time limit and schedule breaks for yourself in between.
  • Set goals for what you would like to finish during your writing session.
  • Make notes of anything left to do when your session is complete and return to it another time.

Step 1: Pick a Point of View 

How to write a reflection paper: Pick a point of view 
Jot down your thoughts at this stage without worrying too much about structure or the order of your ideas.

First and foremost, you should decide what point of view you want to present to the reader. What do you want the reader to learn from your reflective essay? How do you want them to feel while reading it, and what messages do you want to convey? Jot down your thoughts at this stage without worrying too much about structure or the order of your ideas. This first step aims to get the main points of your argument out so you know what angle you’re taking before you jump into brainstorming your supporting content. You might also be interested in learning how to write a book report.


  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is a fascinating self-help book packaged as a fantasy story.
  • It’s about a young boy named Santiago who turns from a life of Andalusian shepherding to travelling the world in search of treasure.
  • After finishing the book, I was compelled to look at my own life and what dreams and goals I had, and how I might be able to pursue those.
  • The most valuable lesson I learned was that each person should develop their ideas, goals, and objectives that they can work to pursue throughout their lifetime.
  • The main character finds even more than he is looking for by learning about himself and living genuinely regardless of the cost.
  • Overall, I found the book intriguing and engaging and could extrapolate several helpful ideas I could immediately apply to improve my life.

Step 2: Start Brainstorming

Begin the brainstorming process by thinking about personal experiences you’ve had that align with your main argument. Then, think about how these experiences and your response to them have impacted how you interpret the topic you’re presenting and why you have arrived at this point of view. This is particularly important if you’re writing an experiential reflection paper based on the opinions and ideas you developed from going through a specific experience or event.

Use the following techniques to brainstorm your reflection paper ideas:

  • Draw Venn diagrams to group and separate ideas.
  • Make bullet point lists of ideas.
  • Create a mind map for different topics.
  • Role play with other people.
  • Think of as many ideas as fast as possible and write them down, no matter what.
  • Write down ideas that start with specific letters of the alphabet.

Step 3: Write the Outline

A good outline will cover the main points of your paper so that the reader can come away with the intended meaning, even if they only scanned or skimmed the outline. Your essay should be written with a solid structure, and your thoughts should transition easily from one to the next. An excellent reflective paper will guide readers along your thought process, gently nudging them from one idea to another as they follow your cognitive journey around the topic.

Your reflection essay should have a clear:

  • Beginning — Set the stage for your readers using descriptive language. Use a topic sentence to convey the main points of your paper immediately and let readers know what they can expect from the rest of the article.
  • Middle — Get into the meat of your ideas by presenting a problem or challenge and how it was resolved. While reflection papers might not have traditional climaxes, you can strategically build your ideas up to a conflict or problem and then to a revelation or epiphany.
  • End — Resolve conflicts and impart lessons learned at the end of your essay to wrap things up. Here is where the reflective part of the paper comes into play as you describe how you’ve gained a better understanding of the events described in the essay.

Step 4: Format Your Reflection Paper

Your reflection paper format is essential if you write a personal reflection for high school or a thesis statement for college. Not only does formatting make your reflection essay easier to read, but it also ensures the piece meets submission criteria if the paper is for school, work, or publication. Most academic writing follows a predetermined format, and reflective essay writing is no different. Here are some formatting basics for a reflective essay:

  • The page should be double-spaced.
  • The first word in each new paragraph should be indented.
  • Your margins should be 1” on the top, bottom, and sides of the page.
  • The font should be set to Times New Roman 12 pt.
  • The page should be 8 1/2” x 11”.
  • Most reflective essays are between 250 to 750 words.

Step 5: Write Your Introduction

Finally, it’s time to do the bulk of the writing. You don’t need to go in any particular order, and it’s perfectly okay to write the conclusion or body paragraphs before the introduction or even a few sentences. There’s no wrong answer to how the words get from your mind onto the paper or computer screen, but the writing tips below can help you figure out which process you like best.

Your introduction is the first part of your research paper and what readers will engage with first. Your introduction should include the paper’s topic sentence, expressing the main themes you will discuss. They should know what to expect as they read the paper and what benefits they might get from continuing. You might also be wondering how to write a preface.


Throughout my life, I’ve wondered why some people seem to have an easier time than others. No matter what happens, these people seem to bounce back quickly or even might seem unaffected at all. As someone who has always been curious to learn about why other people do, say, or think certain things, this was naturally of great interest to me.

As I began to study various social, behavioural, and psychological textbooks, I realized that there were some common denominators between people who seemed to fare well emotionally, regardless of their circumstances. First and foremost, I noticed that extreme hardships at an early age resulted in less resilience to everyday stressors later in life.

Step 6: Create the Body Paragraphs

Next, write the body of your paper. This should be the largest portion of your paper and longer than the introduction and conclusion combined. The body will usually be at least a few paragraphs long but could be lengthier depending on the total word count of the paper. Be sure that your introduction, body, and conclusion contain smooth transitions from one to the other in a way that guides the reader through the paper. You might also be interested in these articles about assessment.


As I watched the sky where the Twin Towers once stood filled with smoke on the television screen, I remembered a scene from my childhood that I had thought was long forgotten. We were on a family road trip and drove past a car accident on the side of the highway. Someone’s van had collided with the guardrail and burst into flames, and thick, black pillars of smoke poured out of the engine.

Seeing the aftermath of the September 11th, 2001 attacks with my eyes was a surreal experience that I’ll never forget. It didn’t matter where people were or what religion they were — people just helped others. Firefighters dug survivors out of the rubble, and nearby shop owners provided first responders with food and water as they worked to clean up what was left of Ground Zero. It’s an event that impacted me profoundly and inspired me to help my fellow neighbors whenever I get the chance.

Step 7: Compose the Conclusion

Finally, wrap up your reflection paper with a solid conclusion summarizing the paper already covered. Don’t use this space to introduce new information — if you still have something to say, it should be included in your body paragraphs. Your conclusion should be succinct and straightforward, providing a great segue from the body of your paper to the end. Write your conclusion in a way that leaves readers thinking about the point of view you were trying to convey or how they might apply the moral of your story to their own lives.


My experience with social media has left a lot to be desired, and I see many young people struggling to navigate public spaces on the internet. I’ve found it challenging to find genuine people or those interested in forming legitimate, long-term friendships or relationships.

As I became increasingly frustrated with my online life, I began investing more time in my real life. I looked for ways to improve my day-to-day routine and make time for things that gave me joy. Over time, I realized that social media brought me more stress and anxiety than it resolved and there just weren’t very many benefits in it for me anymore. I think many young people would find that their lives would be improved by spending less time on social media sites.

Tips For Writing An Outstanding Reflection Paper

There are many ways to write a good reflection paper, depending on your topic and personal preferences. Still, some reflective writing strategies have stood the test of time and come highly recommended by other writers. 

  • Make sure your essay is straightforward and concise. Use shorter sentences to convey the main points of your paper instead of long, convoluted phrases. Include only relevant information in the essay and leave out anything that doesn’t directly support or explain your main point of view.
  • Use an academic tone of voice. Most reflective essays are formal and require an academic or professional tone and style. However, a good trick to use is to match the tone of your writing to your target audience. For example, if your reflective essay is for a children’s show, you may want to use a more casual tone of voice, even though most reflective writing should sound professional.
  • Include credible sources, and make sure to cite them appropriately. Determine whether you should use MLA or APA formatting and follow the guidelines for citing sources you use to support your text. Don’t skip the research phase of reflective writing, even if your essay will be strictly experiential reflection. You should always include at least one to two supporting references.
  • Use tight paragraphs and stay on track. Because most reflective papers are less than 1000 words and may even be shorter than 500 words, it’s important that your writing is concise and that each sentence brings value to the paper. Conversely, padding your essay with fluff writing wastes valuable word space and waters down the overall impact your writing has on your target audience.
  • Proofread your essay thoroughly. Simple mistakes and typos can be detrimental to an otherwise perfect reflective essay. Most teachers will deduct marks for these issues, so be sure to proofread and edit your writing at least once or twice before turning it in.

If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips!

If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics.
