How Much Does a Proofreader Make – All You Need to Know

Are you looking to get a job as a freelance proofreader? Do you want know how much does a proofreader make? Learn more below!

Growing up, you probably learned how to proofread in English class. If you enjoy writing, you might even be thinking about copy editing as a career. Of course, the more skills you have, the more money you should be able to make.

As a result, some people might be curious about the average salary of a full-time proofreader. Some proofreader jobs may be paid an hourly rate, while other proofreading services may be paid a salary.

If you are looking for work-from-home jobs, you might be wondering, how much does a proofreader make? Take a look at some information on the average pay of proofreading and editing jobs below. How much can a part-time or full-time proofreader earn?

A Few Statistics On The Average Pay Of Proofreader Jobs

How much does a proofreader make?

So, how much does a proofreader make? There are a lot of factors that will dictate how much a proofreader might get paid. It might be helpful to take a look at a few statistics so you can ballpark how much money you should expect to make.

According to information published by

  • The average proofreader in the United States makes approximately $18.90 per hour.
  • The bottom 10 percent of proofreaders earn just under $12 per hour, while the top 90 percent earn over $30 per hour.
  • Some proofreaders are paid a bonus, with bonuses ranging from $200 to $5,000, on average.
  • The total take-home pay of the average proofreader is between $26,000 and $64,000 per year.

Keep in mind that these numbers can vary widely depending on the type of job you have, where you live, and your years of experience.

These numbers are just estimates, so it is helpful to look at various sources. According to information published by

  • The national average proofreader salary is just under $53,800 per year. 
  • The typical range falls between approximately $47,000 and $61,000 per year. 
  • The bottom 10 percent of proofreaders make just over $41,000 per year, while the top 10 percent make just over $68,000 per year. 

Education, certifications, and the number of years in the field can all influence how much money someone might make as a proofreader. 


How much does a proofreader make?
According to ZipRecruiter, a proofreader in Raleigh, NC should expect to make approximately $23 per hour

Pay can vary widely depending on where you are located as well. How much does a proofreader make? Therefore, it may be helpful to take a look at specific cities. According to ZipRecruiter, a proofreader in Raleigh, NC (a major city in the southeast) should expect to make approximately $23 per hour or just over $43,000 per year. Proofreader salary ranges between just over $19,500 a year and just over $73,200 per year.

On the other hand, if we change that city to New York, the salaries can vary significantly. In New York City, NY, a proofreader should expect to make approximately $27 per hour or just over $54,600 per year. Proofreader salary ranges between just under $22,000 a year and just over $82,200 per year. 

Now that we have a few statistics to use, it may be helpful to look at a few factors that will impact the average pay of a proofreader. 

What Factors Impact How Much Online Proofreading Jobs Might Get Paid?

Several factors can impact how much money freelance editors might get paid. These include:

  • Years of Experience: The number of years of experience will influence how much money a proofreader might get paid. For example, many proofreaders start by taking work on websites such as Fiverr and Upwork. These proofreading jobs might only pay a few dollars per project. On the other hand, if someone were to get a job as a proofreader at a major publishing company, such as Publisher’s Clearing House, they might get paid between $40,000 and $54,00 per year. So, when wondering how much does a proofreader make, experience is one of the critical variables. 
  • Cost of Living: The cost of living in various cities will also play a role in how much money someone might get paid. Using the example from Ziprecruiter above, it is clear that a proofreader located in the southeast is not going to make as much money as a proofreader situated in a major city, such as New York City or Los Angeles. If the cost of living is higher, average salaries should be higher as well.
  • The Size and Scope of the Duties: Proofreader pay will also vary depending on the size and scope of the duties. For example, if someone is hired to proofread a single essay, the pay will be significantly lower than if they were expected to manage multiple major projects simultaneously. 
  • The Current Market: Finally, the current market will also play a role in how much money a proofreader might get paid. If the market is particularly hot, then there is more demand for proofreaders. If there is more demand for proofreaders, the average pay will go up. 

These are just a few factors that might play a role in how much money a proofreader could get paid. If you are interested in getting a job as a proofreader, you need to keep these factors in mind to understand how much your skills might be worth. You may also want to look at Glassdoor to learn more about job boards, job listings, and the average hourly wage of freelancing.

Final Word On How Much Does A Proofreader Make

If you have strong English grammar skills, you might be able to make significant money as a proofreader. Perhaps you are looking for a way to launch a new career, or maybe you are looking to pick up a few jobs on the side. Regardless, it would be best if you start by picking up a few jobs on freelance websites such as Upwork and Fiverr. The more experience you have, the more money you might be able to make.

If you have a lot of experience as a freelancer, you may be able to apply for a salaried position with a major company. You might be able to command more money, and you should get better benefits. Think carefully about how much your skills might be worth.

FAQs About How Much Does A Proofreader Make

Is proofreading a good career? 

Everyone has a slightly different definition of what it means to have a good career. Proofreaders can make a comfortable living with enough experience. What is more important is that you find the work fulfilling. If you enjoy being a proofreader, there is a way for you to make a career out of it. 

Do you need qualifications to be a proofreader? 

A lot of people who get a job as a proofreader have a background in English. Those who work for a major publishing company usually have strong certifications and many years of experience.
