Essays About Girlfriends: Top 5 Examples and 5 Prompts

Having a girlfriend is a beautiful part of life for many people; if you are writing essays about girlfriends, read our guide.

A girlfriend is a female partner with whom you can share fun times and life experiences. However, this word can also describe close female friends. Whether in the context of a romantic or platonic relationship, a girlfriend is a person that one holds close to their heart. To maintain a healthy relationship with someone we love, our girlfriends included, we must constantly focus on communication, respect, and trust. You may also like these essays about crush.

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5 Top Essay Examples

1. The Unforgettable Relationship Advice My Ex-Girlfriend Gave Me by Nico Ryan

“She didn’t mean “don’t ever leave,” as in, “please don’t abandon us. I need you. I love you”. Instead, she was issuing a warning to me, something she wanted me to remember from that day forward. What she meant was this:

“Don’t ever walk out on your girlfriend in the middle of a fight. That’s the worst thing you can do. It’s never the right choice.””

Ryan reflects on an experience with an ex-girlfriend; although their relationship was short-lived, she taught him an important lesson. He threatened to leave in the middle of a fight, and she reminded him of the importance of good communication with the words “don’t leave.” She taught him that with a girlfriend, you could not just leave her in the middle of a fight without explaining anything; that would be selfish and disrespectful. Although the relationship ended, Ryan is very grateful for what he learned. 

2. A Love Letter You Can Use For Your Girlfriend (Author Unknown)

“I try my hardest to show you my love by taking care of you and doing the things I know you like. Forgive me if I have ever hurt you or caused you any pain – that was never my intentions. I love you forever and always and I will never ever leave your side – you are my soul mate, my lover and my best friend. I hope that you and I will get to spend our lives together because I couldn’t imagine spending my life with anyone else other than you.”

In this essay, the author writes a letter expressing his love, tenderness, and regret toward his girlfriend. He explains how much he loves and appreciates her and believes he is truly lucky for her being in his life. He also briefly recalls the moment they met and how it changed him forever. In addition, he apologizes for any wrongdoings he has committed in their relationship, an excellent example of someone in a committed relationship. Check out these essays about relationships.

3. To My Future Girlfriend by John Kim

“We will both understand that there will be days we can’t stand each other. There will be days you will want to punch me in the face and I will want to take the long way home. We will disagree on things, like movies and books, and diets. I will forget things. Misplace things. You will run late. Our friends will have opinions of us. You will have questions. We will fight. Maybe a lot. You will shut down. I will wonder. But at the end of the day, we will both come back, to each other.”

Kim writes to a future girlfriend about how he will treat her and how he will treasure their relationship. He explains how he will take all the lessons he learned from previous girlfriends and use them to ensure their relationship lasts. He then describes everything he will do to make her feel loved, like listening to her and being affectionate. Most importantly, he writes that even when they have conflict, he will always work to ensure their relationship will work. 

4.  I Broke Up With My Girlfriend, But I Think I Miss Her by Jon Jaehnig

“But the best way to be sure is to have that conversation now, which will be the most important thing you need to do if you hope to attempt to fix the issues. Having this open and honest conversation will make a world of a difference going forward and will help answer questions by allowing you to process things about what happened in the past.”

Jaehnig discusses a problem many men have, that they miss their ex-girlfriends after breaking up with them, and gives readers tips on how to deal with it. He suggests carefully reflecting on the situation and assessing why exactly one would miss an ex; if the breakup was done out of impulse, one could still return to his ex. He also stresses the importance of conversation with the ex, a loved one, or even a counselor.  

5. ​​How my friend reacts to stress? by Virgil Andrews

“He starts communicating with his girlfriend in a more respectful manner. He overcame his fear of not being able to get his own child and as a result he addressed the situation with his girlfriend and is now willing to try adoption. Therapy has helped peter to make an adjustment of his life, he no longer drinks and party much but rather he spends more time with his girlfriend helping in household chores, attending social gathering with friends and focus on his company advancement.”

Andrews writes about his friend Peter, who recently discovered he was infertile. Understandably, Peter is dismayed at the news and responds by isolating himself, drinking alcohol frequently, and lashing out at his girlfriend. He was stressing about a situation he could not control; however, after therapy sessions, he was able to reconcile and support his girlfriend. In addition, he was willing to adopt a child, as his girlfriend had previously suggested. 

5 Prompts for Essays About Girlfriends

1. Are Large Age Gap Relationships Acceptable?

As its name suggests, an age gap relationship is one with an age difference of 10 or more years between partners. Many people frown upon these relationships, believing that men often take much younger girlfriends and exploit them. Decide on your stance regarding age gap relationships and defend it, providing adequate evidence, including a rebuttal of the opposing position. 

2. When Is Breaking Up the Right Thing to Do?

Essays About Girlfriends: When is breaking up the right thing to do?
Discuss the feelings people in this situation may experience and give examples of situations when breaking up may be for the better

No one wants their relationship to end. However, it can be hard to say no to your partner, to the point that it may be detrimental to your mental health. For example, if you feel the situation with your girlfriend has become toxic, you may not be able to function correctly out of stress. Discuss the feelings people in this situation may experience and give examples of situations when breaking up may be for the better. Use the personal experience as a reference, or, if you have none, read others’ stories from books, newspapers, or the internet. 

3. My Experience With a Girlfriend

In this essay, you can write about your experiences with a girlfriend. Whether with an ex or your current girlfriend, reflect on your relationship and its good and bad aspects. If writing about an ex, how did it end? If writing about your current relationship, how do you intend to keep your relationship stable? This is a deeply personal topic; you should only share as much as you feel comfortable doing. 

4. How Being in a Relationship Can Make You Better

For this essay, write about how romantic relationships can form you and make you a better person. The topics your cover could include; self-confidence, career, friendships, and financial independence. A girlfriend can help you by encouraging you to be the best version of yourself. If applicable, you can also base your writings on your own personal experiences and the previous lessons you learned from having a girlfriend. 

5. How To Have a Healthy Relationship

Essays About Girlfriends: How to have a healthy relationship?
Write about how you can set boundaries with your girlfriend while respecting her and treating her well

Whether you have personal experience with this or not, you can use your essay to give readers tips on how to be disciplined, devoted, and respectful in your relationship. Write about how you can set boundaries with your girlfriend while respecting her and treating her well.

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