Essays About Gender Equality: Top 5 Examples and 6 Prompts

Gender equality is an important topic in the 21st century; if you are writing essays about gender equality, read our guide. 

Men and women are equal. This statement makes perfect sense to most and should be common sense. Gender equality is “the state of having the same rights, status, and opportunities as others, regardless of one’s gender.” In the 21st century, much progress has been made, and this seems something that should already be intrinsic to humanity. 

However, there is still a struggle for equality worldwide, especially for women. Some countries have oppressive regulations on women’s rights, including restrictions on what women can wear, do a job, or even say. Many women still experience discrimination worldwide. Gender equality is something that we should all strive to achieve for a better world. 

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5 Top Essay Examples

For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers.

1. Why is gender equality important? by Zaytoen Domingo

“UN Women reported that in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries, half of the economic growth over the past 50 years is attributed to girls having better access to education. 

The decrease in the gap between the number of years of schooling that girls receive when compared to boys also played a role.”

Domingo explains how gender equality is present globally, from the gender pay gap to illiteracy rates. In addition, she discusses its importance: gender equality is not only important on an individual level, but it has an economic impact as well. According to Domingo, gender equality in the workforce has been shown to stimulate economic growth. In addition, women invest more of their earnings into their children than men, so when women earn more, their children’s lives improve as well. Gender equality is, in fact, a solution to poverty.  

2. China’s #MeToo Moment by Jiayang Fan

“In China, where a far more determined sense of patriarchy and hierarchical order exists, that structure can reach considerably higher. “In China, if you are a Ph.D. student, it’s difficult to overstate how much your supervisor determines your fate,” a Chinese feminist activist named Liang Xiaowen, who is now attending law school in the United States, told me. “Deference to authority is paramount to your survival as a student.””

In her essay, Fan writes about the state of women’s rights in China, where the culture is more patriarchal. Many women, especially students, have their lives almost controlled by their superiors, and if they speak out, they will be punished. As a result, women, including the one mentioned in the essay, have left the country to be free of the sexual harassment they encountered back home. 

3. Our Biggest Opportunity to Achieve Gender Equality by Ahmad Alhendawi

“ To build the world we want, a world free of poverty, a world with zero hunger, a world with peace and justice for all, we must empower young women and girls who are systematically left on the sidelines of today. To build the world we want, we need to take action to expand access to education to millions of girls who today are not in school and deprived of an education. We must prevent early marriage and tackle the challenge and human rights violation of the one in every four young women in developing regions who are currently being married in childhood.”

On world youth day, Alhendawi, the United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, discusses the great progress the world has made in terms of gender equality, from education to healthcare to public safety. However, this issue must be addressed further. Some countries still treat women as inferior, and the global community must stand up for human rights and against violence and discrimination. It is up to the youth to make a change, especially in gender equality.

4.  Women’s rights throughout U.S. history by Chris Price

“The convention, with many of the attendees pushing for equal rights for people of all races and sexes, resulted in 100 men and women signing the Declaration of Sentiments. The document was structured to resemble the Declaration of Independence, and it asserted the equality of men and women while reiterating that all people are endowed with unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Price writes about a few significant milestones the United States has made regarding women’s rights. These include the Seneca Falls Convention, the event that started the fight for women’s rights, the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote, and Roe v. Wade decision, which gave women autonomy regarding family planning. Most recently, there has been a boom in women in government roles, with women holding some of the highest government positions. 

5. Gender equality at workplace by Michelle Gordon

“So if we come to work with the goals of doing amazing job instead of making assumptions or judgements on other people’s capability, this will be a life-changing result. The thing that really matters is how Sarah works with people in the previous jobs and experience along with good

communication skills in order to achieve instead of giving it to the less experienced worker.”

Gordon proposes a solution to gender inequality in the workplace. She wants men to respect their female peers and treat them as equals. She wishes they would work as a team rather than against one another. She reflects on the company where she works and wishes to change how women are treated. Both men and women have strengths and weaknesses; they should work to use these strengths to their advantage. 

5 Prompts for Essays About Gender Equality

1. Gender Equality and Religion

Essays About Gender Equality: Gender equality and religion
Research different religions’ treatment of women and choose two or three to explore in your essay

Gender equality is different in certain societies, partly due to how some religions regard and treat women. Research different religions’ treatment of women and choose two or three to explore in your essay. Discuss how these religions reflect gender equality or inequality and give examples. You can also explain the reasoning behind their teachings regarding women. Conclude your essay by discussing your views on religion impacting women’s rights and if you believe religion should influence a person’s rights or not.

2. How Can You Help Achieve Gender Equality?

For your essay, you can write about ways in which you could contribute to achieving gender equality. Define the term, give a brief background, and discuss your possible solutions. Nothing is off the table, no matter how insignificant they seem; it can be as simple as reminding your family about sexism. 

3. Gender Equality in Your Country

Women are treated differently from country to country. Research women’s rights in your country, including any anti-discrimination laws. Then, determine whether your country has achieved gender equality or not. What else can be done? Propose possible solutions or laws that you believe would make a difference in your country and bring society close to gender equality. 

4. Sexism in the Workplace

Essays About Gender Equality: Sexism in the Workplace
Explore the root causes of gender inequality at work and discuss why it is a problem

A big issue in achieving gender equality is women’s treatment in the workplace; we have heard many stories of the gender pay gap, sexual harassment, and more. Explore the root causes of gender inequality at work and discuss why it is a problem. Be sure to cite testimonials of people who have spoken out about discrimination in the workplace for a solid base of evidence. 

5. The History of Gender Equality

Gender equality has made great strides throughout the centuries; for your essay, explore some milestones in history that helped make gender equality a reality- be sure to explain why it is essential and how it helped achieve gender equality. If this topic seems too broad, you can focus on one country, as Price does in his essay.

For help with this topic, read our guide explaining what is persuasive writing?
