Does Grammarly Use AI?

Are wondering does Grammarly use AI? In this article, we explore how artificial intelligence can help you write.

Grammarly is a popular language and grammar checking program. It uses powerful AI to check your grammar and spelling automatically as you strive to make your writing better. It’s an effective writing assistant to check your grammar and spelling, and it runs through an artificial intelligence program.

The powerful AI inside Grammarly shows users grammar and spelling problems, giving them the chance to potentially change them if they are, in fact, errors. Since the program is based on AI and not human interaction, writers may find that sometimes, it doesn’t catch errors properly. This makes it a great addition to any writer’s toolbox.

Understanding Grammarly’s Advanced System

Does Grammarly use AI?

Grammarly is a writing assistant that analyzes your writing to provide suggestions for improvement. The user can make changes to the piece with just a click of the mouse. Thus, it uses its complex AI program to assist writers in quickly and easily making changes to their work, improving the editing workflow.

At the heart of this process is artificial intelligence. Grammarly uses an advanced system to process a piece of writing. This sophisticated system uses grammar rules and patterns. It combines them with machine learning, deep learning and natural language processing to create an effective AI system for addressing grammar.

If you’d like to learn more about Grammarly specifically, check out our Grammarly review.

To understand the AI inside of this tool, let’s consider its various parts.

1. Natural Language Processing

Natural language processing analyzes human language at many levels. It will look at individual words, characters, sentence structure, paragraphs, and full texts. This process then teaches the computer how to understand and process writing to help enhance writing based on basic grammar rules.

For Grammarly, the human language pieces that researchers put into the system were natural sentences. This natural writing best mimicked what users would input when the program went live. You might also be interested in our Grammarly Keyboard vs. Gboard guide.

2. Machine Learning

Machine learning teaches machines how to learn from patterns and data without a lot of human intervention. This is what makes Grammarly so effective because it does not have to wait on specific input from any human being.

3. Deep Learning

Deep learning uses the neural network of the artificial intelligence program to help the machine learn. While this requires some input from people to get started. Over time, the machine will recognize patterns and make suggestions without any human oversight.

Deep learning is great, but it does not have a lot of common sense. Thus, Grammarly must combine it with machine learning and natural language processing to create an effective grammar checking program. You may be wondering, do professionals use Grammarly?

How Grammarly Trained Its AI Program

Artificial intelligence requires training, and Grammarly’s AI is no exception. The Grammarly team used text databases that researchers labeled in a way the AI could understand to train the program. Then, once the AI understands the rule, it plugs it into the system.

These sentences are naturally generated. This means that they create natural mistakes that the system can analyze and correct. This fact makes Grammarly so effective at finding issues that occur in natural writing. If you try to fool the system with a mistake you made up, it may not recognize it quite as easily, because it’s not from a natural sentence.

Once the rule is in the system, it suggests those changes to writers who use Grammarly. The human input from Grammarly continues again. When writers accept or ignore the change, the AI system notices. If enough people ignore a particular suggestion, the program will adjust the suggestion for future users.

Adjusting to Changes in Language

The English language is always changing. For that reason, a grammar-checking AI needs to adjust, and Grammarly has set itself up to do so naturally. Grammarly’s AI uses many different types of information and learning options, and this makes it something that can adjust as language changes.

Because Grammarly’s developers focused on building an AI that used natural language to help correct grammar and effectively suggest changes, the results work quite well. Grammarly may be the right fit if you are looking for grammar checking that will protect you from typos and mistakes without making your writing sound robotic.

Using Grammarly’s AI

While understanding the AI is interesting, most writers care more about how it works for them. When you paste a piece of writing into Grammarly or turn on the Grammarly app on your browser or word processor, it instantly scans the piece, highlighting potential errors, like this:

Simply click on the suggestion and it will make the change

If you agree with the change, you simply click on the suggestion, and it will make the change. On the side, you have ratings for important readability and tone metrics as well. Grammarly also proposes rewrites for complex sentences that you can accept or reject at a click. These insights dramatically speed up self-editing, although you still need to gauge their accuracy.

Writers can also upload the app to email programs, like Gmail, and get similar functionality, which looks like this:

Does grammarly use ai?
Grammarly instantly scans the piece, highlighting potential errors

With the powerful AI, Grammarly makes writing tasks easier, whether in a browser, email program or word processor. If you’d like to learn more, check our detailed guide to using an AI grammar checker.
