8 Surprising Benefits of Studying English Grammar

Do you want to communicate more effectively at work? Learn the benefits of studying English grammar in this article.

There are many ways to improve your English grammar, from taking grammar lessons to listening to native English speakers casually talk to one another. Many people working on grammar studies find it helpful to watch television or listen to the radio as part of their language learning program. It’s easier to pick up on subtle nuances while watching or listening to someone speak a native language, assuming you possess basic proficiency in it.

The problem is that English grammar rules and styles vary depending on the context, region, and more. For example, the United States and the United Kingdom spell words with a “Z” or an “S” respectively, e.g “realize” vs “realise”. These intricacies can put people off from studying grammar. Don’t let them! Learning grammatical English skills can benefit a student or an aspiring writer’s daily life in many ways.

Tip: Often, a good grammar checker will help you learn the intricacies of grammar for different regions more easily.

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Benefits of studying English grammar

1. You’ll Find It Easier To Express Your Thoughts

When you’re learning how to speak English, it’s normal to feel nervous about having conversations with native speakers. When you learn more about sentence structure and how to use grammar in a familiar way to native speakers, you’ll likely find that you feel more confident expressing yourself to others.

Remember, learning English takes practice, as the language has nuances depending on the region. It’s ok to make mistakes, and if you have a trusted group of English-speaking friends, you may want to let them know that you’re working to improve your English speaking and writing abilities. This can help your friends feel comfortable making gentle corrections that help you improve your skills.

As your English improves, you can enjoy deeper, more engaging conversations with friends and strangers alike due to your newfound ability to express yourself in an easier way for a native English speaker to understand. Don’t be afraid to take your time, and give yourself grace when you make a mistake. Even native English speakers struggle with grammar, and the more you’re willing to practice, the easier it will be to pick up on small grammar rules that often go ignored.

You might find our guide on how to change American English to British English helpful.

2. Job Opportunities Open Up

Many jobs require that employees speak English well to communicate with superiors, coworkers, and clients. It can be frustrating when you know that you have the technical knowledge needed to do a job well but struggle with speaking English in a way that makes it easy for you to communicate with others in your field.

If you’ve taken an English grammar course, include this information on your resume or CV. As a non-native English speaker, you’ll want to clarify to potential employers that you’re willing to put in the hard work required to communicate effectively with others. You might find our list of TOEFL writing topics helpful.

3. You’ll Get Higher Grades

If you’re pursuing higher education, improving your English grammar skills will improve your grades. It’s a smart idea to explain to your professors that you’re working on your English skills. They will likely be able to give you some leeway when it comes to your grammar on your written assignments, they may also be able to provide valuable feedback on how you can improve your English skills.

While it can be tempting to only talk with others who speak your native language at school, venturing out and talking to native English speakers can help you hone your skills differently than taking formal English lessons.

4. Your Communication Becomes More Confident

Benefits of studying English grammar: Your communication becomes more confident
As you learn English grammar rules, you’ll feel more comfortable reaching out to strangers and asking questions

Many native English speakers understand what it’s like to travel to a country where the primary language is foreign to them. They know what it’s like to struggle to put together a sentence despite studying the language beforehand. So take heart! It’s normal to feel apprehensive about using English to talk to others, especially strangers. As you learn English grammar rules, you’ll feel more comfortable reaching out to strangers and asking questions, even if you’ve used an incorrect tense.

This doesn’t just mean chatting up a stranger who is standing next to you at the park. Customer service situations, making phone calls to order food delivery, and other interactions will become easier as you become more and more confident in your English language skills.

5. Reading English text Becomes Easier and More Enjoyable

It’s difficult to enjoy reading English literature when you aren’t fully sure of English grammar rules. You may find that you’re constantly pausing as you notice new rules, wondering how you can incorporate them into your writing and speaking. As you learn English, you can read through text easily and fluently, without stopping to figure out the grammatical rule in use. Plus, you can more easily spot instances when a writer deliberately breaks a grammar rule to impress readers.

6. You Can Find Work As a Writer

As you learn to read and speak English while employing standard grammar rules, you’ll have an easier time working an English-speaking job. Communicating with coworkers will become easier. You may even find that you enjoy your job more as you’re able to focus on doing what you love instead of struggling to figure out how to communicate with those around you.

Your coworkers will notice and appreciate the effort you’re putting into learning the English language, even if you don’t get it right every time. Americans and other English speakers know that English is a difficult language and that it can take time to learn the ins and outs of daily English speech.

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7. Your English-Speaking Social Life Will Improve

When you first began studying English grammar, you likely took your time to read and study the nuances of the language, working to carefully engage with instructional texts and videos to ensure that you were getting the mechanics of the language correct. Over time, as you begin to feel more comfortable utilizing English grammar rules in your daily life, you’ll find that you’re more comfortable taking on social situations. Suppose you live in a country where English is the primary language. In that case, it’s likely that you’ll have an easier time developing friendships and relationships as your English grammar skills continue to grow.

When you’re beginning to learn English, it can be scary to even think of striking up a conversation with someone else. As your skills and confidence improve, your social life will likely improve. Soon, a night on the town will be filled with enjoying your friends, not just trying to figure out how to communicate what you want to say effectively.

8. You’ll Sound More Professional

When you utilize proper English grammar at work, you’ll sound more professional when communicating with colleagues in meetings and emails. This doesn’t just make it easier to get your point across—it can also lead to promotions and additional responsibilities at work as you show off your improved ability to communicate clearly. 

A boss may ask you to present more or lead a project as your English grammar improves. This is a great sign that others at work have noticed the hours you’ve been putting in to boost your English grammar skills.

Learn how to add Grammarly to email.

FAQs About the Benefits Of Studying English Grammar

What’s a good way to check whether my English grammar skills are improving?

Using a website like Grammarly can help you discover if your written English grammar and syntax skills are improving. When it comes to your speaking skills, it’s helpful to talk with a trusted friend about whether they’ve noticed your English skills improve. You may also want to ask them if they have any suggestions on things that you could do to sound more like a native English speaker.

If I notice someone who is not from an English-speaking country using incorrect grammar, should I correct them?

If you notice someone who is going about everyday life using incorrect grammar, it’s usually not considered polite to correct them. If you’re close with the person and English is not their first language, use the nature of your relationship to help you decide whether a correction would be welcome and appreciated.
