Articles About Parenting: Top 6 Examples and 7 Prompts

Effective parenting is critical to children’s positive development. See our selection of top articles about parenting and prompts for you to learn more. 

To this day, my parents still mention their struggles in controlling me when I was growing up. I was a curious child, so I often jumped over things, climbed trees, and talked their ears off nonstop. As I was their first child, they found parenting daunting but also exciting. They know the importance of guiding their children through life until they can finally be independent.

To give their best to their children, parents seek help from many resources such as other guardians and parenting books. But because each child is unique, there is no one way to parent and teach kids about life.

Articles About Parenting Examples

1. Types of Parenting Styles and Effect on Children by Terrence Sanvictores and Magda Mendez

“When it comes to parenting, there is a great deal of diversity among families. Cultural backgrounds have a major impact on how the family unit exists and how children are reared.”

Each parent has their way of raising their children, depending on many factors. In this article, Sanvictores and Mendez emphasize the substantial impact of cultural backgrounds on children’s development. They identify four general styles among several psychological constructs of parenting. It includes authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved. These categories establish a child’s conduct, morals, and principles. 

2. Positive Parenting by National Institutes of Health

“Raising kids is both rewarding and challenging. You’re likely to get a lot of advice along the way, from doctors, family, friends, and even strangers. But every parent and child is unique. Being sensitive and responsive to your kids can help you build positive, healthy relationships together.”

Strong emotional bonds are critical for children at a younger age to have self-confidence and manage their behaviors. NIH suggests that about 6 in every 10 children in the United States grow up with a secure attachment to their parents. Experts believe that securely attached children can effectively cope with depression, stress, family instability, and poverty. 

The article also shares two domains of positive parenting. First, being sensitive and responsive to children can influence their emotional bonding, language development, social interaction, and safety. Second, meeting their needs can set them on positive paths through an affectionate parent-child relationship. You might also be interested in these essays about motherhood.

3. Teach Your Child Responsibility – 7 Tips to Get Started by James Lehman

“Understand that it takes a lot of discipline and maturity for a kid to stay on task when something isn’t fun. It takes practice. And it requires that you coach your child to be responsible and that you hold your child accountable for his responsibilities.”

Raising a child to be an independent and responsible adult is challenging. To help readers, Lehmanlists seven crucial things parents should consider. These are enforcing and teaching accountability, teaching responsibilities, using responsible language, setting an example, coaching, and consequences and rewards techniques. 

4. Single Parenting: Tips for Thriving by BetterHelp

“Regardless of any challenges, single parents are often responsible for their child’s mental and physical health and ensuring they feel safe and loved at home.”

In 2022, over 19 million children lived with a single parent in the United States. These increasing statistics prompted BetterHelp to offer tips for single parents to manage their child’s development. 

The article mentions that parenting styles are influenced primarily by family structure, cultural considerations, and parents’ childhood experiences. Although every single parent has different struggles, BetterHelp encourages them to find a support system, foster healthy communication, spend quality time, and establish mutual respect. 

5. Dads Can Be Positive Role Models for Living a Physically and Psychologically Healthy Life by American Psychological Association

“Fathers play an important role in shaping the behaviors, both good and bad, of their young children, adolescents, and teens.”

A dad’s presence impacts a child to develop positive behaviors, autonomy, a sense of responsibility, and security. The American Psychological Association highlights how a father’s healthy lifestyle can help their kid’s physical and psychological well-being. Fathers are also active advocates of physical activities essential for children to establish an active lifestyle vital for good behavior and stress management. See our different stories about role models to know how these figures motivate and inspire others.

6. 10 Parenting Tips for Raising Teenagers by Jeanie Lerche Davis

“They must be teenagers. Don’t despair. It’s natural and important for kids to break away from their parents at this age. This emotional separation allows them to become well-adjusted adults.”

Many factors affect teenagers’ behaviors, including their peers, school life, and trends. These can make it easier or harder for parents to raise children and guide them through adolescence. So, Davis offers parenting tips to help parents manage the emotional separation children must undergo to be sensible, functional adults. Some suggestions include giving the kids some leeway, inviting their friends for dinner, setting rules, checking in, discussing risks, and being a good role model. 

Articles About Parenting Writing Prompts

1. Parenting and Healthy Family Behaviors

Parenting and healthy family behaviors
In this prompt, research different parenting styles and elaborate on their psychological impacts on children

Many factors influence parenthood, including culture, familial ties, and experiences. In your article, identify the healthiest behaviors parents should introduce and adapt to their family that will benefit their children the most. You can research different parenting styles and elaborate on their psychological impacts on children. 

For example, boosting children’s self-worth is critical, but pointing out their mistakes is also vital. Offer tips on how parents should teach their children to acknowledge mistakes without affecting their self-esteem.

2. Impact of Physical Discipline on Children

The American Psychological Association’s Resolution on Physical Discipline of Children by Parents strongly disproves physical discipline in parenting. It argues that doing so can lead to children’s emotional, behavioral, and academic problems. You can review and explain the studies cited on the resolution in your article. Research the relationships between physical discipline parenting practices to race, gender, socioeconomic, and parenthood backgrounds to explain why some parents still consider physical discipline an effective parenting style. 

3. Strong Parental Attachment: Is It Good or Bad?

Secured Attachment Theory helps us understand children’s nature and how they bond. In your article, describe how promoting secure attachment is essential during childhood and the positive impacts of it when children reach their teenage and adult stages. To prove this theory’s effectiveness, look for successful stories involving strong parental attachment and narrate them. You can also include the harmful effects of strong parental attachment, like children being too dependent on their parents.

4. Managing Emotions in Children

Teaching self-regulation to children is a complex process that requires skills and attention. For this prompt, dig into several psychology-tested strategies parents can use to help their children understand and control their emotions. Briefly describe each approach and provide scenarios where they can be applied. It’s best to talk with a field professional and collect supporting studies. 

5. How to Raise a Teenager

The teenage years are tough for everyone when we begin to struggle with self-identity, hormone changes, and social pressures. Because there are many things to consider, parents also find it challenging to connect and manage their teenagers. To assist parents in handling this crucial transition, focus your article on how they can guide and support their teenagers through this needed adjustment. Interview experts and other parents who had already gone through this ordeal.

6. How To Be a Successful Single Parent: Building a Support System

How to be a successful single parent?
In this prompt, convince your single parent readers to seek help and build their support structure to give their child a better future

Although single parents are responsible for raising their children alone, this doesn’t mean they can’t ask for assistance. In your article, talk about how friends, local communities, colleagues, and counselors can be partners in raising happy and healthy children. Aim to convince your single parent readers to seek help and build their support structure to give their child a better future. 

7. Establishing Accountability in Children

Parents must supervise and be wary of their children’s actions to prepare them to be responsible adults, especially at home. Create an interesting and information-filled article by listing ways parents can educate their children on the importance of accountability and how it can help them through life. Your suggestions can be from professionals like child psychologists or other parents.  

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