Articles About Nuclear Energy: Top 5 Examples and 6 Prompts

Nuclear energy is a powerful tool that can change the course of our future. Explore our guide for top examples and prompts of articles about nuclear energy. 

Conserving energy has been ingrained in us since we were children. I still remember the signs on our first-grade classroom walls saying, “Turn off the lights when not in use.” Or at home when my mother would remind me to unplug the appliances after use. Back then, I didn’t understand its importance.

Most of our electricity is from fossil fuels, gas, and oil extractions that sacrifice our environment. As humans, it is our responsibility to protect the beauty of nature, so we find ways to reduce its negative effects. Unlike other sources, nuclear energy has no harmful emissions that pollute the environment. However, it has disadvantages, such as creating radioactive waste that must be disposed of safely and its high cost of production.

Articles About Nuclear Energy Examples

1. Nuclear Energy by National Geographic

“There is a huge amount of energy in an atom’s dense nucleus. In fact, the power that holds the nucleus together is officially called the Strong Force.”

National Geographic helps readers understand the concept of nuclear energy. It explains the process of breaking down the element uranium into atomic particles to create heat and electricity. It then elaborates on the establishment of nuclear reactors and power plants that produce clean and renewable energy without contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. 

However, the article warns about the potential harm of nuclear energy, like radioactive materials. The government strictly regulates its disposal to prevent dangerous effects on humans and the environment. 

2. Advantages and Challenges of Nuclear Energy by Department of Nuclear Energy U.S.

“Nuclear energy protects air quality by producing massive amounts of carbon-free electricity. It powers communities in 28 U.S. states and contributes to many non-electric applications, ranging from the medical field to space exploration.”

The nuclear industry continues to find ways to generate cleaner power sources through advanced technologies. In this piece, the Department of Nuclear Energy in the United States weighs the advantages and challenges of nuclear energy as a justifiable energy supply while strengthening the economy.

The article offers three benefits of nuclear energy: being the largest clean energy source, creating jobs for people, and supporting national security through global leadership. Meanwhile, the industry needs help to increase public awareness while dealing with the high operating costs and construction of new energy plants to meet demands. 

3. How Nuclear Energy Affects the Environment and Humans by Maria Anderson

“Any energy source ends up having repercussions on the environment. Beyond renewables, nuclear energy is the only one that does not emit greenhouse gasses, however, that it does not emit them does not mean that it does not affect the environment.”

Anderson introduces nuclear energy by briefly discussing its definition and how it’s converted into other forms of energy. She then explains its impact on humans and the environment by mentioning the use of huge amounts of water in power plants, CO2 emissions, and how the generated nuclear waste can harm people. She cites well-known accidents, such as Chernobyl and Fukushima, to prove her point. However, these events happen rarely and sometimes due to factors beyond anyone’s control. 

4. Nuclear Energy and Sustainable Development by World Nuclear Association 

“Until about 30 years ago, sustainability from the perspective of energy supply was thought of simply in terms of the availability of fuel relative to the rate of use. Today, in the context of the framework of sustainable development – and in particular concerns about climate change and environmental degradation – the picture is more complex.”

Access to modern and reliable energy services can create a more sustainable future with a positive attitude toward health, education, and general well-being. The World Nuclear Association provides an in-depth analysis of how nuclear energy will play a key role in sustainable development. 

The organization presents the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. It has comprehensive discussions and evaluations on nuclear energy provisions around the world. It also contains predictions regarding the different energy sources by 2050 and an assessment of their contribution to climate change, a recognized systematic threat to humankind. 

5. The State of Nuclear Energy Today – and What Lies Ahead by Renee Cho

“In the last 50 years, nuclear energy has precluded the creation of 60 gigatons of carbon dioxide, according to the International Energy Agency. Without nuclear energy, the power it generated would have been supplied by fossil fuels, which would have increased carbon emissions and resulted in air pollution that could have caused millions more deaths each year.”

The United States has been promoting nuclear energy as a source of electricity over other power sources. In this article, Cho details the present state of nuclear power plants, including the operating nuclear reactors in the U.S. and other countries. 

The author also reviews the new designs of nuclear reactors and their costs, highlighting the development of TerraPower, a Natrium reactor co-founded by Bill Gates and GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy. Additionally, the article contains a brief overview of America’s goal of achieving 100% clean energy in the future. 

Articles About Nuclear Energy Writing Prompts

1. The Science Behind Nuclear Energy

The science behind nuclear energy
In this prompt, you can discuss how uranium is broken down into atoms to create chain reactions resulting in heat and accompany your descriptions with visual presentations like drawings and videos

This prompt educates readers on how nuclear energy works and produces electricity. In your article, briefly define nuclear energy and use simple terms so readers can easily understand how it works. You can prompt them to read essays about electricity and its uses if they want to analyze the subject comprehensively. 

For instance, you can discuss how uranium is broken down into atoms to create chain reactions resulting in heat and accompany your descriptions with visual presentations like drawings and videos. 

2. Pros and Cons of Nuclear Energy

To present an exciting and brilliant article, thoroughly research this topic. You must explain each advantage and disadvantage clearly and back up your claims with up-to-date information from reliable sources.

Delve through scholarly articles and expert interviews. At the end of your article, ask your readers if they support the use of nuclear energy and why to encourage them to think about the topic and increase engagement.

3. The Interesting History of Nuclear Energy

When writing about the history of nuclear energy, attention to detail is necessary. Provide a timeline from the day of its invention to its most recent developments. Point out breakthroughs in different scientific, medical, and industrial fields. You can mention the creation of nuclear bombs during World War II, including their severe damage and the regulations that governments have now to ensure the safe use of nuclear energy. 

4. Nuclear Energy and Climate Change

Prompts like this urge writers to establish relationships between two topics and convince readers to do more for the environment. In your article, relay evidence-based information about the environmental effects of nuclear energy. 

If there are adverse effects, include particulars about what plant owners and governments do to solve them. Then, speak about the future implications of the continuous use of nuclear energy. Learn more about persuasive writing to write convincing articles. 

5. Nuclear Incidents in Chernobyl and Fukushima

Nuclear incidents in Chernobyl and Fukushima
In this prompt, you can discuss how these events influenced other nuclear plants, such as implementing preventative measures to avoid repeating these incidents or terminating plans to build nuclear energy sites

The accidents in Chernobyl, Ukraine, and Fukushima, Japan, are two of the most devastating nuclear explosions in the world. To successfully write about these incidents, you must research the facts of the cases and include them in your article. If available, don’t forget to quote statements from those directly affected by these explosions. 

You can discuss how these events influenced other nuclear plants, such as implementing preventative measures to avoid repeating these incidents or terminating plans to build nuclear energy sites. 

6. The Future of Nuclear Energy 

Describe how nuclear energy is perceived in your article and then consider its future aims. Research innovations and designs for nuclear power plants and present these projects, including their objectives. 

You can also add the countries leading the campaign towards a more sustainable use of nuclear energy and offer predictions and implications. For help editing your articles, we recommend using the best grammar checker. Our round-up profiles these tools and offers discounts.
