Articles About Feminism: Top 5 Examples and 7 Prompts

A broad and crucial topic like feminism can be challenging to write about. Check out our guide with articles about feminism examples and prompts to help you begin writing!

Many feminist organizations and movements have emerged to fight for women’s rights and equality. Because of feminism, women today are free to vote, study, work, wear what they want, and more. There are several interesting subtopics to discuss when writing about feminism, so we prepared our top picks for article examples to assist you in writing. You can also check out our top 22 feminist authors for inspiration or as your article’s reference.

Articles About Feminism Examples

1. Sisters in Solidarity: The Fight for Feminism in Modern Day China by Ashley Tan

“The Chinese modern woman is independent rather than subservient, more empowered than her repressed historical counterparts, and earns her bread and butter instead of serving them on the breakfast table.”

Tan discusses the origins and current state of feminism and its underlying limitations in China. She says during the Maoist era, women were poorly treated, and the promotion of their rights was non-existent. The researcher tackles the progress that has happened since then, such as prohibiting traditional practices like concubinage and adopting the Anti-Domestic Violence Law in 2015.

Tan’s study shows that adopting state laws and normalizing women workers helped create a more gender-equal country. She also points out the limitations faced by feminist initiatives such as the “Feminist Five.” 

2. What Are the Four Waves of Feminism? by Sarah Pruitt

“This concept of the ‘waves of feminism’ first surfaced in the late 1960s as a way of differentiating the emerging women’s movement at the time from the earlier movement for women’s rights that originated in 1848 with the Seneca Falls Convention.”

Pruitt’s article contains four waves of feminism that she describes as movements with different specific goals, strategies, and groups that make them imperfect. However, it’s still essential in framing and understanding feminism’s history in the U.S. The first wave concentrates on women’s rights, such as voting and affirming that men and women are equal. 

Meanwhile, the second wave is about reexamining traditional gender roles and ending gender discrimination. Contrary to the first two waves, the third wave not only addresses problems such as sexual harassment and the lack of women in high positions of authority; it’s also considered to be more inclusive of race and gender. Finally, the feminism wave today is one the writer defines as the continuation of the third wave in a modern approach.

3. There Is No ‘War on Men’ – We Now Know Feminism Is Good for Boys by Laura Bates

“Instead of feminism harming boys, the report has found that the opposite is true.”

The author reports on new research that corrects the misconception that men and boys are victimized by feminism. It says that young men experience another type of crisis known as stereotypes that they get from their environment.

Bates states that feminism can help to challenge male violence and misogyny, encourage different types of masculinity, and see women as their allies. A feminist approach is beneficial not only to young men but to all children as it can improve their knowledge and mental health.

4. Fake Feminism – Pseudo Feminism by Barkha Trehan

“Pseudo-feminism suggests that women deserve more respect, or people of other sexes do not deserve respect.”

The author of this piece describes fake feminism as destroying the movement’s true purpose. These individuals believe that women are superior to all genders, are not fully aware of feminism, and are always looking for signs of injustice and violence against women for no reason. 

5. What Contemporary Feminism Owes To Victorian Textile Workers in Glasgow by Fanette Pradon

“From the reclusive, demonized worker to the strong, independent force, with full and equal rights.”

The author of this article looks back at a time when women were mistreated, and there was no feminism. She explains that while the textile industry in the 1800s gave women opportunities, men were in higher positions while women were paid less than men. They worked in front of machines for 12-hour days with close supervision, are forced into unskilled jobs, and have limited training access.

In other words, factory owners controlled women physically, professionally, and morally. Pradon narrates that it only worsened after the American Civil War, and Victorians didn’t recognize sexual harassment while men were protected. But later, feminism came, and women began to fight for their rights, including the right to vote, gender equality at work, and the protection of women.

Prompts for Articles About Feminism

1. How to Spot Fake Feminism

Feminism is an important topic that affects all aspects of society. However, some treat it as a “trend” and don’t take it seriously. Some pretend to be feminists to avoid arguments, look all-knowing, or appeal to their dates that support the movement. However, in reality, they don’t understand nor care about its impacts on people.

For this prompt, guide your readers on how to spot fake feminists by giving examples and explaining their thought processes. Support your article with research and interviews with professionals in the field, like counselors. 

2. Main Ideas of Modern Feminism

Main ideas of modern feminism
In this prompt, speak about unequal pay between genders, workplace discrimination, and others

To see how feminism has changed over the years, focus your article on what makes the main messages of feminism necessary in highlighting biases that still exist today. These unjust treatments can result in a disparity in political, social, and economic rights. 

For instance, you can speak about unequal pay between genders, workplace discrimination, and others. You can share your experience and remember to present reliable sources, such as statistics and studies connected to the subject.

3. Feminism: Can Men Be Feminists?

Feminism targets inequality issues and usually tackles how there are more socio-political benefits for men. Unfortunately, some believe that this means only females can be feminists. For this article prompt, conduct extensive research and speak about feminism among men who identify as feminists. Then, discuss how men can be feminists as long as they support equality. Include how they can actively participate in the movement by educating others and adjusting their perspectives and actions. 

4. How Feminism Affects First-World vs. Third-World Countries

This is the prompt for you if you’ve lived in different countries with different economic standings. Your article can dive into how a population’s culture, religion, and economic status affect opinions and movements like feminism. Compare the differences and discuss their pros and cons. Discuss why a third-world country’s type of feminism works for the nation and how it wouldn’t be effective in a first-world country and vice versa.

5. Feminism: Navigating Political Differences at Home

Devote your article to guiding your audience on how they can discuss feminism with their family members, especially with relatives who don’t understand or agree with feminism. Your article can encourage readers to open up conversations about the topic and how they can navigate through tough conversations concerning the movement. Add how they can persuade other family members to be feminists through research and experts’ opinions to establish reliability.

You can point out family dynamics to prove that feminism benefits everyone. For example, only women are expected to cook and clean in a “traditional” home. However, if everyone is seen as equal, the work will be evenly divided between family members, regardless of gender. This way, the work will be more accessible, and everyone will learn the value of working together.

6. Online Feminism vs. Real-Life Feminism

Online feminism vs. Real-life feminism
In this prompt, observe and identify the values of online and real-life feminists

If there is any place where you can easily find a feminist, it’s the internet. From social media to forums, you’ll see various people who identify as feminists and openly talk about feminist theory. Depending on where you live, finding a feminist in the tangible world can take longer. 

When you take this prompt, observe and identify the values of online and real-life feminists. You can ask questions, offer hypothetical situations, and examine the topic with them. Look for the differences in their attitudes and viewpoints, then discuss them in your article.

7. My Take on Feminism

Feminism is concerned with equal rights across all genders. However, those who believe in it have specific reasons for doing so, too. For this prompt, create an article that shares your views on feminism and focuses on the principal ideals that made you want to support the movement.

To give you an idea, you may have experienced or observed sexism at work or know a victim of domestic violence. Recount these events and describe how feminism fights against these injustices. For help editing your articles, we recommend using the best grammar checker. Our round-up profiles these tools and offers discounts.
