Articles About Dreams and Sleep: Top 5 Examples and Prompts

What we dream about affects our sleep quality. Know more about these subjects through our top articles about dreams and sleep, plus prompts to assist you.

While sleep is the best way to rest the brain, dreaming is an overnight therapy. The author of the book, “Why We Sleep,” Matthew Walker, says that people in the REM sleep state forget the strong emotions and problems they face daily and improve their mental health.

However, due to stress, overthinking, and health issues, some people can’t sleep well or often have nightmares. The connection between dreams and sleep is powerful. Creating articles about dreams and sleep is essential to demonstrate this connection. 

5 Article Examples

1. Combining Wake-up-Back-to-Bed With Cognitive Induction Techniques: Does Earlier Sleep Interruption Reduce Lucid Dream Induction Rate? By Daniel Erlacher

“Lucid dreaming offers the chance to investigate dreams from within a dream and by real-time dialogue between experimenters and dreamers during REM sleep. This state of consciousness opens a new experimental venue for dream research.”

Erlacher defines lucid dreaming as a rare state of conscious dreaming that leads to complete control over one’s dreams and memory. The researchers of this article aim to replicate their initial findings on inducing lucid dreams in humans. But, since they included three new adaptations, such as shortening the time or uninterrupted sleep, they failed to do so and generated new conclusions. The researchers conclude that rather than inducing lucid dreams, shortening uninterrupted sleep, and waking time-based periods reduced the formation of this type of dream. 

2. Scientists Engineer Dreams To Understand the Sleeping Brain by Catherine Offord

“… Ancient Egyptians have been known to fast to induce vivid dreams, while scientists, philosophers, and artists have been experimenting for centuries with hashish, opium, and other drugs to conjure dreamy visions in and out of sleep..”

Offord begins her article by introducing a new application called “Dormio” that influences a person’s dreams in their state of hypnagogia, or the switch between being awake and asleep. She also demonstrates other techniques to induce lucidity and other dreams, such as non-invasive brain stimulation. This article shows how dream researchers are keen to manipulate the dream experience and its overall content. 

3. Eye Movements in REM Sleep Mimic Gazes in the Dream World by Anonymous on

“REM sleep — named for the rapid eye movements associated with it — has been known since the 1950s to be the phase of sleep when dreams occur. But the purpose of the eye movements has remained a matter of much mystery and debate.”

This article discusses the relationship between a person’s eye movements to REM sleep. It includes quotes from experts explaining their experiments on mice’s brains to understand the connection better. They conclude that these movements are associated with REM sleep as if they were awake by studying the mice’s head direction cells and eye movements. The writer mentions the researchers’ interest in the brain’s ability to create impossible objects and scenarios. These researchers associate dreams with a perfectly harmonious fake world. 

4. COVID and Sleep: ‘Why Can’t I Sleep and Why Are My Dreams So Vivid?’ by Catherine Evans

“You’ve tried everything – even Google. So why are you still struggling to sleep? The answer could lie in your anxiety about the Covid pandemic, psychologists say, and this could be stopping you from sleeping — or giving you crazy dreams.”

Evan says that during the pandemic and global lockdown, there is a significant increase in people who can’t sleep and are more anxious than in previous statistics. After interviews with experts, she examines that working from home, being on the screen for many hours, and having constant worries about health and finances are the leading causes of lack of sleep and vivid nightmares. She explains that when a person lacks sleep, it puts them at a higher risk of getting sick physically and mentally, but if one has enough sleep, it is entirely the opposite. 

5. When Work Invades Your Sleep Through Your Dreams by Rachel Feintzeig

“A lot of people say work has invaded their sleep, especially during the pandemic, as boundaries have been obliterated and burnout is on the rise.”

Feintzeig’s article focuses on dreams about one’s career, also known as work dreams. She discusses that dreams of sorting files, sitting at a conference table, and calling out orders have various meanings and benefits. If it’s a good dream, it often serves as a tool for problem-solving and realization, but if it is bad, it can result in negative feelings the next day, and the dreamer may feel anxious.

Tip: It’s important to improve the readability score of a piece of writing before publishing it.

7 Prompts To Write Articles About Dreams and Sleep

1. How Does Sleep Create Dreams?

Essays About Dreams and Sleep
In your article, discuss which part of the human brain creates dreams, the processes it goes through, and dream types

In this article, look into how dreams happen. Research brain function during sleep, thinking patterns, and the science behind dreaming. Use this prompt to present your research findings and ensure they are based on experts and studies. Discuss which part of the human brain creates dreams, the processes it goes through, and dream types. Then, rationalize the process of how a person can see the imagined scenarios that are made up by their brain.

2. Interpretation of Recurring Dreams When People Sleep

Falling, losing a tooth, and being chased are recurring dreams that may be linked to underlying issues or trauma. Regardless of the dream’s content, repeated dreams can point to psychological problems the individual must look at. In your article, delve into these scientific-based explanations by presenting studies and doing thorough research. Add tips on how dreamers can stop or prevent these recurring dreams and have a healthier body and mind.

3. Do Dreams Affect Sleep Quality?

There are different types of dreams, such as daydreams, normal dreams, lucid dreams, nightmares, and false awakening dreams. First, explain each type and then confer their common good and harmful effects. For example, a good dream makes a person happy. Compared to nightmares or dreams that a person doesn’t want to have again because they are scary and disturbing. Stress, lack of sleep, and anxiety are just some of the effects of constant nightmares.

4. The Importance of Sleep and Dreams to Health

Having excellent and adequate sleep makes a person healthier, reduces stress, improves mood, and more. Use this prompt to review the meaning of a good night’s sleep and the benefits one gets from it. Show the link between sleep and dreams and expound on the human brain’s need to sleep and dream.

For instance, those with adequate sleep can think more clearly, while dreaming improves creativity. These benefits are essential for creative professionals because a dream can help them envisage highly imaginative ideas and produce fun and exciting content.

5. Does Everyone Who Sleeps Dream?

There are times when people don’t dream. Using this prompt, research why some individuals dream and why others don’t. Discuss the number of people who do and do not dream, how quickly a person dreams, the factors that affect a person not to dream, and identify if this is normal or alarming. You can add some interesting facts, like how visually impaired people dream.

6. The Effect of Stress on Sleep Quality

The effect of stress on sleep quality
In your article, deliberate how stress influences a person’s sleep through relevant studies and experts’ findings

Stress makes it difficult for people to fall asleep, and constant brain activity makes it hard for the brain to relax. Use this prompt to interpret the link between stress and sleep. Deliberate how stress influences a person’s sleep through relevant studies and experts’ findings. Provide practical tips on how readers can relax their minds and have a sound sleep.

7. Why Are Some Dreams Strange?

Some dreams are so strange that they cause sleep disturbances, head-scratching, and confusion. Answer the question prompt in this article and speak about why this situation happens to a person. Then, determine if this is normal and when to see a physician if it becomes constant.For help editing your articles, we recommend using the best grammar checker. Our round-up profiles these tools and offers discounts.
